Chapter 5

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Cosmina's POV

I hadn't really expected to fall for Ryan but I remember his mother always said we would end up together.

I was completely lost in thought as I got ready for my next day of school. Today I have four tests to do today that I was not looking forward to one bit. I pick up my paper and set it on a clipboard to allow me to read while doing my hair. Today was going to be a rough day in general, between tests and worrying about Ryan, I am going to be a mess of stress.

I manage to get out the gates just in time for me to not be early or late. Since I broke up with Zak, I have been trying to avoid bump-ins with him even though its nearly impossible.

I stroll to my class and see something that I despise. Group work. I hate it because I'm either put off to the side with no work or stuck with all of the work. Projects were a big part of my grade and I couldn't risk them sinking because of this.

"As you can see, we are starting a group project that will run from today until finals, that's only a week and a half away so don't think you have a ton of time. Your project is to figure out a way to remember any American historical figure's life from before they were important to when they die. It doesn't have to be huge, just a good way to remember what happened. I will be assigning groups." She announces and gets a response of a whole class of groans. I wasn't too happy either, I would rather pick my group to get out of working with Zak. She begins to read off the list and I soon hear my name, "Cosmina, you will be working with Zak and Lucas for this project." she announced to me. Did she mean Lucas Lucas? The one that used to live here and was Zak's best friend.

I glance around the room and see a semi-familiar face that could have been Lucas. It had been years but he hadn't changed too much.... I was not happy about doing this. Mrs.Young let us meet up with our groups to deliberate and choose who we were going to do, we had until the end of class.

I get up from my seat and walk across the room to meet with Zak and Lucas. I get a bitter smile from Zak, he wasn't happy about this either. At least we are in the same boat.

"What about that Ham guy?" Lucas asks, forgetting his name.

"Do you mean Alexander Hamilton?" I retort back, trying to not die of laughter. He nods in agreement.

We all sat there in silence, each setting out to find information about our chosen figure.

I decide to start with how he started out. I jot down what I know and go from there. I knew he was an orphan and that he was a very influential writer in American history.

"Ding Ding Ding" The bell rings to dismiss us.

I quickly run out of the room and down the hall to my next class, hoping to not run into Lucas again. I always thought he has it out for me and I don't have any reason not to. He was never very friendly even though I had tried to befriend him, every time I would wave at him before he would just shake his head and look away. The only time I ever saw him be kind to anyone was around Zak and Gwen. I always had a suspicion that he had a thing for her, but now he seems to be more cold than ever.

I sit down in my seat and prepare myself for the next three classes of tests before lunch...

*Time Skip since tests aren't interesting*

I stroll down the bustling hall all alone, it's as peaceful as my life gets and its enjoyable. An all too familiar figure runs up to me.

"Hey, since we are working on this project together and we are going to need out of class time, do you want to set up some times for us to do that?" Lucas asks, not really seeming thrilled to see me. I just nod and with that he runs off in the other direction. This couldn't get any better, first a project with Zak ANDDDD Lucas and now needing out of class time, which will super awkward between the three of us.

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