It hurts i know.

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*Lilly's POV*

I smiled seeing Tinley run into my room and onto my bed. She smiled climbing underneath my blankets snuggling close to me.

"Whatcha doing Tin?" I giggled.

"Lilly, dad's here." Arabella said making me nod.

"I'll be down in a second." I smiled.

(In case you forgot, Arabella is Louis and Shelby's daughter)

Ara nodded as she left going downstairs. I picked Tinley up and kissed her cheek as I walked downstairs.

"Dad?" Arabella asked. "Are you okay?"

"I need you two to pack a bag." Louis sighed wiping his tears.

"Why what's wrong? I can't just leave my work." I frowned.

"Lilly, this is important. I'm giving you permission off. Go pack a bag now." Shelby said taking Tinley from me.

"You guys are scaring me." I said.

"It'll be okay, just pack your bags for a couple days okay?" Harry asked hugging me.

I nodded glancing at Arabella. She sighed not sure what to think.

"Come on you can use some of my bags." I smiled small.

Arabella sighed nodding her head as we packed. I quickly texted Garret letting him know I was going out of town for a couple of days not sure what was really going on though.

"You ready?" Ara asked rolling her suitcase in.

"Yeah." I nodded.

We walked downstairs together being attacked in a huge hug from our siblings.

"Seriously what's going on?" Arabella asked.

"Take a seat." Louis sighed.

Ara and I sat down beside each other holding each other's hand for support.

"Dad what's wrong?" Arabella asked.

"Remember when nan was diagnosed with leukemia?" Louis asked making us nod. "Well, she passed away this morning."

"No." I gulped.

Louis sobbed bringing us two into a huge hug as we both started crying.

"Is that what your song was about?" Ara asked sniffling a bit.

"Yeah." Louis nodded. "I'm doing a tribute performance on xfactor. I want you guys there."

"Okay. Will there be a funeral?" Ara asked.

"Yes, the day after my performance on xfactor." Louis nodded.

Arabella sighed nodding her head. We walked out to the car and put our things away before getting in the car. I sat upfront beside dad.

"Who are you talking to?" Dad asked.

"My other dad. I told him to log into my laptop and send a paper to my teacher. I was going to do it later but then I had to leave with you." I said.

"What's the paper on?" Dad asked.

"Oh it's an auto biography about me. Although I feel like maybe I should update it, but then again I have to remember we're famous and people know a lot about us already." I said making him nod.

"Ara, are you okay back there?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I was texting a friend. Are we going straight to the xfactor studio?" She asked.

"Yeah and then after that we are going back to grandmas." Dad nodded.

"Okay." She smiled small. "I miss her already dad."

"I know you do. I do too." He sighed.

Soon enough we made it to the xfactor studio. We got out and walked inside. I saw Uncle Si talking to Lou. I glanced at dad and he nodded at me. I walked over to Simon hugging him.

"Oh Lilly." Simon sighed hugging me tightly.

"I miss her so much." I sniffled.

"I know I'm so sorry for you guys is there anything I can do?" Simon asked.

"We're good thank you though.' Dad sighed.

"Okay, the show is getting ready to start. Girls you two can sit front row with family. The guard will allow you up after your dads performance." Simon said making us nod.

We sat down and watched dads performance. I sniffled as we watched it. Dad is so unbelievably talented it's amazing.

"Simon I assume you want to say something?" Ryan asked.

"Yes but first let his girls up on the stage." Simon said.

Elizabeth, Ara, and I all walked up onto the stage with the help of the guards. I looked out into the crowed seeing aunt Lottie with her kids.

"Lilly you look pale are you okay?" Ryan asked.

"I'll be fine. May just be a little dehydrated." I said as I stood beside dad.

"We'll get you some Powerade when we go back to my dressing room." Dad whispered making me nod.

"Louis, wow seeing you now from where I did when we first met is unbelievable. I don't only respect you as a artist but as a man and a father." Simon said making me look up at dad hugging him.

"Thank you." Dad said.

"Your mum was a great person Louis, she's so proud of you beyond measures. You're continuing to make her proud everyday. We love you." Simon said.

Dad nodded. "I love you guys too."

"Our greatest wishes are with you and your family in this time of need. And now off to the break we'll be right back after this." Ryan said.

Dad sighed bringing us kids into a group hug. "Thank you guys for coming with."

"Thank you got bringing us dad." We said.

Hiya guys! I hope you liked this! Sorry for ending it here but if I kept going the chapter would've never ended haha! But please vote and comment thank you!! Not the best video but it's the best I could get of the performance just incase you weren't able to watch it!

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