Like they'd listen to me

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*Lillys POV*

So when I thought staying at Harry's for a bit was a good idea, I was wrong. So very wrong. I love my dad don't get me wrong but ever since addy told dad about mum cheating on him it's been constant fights about who's right or wrong. To be honest it shouldn't even matter. Anyways, I'm sitting in Harry's office working on some homework. It's Garret's weekend with the twins. He'll be getting them later though. Yeah I said it. Weekend and I'm one nervous momma.

"Lilly can you make them stop?" Eliot asked.

"Like they'd listen to me." I dryly laughed.

"Seriously though this is starting to get annoying." Eliot sighed sitting down on the couch.

"I completely agree with you on that. That's why I was so willing to give the twins to Garret for the weekend." I said.

"You need to treat yourself out too lil." Eliot said.

"Thanks Eliot but there's no way that'll happen. All of my money is going to the twins." I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Talk to dad, you know he won't mind." Eliot said.

"I just don't want to interrupt what's going on down there." I sighed.

"It'll be fine Lilly." Eliot said.

"I guess so." I shrugged walking downstairs.

"Stop Harry! I didn't cheat on you!" Shelby yelled.

"Shelby I heard the recording." Harry said.

"Who the fuck gave our kids electronics?" Shelby asked.

I rolled my eyes walking into the kitchen.

"Dad can I have some money? I'd really like to get my hair done but all of my money goes to the twins." I asked.

"Not now Lilly. It's not the time." Shelby snapped.

"Dad seems to not be interested in this. If you just worked while at work maybe this wouldn't be an issue." I said.

"Lilly Marie Styles-Tomlinson." Shelby gasped hitting me really hard with a pan.

*Harry's POV*

I gasped seeing Lilly fall to the ground from the impact. I quickly got by her side before looking at Shelby.

"Get out of my house." I snapped.

"Harry I-" Shelby said.

"Now!" I yelled.

"Dad take her to the hospital. We have the kids." Darcy said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"We will be fine. She needs you." Darcy said.

I nodded and picked Lilly up carrying her out to my car. I laid her in the backseat. I know not the safest thing in the world but what can you expect? I sighed as I got upfront dialing Louis's number.

"Hey Harry what's up?" Louis asked.

"Meet me at the hospital." I gulped.

"Why? What happened?" Louis asked.

"Shelby hit Lilly with a pan. It knocked her unconscious." I sniffled.

"Shit I'm on my way." Louis sighed.

"Alright. Bye." I sighed.

I pulled into the hospital and was able to quickly get Lilly a room. They were currently taking her to get a few X-rays done and a head Ct.

"Where is she?" Louis asked.

"Getting checked out they'll call us back in about forty five minutes." I sighed.

"Does Garret know?" Louis asked.

"Nope. Should I call him?" I asked.

"She's the mother of his children. I would just to be on the safe side." Louis sighed making me nod.

I got out Lilly's phone and called Garret.

"Hey Lilly I'm at work what's up?" Garret asked.

"It's Harry, I wouldn't be calling if it wasn't important." I said.

"Oh, are the babies okay?" Garret asked.

"Yeah they're great. This concerns Lilly. There was an accident with Shelby. We are at the hospital now." I said.

"Okay I'm on my way. What happened?" Garret asked.

"Shelby hit Lilly across the face with a pan." I gulped.

"Oh my god. I know she's your wife and the only mum Lilly's ever really had but I don't want her near the twins." Garret said.

"Louis and I don't either. Not anymore, I'm sure Lilly will agree once she wakes up." I said.

"Well I'll be there soon. I got to go I don't really like talking on the phone while driving." Garret said.

"Alright I'll see you soon." I said hanging up.

*Lilly's POV*

I groaned waking up seeing a doctor looking at my X-rays.

"How bad?" I asked.

"You have a broken jaw, luckily it's in the joint so you don't need any wiring or anything like that. We want it to heal on its own." He said.

"Great." I sighed. "Anything else I should know?"

"Yes, you are beings put on a soft food diet." He said.

"Will that effect me feeding my kids?" I asked.

"No, not too much." He said.

"Thanks can you tell my dads all of this?" I asked.

"Of course." The doctor said as he left.

I sighed seeing Garret walk in.

"Please please please don't take the babies from me. I didn't think this was going to happen." I said.

"I won't, your dad told me everything." Garret said sitting down beside me.

"Oh. Well that's good I suppose." I said. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." He nodded looking at me.

"Do, do you ever miss us?" I asked.

Garret sighed. "Lilly, we weren't good for each other."

"Right." I sighed.

Hey guys I hope you liked it! Just a little change up, maybe more drama??? What do you guys want to see? Please let us know!! Btw, the picture at the top is the doctor telling Harry and Louis the news!

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