Chapter 6 - Voices

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Gem Moralle

Chapter 6 - Voices

Damien jerked awake startling the housemaid. His eyes were blood shot red, he made them worse by rubbing them. Damien was trying to figure out what his dream meant. Thrill was racing through his body he couldn't wait to tell Trent the news.

Trent was the leader of an inhuman clan, also is Damien. Besides being leaders, they are also close friends. They both rule the same clan - telling them what to do and order them to search for the Green Gem, but that search has stopped since there wasn't any hope in finding the one

But now that search may begin once again because of what Damien has dreamt. It was a sign, perhaps a hint, to what he and Trent and hundreds of others have been looking for. 

Damien quickly summoned the housemaid, "Veronica!"

The maid rushed into Damien's room shortly after hearing him call for her. She didn't want him waiting. "Yes Master Damien?" Veronica asked politely. 

"Call Trent quickly, it's an urgent matter," Damien told her as he was changing his shirt. 

Veronica went to the nearest phone and dialed in Trent's number with her slim fingers. Her reddish hair was covering most of her face. She handed the phone to Damien; it was still ringing when he put the phone next to his ear. 

Trent was currently on vacation in Greece, so Damien wasn't sure he would answer. After a few more rings he finally answered. 

"Bro missed me already?" Trent screamed through the phone. 

"Trent I have news. I'm afraid you have to end your trip early." Damien said not answering his question. It was quiet at the other end of the phone. Trent was obviously waiting for the news. "I think I have found the one." 


I opened my eyes to find myself staring at a white ceiling. I tried to get up but a pain in my head stopped me. My eyelids were getting heavy and all I wanted to do was sleep, but first I wanted to know where I was and what happened. Last thing I remember is I was on my way to Jesse's house. I tried to get up again, this time succeeding. I laid my back to the pillows and I then noticed I was in the hospital, but why? 

"Don't force your self too much," I familiar voice said. 

I turned my head, feeling more pain rush to my head, and saw Blake sitting in one of the chairs. He then stood up and walked to the foot of the hospital bed; which was very uncomfortable. Everything about the hospital was uncomfortable. The smell, the people, the way it looks, even the doctors and nurses. I'm not very fond of the hospital.

"What happened?" I asked putting a hand to my for head to only discover that my temple was bandaged up. 

Blake let out a sigh, "you were at Jesse's place." He crossed his arms and stood up straight. "I don't exactly know what happened but he called me and he was panicking. He said you passed out and that he was at the hospital with you, so I quickly drove here." I didn't recall these events. 

"Is mom here?" 

"No, she couldn't leave work?" He didn't seem to be in a very happy mood. It looked like he was mad, either at me or at Jesse. It was silent after that. My head was hurting and my whole body felt as if I was running for hours. All I wanted to do at this minute was sleep. "What happened to your side?" Blake asked so suddenly. 

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