Chapter 1 - Is That Really You?

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Gem Moralle


Chapter 1 - Is That Really You?

7 years later

The school bell rang dismissing everyone to lunch. I quickly gathered my stuff and exited the classroom into the noisy hallway. It was hard walking through the crowd of people in the hallway. Everyone was screaming and pushing through people. When I finally reached my locker I quickly unlocked it. I took my time to gather my things, it's not like I had anyone waiting for me. I haven't made any friends still, after being here for two weeks. Everyone had their own groups of friends, they didn't need someone new to join them. I have talked to some people here and there, but not enough to get to know them. I guess it's a new girl thing.

Once the hallway cleared up, I grabbed my lunch and shut my locker. I slowly walked to the cafeteria where there were loud teenagers shouting from across the room. I sat at the same table I have been sitting at since the first day of school. No one sat here, well except for me. I took out my sandwich and began to eat it. I quietly looked around the cafeteria observing the scene.

At one table there sat a group of girls that I like to call the Popular Troublemakers. They're friends with everybody and for some reason everyone loves them. Well not everyone because I'm not too fond of them. They are the people that like to cause trouble for everything, and are two faced. First they're nice to you and the next minute they are talking bad about you behind your back.

At another table sat a group of three boys. They are kind of popular, sport crazy, and sneaker obsessed. I guess you can say they were attractive too. I haven't really paid much attention to them. At another table sat, what you would call the Smart Group. They were four girls that are smart, never gave trouble to anybody, and always minded they're business. That's a group that is more for me. I have talked to them a few times and they seemed pretty cool. They were extremely nice and one of them is funny.

At the final table sat, what some people call Nerds. They actually aren't nerds though, because some of them are cool with everyone. It was three boys and one girl that liked to talk about superheroes and comics. Then you had other people that weren't really in a specific group. One day they are with the popular people and then the next day they are talking about superheroes. They seem to jump around with the groups.

Once I finished my sandwich, I got up to throw away the paper bag and an empty water bottle. There was probably half an hour left until my next class. In the mean time, I decided to read a book to spare some time. A few times I looked up at the group of boys who have been turning their heads at my direction. I started to wonder what they were talking about. A part of me wanted to go up to them and ask what was entertaining them so much, but I decided to mind my own business and not start a fuss.

One of the guys got up from the table and started to make his way towards me. He wasn't possibly coming to me. He was probably going to visit another table or throw away something. Why would he come here, to talk to me? Yeah, right.

He sat down across from me. He didn't say anything at first, he only observed me. He had black hair that was in a low quiff. His eyes were a dark, hazelnut brown. Something about him was oddly familiar to me. Have I seen him before? Of course I did, I see him every morning. We have English together, but I never paid much attention to him until now.

"Hey." He said in a low voice, "my name is Jesse. You're the new girl, right? Eva?" He asked but I think he already knew the answer.

His name ringed a bell. Jesse, where have I heard that name before? There are a lot of people named Jesse in the world. "Umm yeah my name is Eva." I said shyly. I was always shy in front of new people.

Gem MoralleWhere stories live. Discover now