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*Lilly's POV*

I sighed as I got dressed for today. I brushed out my hair letting it stay in it's wavy state before touching up my makeup. (Outfits on the top) I sighed looking in the mirror before walking to the nursery. Cps will be here today we are just acting like it's any other day. I'll give them a tour of the house, show them my car and answer some questions. Hopefully it goes as planned because I'm not able to give up my babies.

"Hello my little angels!" I cooed seeing them both awake.

I gently picked them both up and walked over to the rocking chair so I could feed them using the pillow. I texted Louis to have him come up and help burp them in a few minutes.

"You okay? You look upset." Louis said.

"I'm nervous and upset my birth mum would do this to me. I love them." I sighed unlatching Candice and giving her to him.

"I understand that." Louis nodded. "Don't we baby? You look just like your mummy it's crazy."

I smiled watching him with her before unlatching Cameron so I could burp him.

"Are you bringing them downstairs?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, they love their rockers." I nodded as I got up walking downstairs.

I laid Candice in her rocker and buckled her up before turning it on. Cps knocked on the door making me sigh. I stood up and walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hey, you must be cps. I'm Lilly come on in." I said politely.

"Thank you, how are you today?" They asked.

"Great, just got done nursing the babies. How are you?" I smiled.

"Good, so do you want to give us the tour?" The lady asked.

"Of course, this is the living room. Hey dad can you watch the twins?" I asked.

"Yeah, its no problem." Dad smiled.

"Alright, so since the main concern is the babies I thought the best thing is to show you where they spend a lot of their time. First up is the nursery." I said going upstairs.

I opened the door to the nursery and let them in.

"Wow you already have safety bumpers on their crib. They can't even roll yet." The lady said.

"I wanted to get them just in case they learned early." I smiled softly.

"How do they get fed?" The guy asked.

"I breast feed them." I answered.

"The room is beautiful. Where else do they spend a lot of time at?" The lady asked.

"My bedroom, it's right across the hall." I said leading them to it.

"How do they sleep in here?" The guy asked.

"Well it depends on how they're feeling. I have loads of pillows they sleep between on my bed with me most of the time. Or they sleep in their carriers. Sometimes they just prefer it." I said.

"I completely understand that my kids were like that as babies." The guy said.

"So you're in high school correct?" The lady asked.

"Yes mam." I nodded. "I took a maternity leave. I go back when they're six weeks old."

"Where will they go while you're in school?" She asked.

"Daycare, my dads showed me this wonderful place where they have kids of all ages. Obviously they'll be in the nursery section though." I smiled.

"Good to hear. You seem to have it all figured out as a teen parent. I couldn't possibly take the children away from you. You're a great mum, it shows that you love them dearly." The lady said.

"Oh my god I could so hug you right now but I don't think that's appropriate for the circumstances." I said making her laugh.

"Hugs are welcome. I have a tough job of taking kids away from their families. Not many good days like this." She said.

"Thank you so much for giving me a chance." I smiled gratefully hugging her.

"Anytime dear, how was your child hood?" She asked me.

"Not the best. Well actually it was great when my mum dropped me off at my fathers doorstep. He brought me in and took care of me without a second thought. But my life before that was hard." I said.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea. That makes me wonder why your birth mum called cps on you." She said.

"I was wondering the same thing." I mumbled.

Hello my little darlings! I hope you liked this chapter. I thought it was a great twist! Please vote and comment thank you so much!

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