Chapter 6

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Ryan's POV

I trudge through the school building, heading toward my destination. I had decided, this morning, that I would find the person who helped me to thank them. I was grateful that they had actually helped me, even though they probably didn't like me, like most people at school. 

I pull open the nurse's office door and walk over to her small cubicle where she was sitting. I knock on the side of the wall, asking for permission. She nods her head to tell me it's okay to enter.

"Hi, I was wondering who it was that had found me yesterday. I wanted to thank them. If you could, could you give me a name?" I ask politely.

"Her name is Rosemary." She answers simply before going back to her papers. 

I walk out of the room again. So how am I even going to find this girl anyway? I have no idea what year she is in, what her last name is. I just wanted to thank her and I had only one idea. Even so, I was going to find her. One way or another. 

Lost in thought, I amble down the hall. I hit someone's chest while I was not being attentive. They scoff and then walk away.

I approach the classroom and enter. I file in towards my seat in the back of the room. 

(Time skipping to lunch-ish)

I walk into the cafeteria to grab a small lunch.

As I am standing in line, I see a small girl with brunette hair, pointing towards me while talking to one of the girls near her. I quickly look away. I decide to look away before my face turns a light red in embarrassment. 

The two girls approach me.

"Hi, I know you don't remember me or anything, but my name is Rosemary. I was the one who had found you a few days ago. I was wondering if you were doing any better?" She whispered to me. 

"Ryan, pleasure to meet you," she giggles. "I wanted to thank you but I wasn't sure who you were," I finish. I wonder what is so funny. I look her in the eye and she blushes. 

"It's no problem. I couldn't just let you sit there. I am human." She jokes.  

I nod shyly. I didn't know what to say. It was weird to be talking to her, especially since she was acting all weird. 

I go to pay for my food and they follow. After I'm done, I wave to the two and then head outside to get away from all of the people. 

*Time skipping again to the end of the day bc there's nothing interesting*

I walk into the small store to make a quick stop before heading back to the castle for work. 

I pull the door open and walk in. I was looking for a Christmas present for Cosmina since that was coming up in a few days. I found something small, but it was something that I think she will really like.  I pay for the small object with the money I had gotten from my job. If it wasn't for me being a family friend, I wouldn't have that job so I would not have the money to do this.

I really hope she likes this. 

I start toward the castle, not looking forward to having to see Zak getting to work with Cosmina again. It's not that I don't like him, I just know he isn't fond of me which I didn't understand until after she broke up with him. 

I finally reach the gates and press in the button to buzz the intercom. I head ascend to Cosmina's room, it's just like before. I have missed being here, to be honest. I had always envied her, she had everything that I didn't but she always wanted what I had.  

Okay so imma cut this off here bc I wasn't going to have anything interesting happen.

Anyways merry Christmas Eve and look for the Christmas special on Monday (sorry I needed time between all of my busyness

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