
175 9 4

Gem Moralle



"8, 9, 10, ready or not here I come!" My best friend screamed from across the park. 

I watched Jesse try to find me as he searched around the park. I was hiding underneath a slide farther down the park. Where else would you expect a ten year old to hide? Jesse got nearer and nearer to where I was hiding. I saw his feet underneath the slide. Hoping he wouldn't find me, Jesse turned around and walked away, I feeling relieved. 

"Found ya!" Someone screamed from behind. My heart jumped. I looked at Jesse in the eyes who was smiling, proud that he won the game. "I won and you lose," he mocked. 

I walked out from beneath the slide and stood next to Jesse. "You may have won this time, but I'll win next," I said. 

Just as we were going for another round of hide and seek, our mothers started to call us. It was time to go and we both knew we couldn't change their minds. 

"Can we come back tomorrow?" Jesse asked looking up at his mother. 

"Yes," she said. "Come on lets get going. It's getting late." Jesse's mother said hurrying Jesse. 

"I'll see you again tomorrow," he said before leaving. 

"Okay, bye see you tomorrow," I waved to him as he left the park. 

My mother took my hand as we crossed the street to get to our car. 

Who knew that was the last time I had ever seen Jesse.  

Gem MoralleWhere stories live. Discover now