Chapter 9

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Cosmina's POV

The wand feels cold in my hand as I twirl it through my eyelashes, coating them a few times. I stare at the reflection in front of me, wondering what would become of any of this. If Zak actually cared or if this was some sick and twisted revenge. 

Every Saturday Zak and I would spend doing something together; whether it be a movie or dinner. 

Today might just be like old times, going to see a movie with Zak , but just as friends this time. The music was amazing, I pulled up the soundtrack last night and fell in love with the warm, jazzy voices.

I grab my coat from my bed and close the door behind me. 

"Hey, if you're heading out, don't forget to get someone to come with you," Ryan runs up behind me.

"I'm going out with Zak for a movie, I'll be fine," I continue to walk down the hall.

"Cosmina, you can't be so trusting. Something could happen and no one would be there," He reaches to grab my hand before I leave.

"Ryan, please just let it go. It's one time, what's the harm?" I open the door and step out.

"Cosmina, there is no exception to this. I won't risk it and be the reason that something happens to you," He continues to stop me. 

"Fine, just don't interfere," Zak is already here and waiting when I get outside.

"Hey Mina, what's he doing? I thought it was just the two of us?" He asks.

"So did I, until someone insisted that I had to have someone with us," With that he drives off. 


Throughout the movie Zak kept looking over at me and staring, smiling. I pretended not to notice. 

Ryan sat at the other end of the row, watching us like a hawk. I couldn't enjoy myself as much as I wanted to because of it. 

We walk outside of the theater both talking about how amazing the movie was. 

"Thank you for inviting me, I had a great time tonight. We should really do this more often again. I'm sorry about Ryan, I didn't want him to come, he insisted that he come." He reaches for my hands and I don't pull away. 

"Yeah, how about next Saturday? Maybe with someone other than Ryan or no one?" Zak suggests. I laugh lightly and nod. 

The two of us walk towards Zak's car with Ryan tagging behind us. 

Water started to freckle my face and arms, a shiver goes down my spine.  I put my arm in the sleeve of my favorite jacket, and then the other. The warmth envelopes my body and comforts me. 

I sit down in the passenger seat of the car. The car roars to life and Zak sets off towards our destination. 


I change into a fresh pair of pajamas and take off my mascara. I walk across the room and to my bed. My bed surrounds cushions me like a cloud from heaven, the blankets comfort me. 

Tap Tap Tap at the door

"Come in," I yell wondering who would be knocking at this time. 

An all-too-familiar figure enters the room, shying up when I look up from the television. 

"Hey, my dad wanted to know if you would join us for dinner tonight but you look like you're already pretty comfortable," Ryan stares fiddles with his hands.

"I think I can get dressed for some of Nathan's cooking, give me like five minutes," I say and shoo him out of the room. 

I grab a plain white sweater, my favorite sapphire and maroon blanket scarf, cobalt skinny jeans and tan boots , put on my shoes and grab my jacket on the way out. 

"That was fast for the girl who usually takes foreevveerr to get ready," He laughs. 

He's holding the same familiar, emerald jacket that I had given to him for Christmas. A pang of sadness strikes me, remembering that we were no longer together. 

The two of us walk together in silence down the glossy, marble halls. We are walking so close that our hands brush together every so often.  We step out onto the sidewalk and into the freezing winter weather.

The wind cools my pale skin, as I attempt to put on my maroon jacket with white fur on the inside, but cannot  reach my right arm into the sleeve. Ryan stops walking and stands behind me, helping me get my arm into my sleeve. He gently pats my shoulders. I thank him and blush. 

These days I don't get much time to be outside for more than a few seconds, so I enjoy every second of walking back to Ryan's house. I take a deep breath in of the fresh air and exhale. The trees line the streets and the lights paint the sidewalk a perfect ember color as we walk. 

We reach the familiar house that used to be my real home, before the accident. Ryan leads me down the cobblestone path that reached his house. He opens the door and lets me inside, him following in after. 

Nathan approaches from the kitchen, his shirt is caked in flour. He smiles at me and walks up to me to pull me into a big hug. 

"Hey I'm so glad you could make it. I know it was short notice, but I made you're favorite: pepperoni Stromboli," My eyes light up at this, instantly becoming ecstatic, nothing could match Nathan's Stromboli. 

There's a timer going off in the kitchen and Nathan dashes out of room, leaving Ryan and I alone. The two of us sit on the couch.

I turn to Ryan, looking into his forest green eyes, "Ryan are you doing okay? Since we have broken up and all, I've noticed you are acting more detached than usual." I had noticed that his eyes were constantly puffy and underlined with dark purple lines, but I wasn't going to tell him this. 

"Mina, can we please talk about this another time? My dad is in the other room and he can probably hear this conversation that we are having right now," He whispers and detaches his eyes from mine.

"Fine, but this isn't the last we are speaking of this. When we get back okay? I am concerned about you," I reach for his hand and then think differently about it. He reaches for my hand and grabs it gently. 

"Dinner is ready and on the table," Nathan comes into the room and Ryan drops my hand. 

Nathan leads us into the well lit dining room and the table is adorned with Stromboli, breads, and butter dishes. Their eggplant table cloth cloaked the table and the ivory plates are set at each spot. Nathan pulls out a chair for me and pushes it in when I sit down. I smile up at him. 

"Ladies first," Nathan passes me the plate of fresh Stromboli. I cut off a piece of it and place it on plate. I hand it to Ryan and wait for both of them to get their food. Once they both their food I cut off a piece and put it into my mouth. 

My mouth is sparked with flavor when the food hits my tongue. The well done bread that is dusted with Parmesan is tender. The gooey mozzarella melts in my mouth. The chewy, spicy pepperoni awakens my taste buds.

After I have finished chewing, I compliment Nathan on his cooking, "Nathan, this is amazing, as always. Thank you so much." 

"Thank you, it's no problem Cosmina. I love having you over and I've missed seeing you around," He smiles up at me from across the table. 


After dinner is over I gather up the plates from the table and put them in the sink before I have to head back to the castle.

Ryan and I walk in an awkward silence back to the castle, the pitch black sky above and the trees surrounding us. 

When we reach the castle the two of us go upstairs and Ryan stands outside. Before I step inside, I grab his hand and pull him inside. 

"Ryan, what's going on," I ask looking him in his emerald eyes.


Okay so I'm sorry this has been long overdue and this is short but I have my reasons for it being short. As for it being super late, I have been busy with school, dance and spending time with my friends and family. 

Also thank you for 20 reads <3

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