Youre a great friend

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*Lilly's POV*

So I actually allowed Garret to keep the twins overnight. I'm anxious to see how it went to be honest. I'm currently at dads. I got to catch up on some needed sleep.

"When are you going to get the twins?" Louis asked as I ate my breakfast.

"Not sure." I shrugged. "He said he'd let me know."

"I was shocked when you let him keep them." Louis said.

"You and me both, but Garret was right I needed the extra sleep." I said.

"You look much healthier." Louis said making me smile.

"I feel a lot better too." I grinned as my phone buzzed.

"Hey dad what's up?" I asked putting it on speaker.

"Nothing really. Have you talked to your grandmother?" He asked.

"Not recently. Was I supposed to?" I asked.

"No well I mean it's good that you keep contact with her but she's in town." Harry said.

"Dad." I groaned. "She doesn't know about the Shelby incident."

"I know. Anyways we are having a family get together tomorrow. She wants to see you and the twins." Harry said.

"What time?" I asked taking a bite of my yogurt.

"Four." Harry said.

"Alright yeah we will be there." I said.

"Okay I just wanted to let you know what was going on. I'll talk to you later." Harry said.

"Okay bye." I said hanging up.

Louis chuckled. "That should be fun."

"All she does anymore is question me about my love life. It's annoying." I sighed. "She wants me to get back with Garret claiming it'd be better for the kids. But I think that it's better that we coparent. We are better off as friends."

"Well tell her that." Louis said.

"I've tried dad." I said seeing Garret text.

"I got to go get them. He wants to talk first though." I said.

"Alright be careful. I love you." Louis said.

"I love you too." I smiled as I got up and grabbed my keys before walking out the door.

I drove to Garret's house and pulled into his driveway before getting out and knocking on the door.

"Come in!" Garret called out.

"Hey, how were they?" I asked walking in.

"Good. Slept a lot." Garret said making me laugh as I sat down on the couch.

"They do that and then decide that it's cool to wake me up at night." I said.

Garret chuckled and nodded. "They did that too. So what's going on with Shelby?"

"I haven't talked to her and I don't want to." I sighed.

"I understand, how are you healing?" Garret asked.

"Good I suppose. Still a little bruised but it's to be expected." I sighed.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Garret asked.

"No thank you. You do so much for me already." I said.

"Okay." Garret said.

"Are you okay like after everything that's happened?" I asked bringing my knees up to my chest.

"Yeah. I know we aren't together but when your dad told me something happened I about died." Garret sighed. "I was so scared."

"It means a lot to me that you were there." I said. "It just shows not only are you a good father but you're a great friend."

"Thanks lil." Garret smiled.

"Babe?" Jessica asked walking in.

"Quiet. The twins are asleep and I'm talking to Lilly." Garret said.

"Oh hey Lilly, how are you?" Jessica asked sitting beside me.

"Good. Well rested too." I smiled.

"That's great." Jessica smiled. "Are you with anyone?"

"I'm not really interested right now to be honest. So I haven't been looking. I'm going to school, working and then coming home to be a mum." I shrugged.

"Well thankfully the school year is almost over so you can focus on yourself too." Jessica smiled. "You deserve it."

"Thank you. I truly can't wait for summer." I smiled at the thought.

"We can't either." Garret laughed.

Hey guys, I feel as if this chapter has sucked so for that I am truly sorry. Please comment and vote anyways! How was your day? How's school? How's life?? Lol! We love you guys so much!

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