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I knew a fight was about to break out, not only because Tori had been salty all day and Jade had refused to listen to her, but because I had dreamt about it.

Tori, captain of the Star City Hawks girls lacrosse team, had been in a mood this week. And Jade was being stubborn as always.

So when Tori picked up her stick and shot a glare at Jade I had to step in.

"Sorry to interrupt you killing Jade, but are you sure that's the best decision?" I asked

"Stay out of this newbie." Tori said.

"I've been here longer than half the girls!" I replied angered.

That part was true, it had been three months since tryouts in January where I was let on to the team immediately but we had just started up practice two weeks ago which was the majority of the girls joined.

Aster Academy was great, my foster family was great, Chris was okay, still recovering after losing his brother. I was great I had finally out my life back together in full. Oliver hadn't let me go out on vigilante mission since the first time, although my night visions (or 'Knight visions' as our family friend Cisco called them) persisted. Mom was great, besides her terrible morning sickness, the baby, who I knew the sex of but Felicity wouldn't let me tell her, was fine too. We discovered that sometimes my night visions lie, because nothing could be that easy.

Anyways, back to the fight.
As far as I understood Tori was the alpha, she had made it to the top and earned her spot there from three years prior experience on the same team. Although she was pretty violent, the reason for the majority of our fouls, and overly competitive, if you had Tori on your team you were guaranteed to win.

"Rich bitch." I heard her mumble. I rolled my eyes, wouldn't be the first time I was called that.

"While you're at it why don't you buy some better insults." I said pulling a ten dollar bill out of my waistband and offering it to her. "And go ahead, fight Jade, see what happens to your position as captain." Tori took the ten dollar bill out of my hand and walked off the field, still holding her lacrosse stick.

Charlotte, one of our three defenders ran from where she was packing up her gear on the bleachers.

"Nice job." She patted my back. "Great comeback too. Someone needed to put her in her place."

"Thanks Charlie." I replied. "She actually did take my ten bucks though."

"Don't worry," Charlie continued as we walked towards the parking lot away from the field. "She'll give it back at practice Friday, and apologize."

I nodded. "It's fine though, she can keep it, it just surprised me." I paused. "You need a ride or anything?" I asked.

"Thanks but I'm walking." Charlotte politely declined.

"Okay see you tomorrow." I waved as we started off in opposite directions.

Charlotte, or Charlie, Ceas was the only girl on my lacrosse team who also went to Aster. We had some stuff in common, enough to make us fast friends at least.

I opened the trunk of the car and threw in my black duffel bag my embroidered monogram MME facing outwards. As I was closing the trunk Felicity rolled down the window.

"Hey Mel," she called. "Can you drive?"

"Sure." I replied as mom opened the driver side door and switched for the passenger seat, showing off her now noticeable baby bump.

I took my place in the front seat and started the car. "You can't wear that sweatshirt forever." I told her.

"I can and I will wear this until this baby stops making me sick." Felicity replied. "How was practice?"

"Fine, we ran suicides and I broke up a fight." I answered pulling out of the parking lot. "You craving anything? Because I'm hungry."

"Baby wants a milkshake. And you did what?"

"Oh, yeah, Tori was being salty and was about to pick a fight with Jade so I told her it was best to stand down, and surprisingly she actually did."

My mom smiled. "I'm proud of you, Mel." She said. "I think baby wants a piece of cheesecake too."

"Thanks, I just didn't want anyone to get hurt. And, are you sure you don't want to know the gender?" I asked.

"Melissa Elizabeth, I swear if you tell me or Oliver, or even hint it, I'm having strong enough mood swings to stab you and not feel guilty." Felicity rambled.

"Sorry." I said. "Let's get you and baby some cheesecake and a milkshake."


I left my lacrosse gear in the garage and started right away on homework, it was a Wednesday night and Oliver was off arrow-ing, which he had completely cut Felicity off from once he found out she was pregnant, so I had to balance taking care of mom, doing my schoolwork and having a social life.

I was in the middle of my weekly face time with Chris and was attempting to write a short essay for my English class.

"So how's life in Central?" I asked Chris as soon as he picked up.

"Okay, I guess." He said pushing hair out of his face. "I'm almost positive my parents are divorcing, though."

"That really sucks." I said frowning.

"But how's Felicity and company?"

I smiled. "Five months into nine month endeavor that'll be the death of me."

"That bad, huh?" He asked.

"Like think of me, on my period, for nine months straight but stronger mood swings and more cravings and constantly complaining." I explained

"Damn." Chris replied. "In other news the flash has been spending more time in Star lately, although green arrow's been on and off around Star."

"Don't cuss." I scolded him. "And how do you know that?" Okay so I still hadn't told Chris that I had been thrown into a foster family that are the local vigilantes. I hadn't told him I was a meta with superpowers either.

"I follow a few stalkerish blogs." Chris replied. "How's lacrosse and Aster?"

"Lacrosse is good, you should come to our game next weekend, it's the first of the season. Aster's good too, lots of tech work."

"I will come to your lacrosse game as long as you come to and help me host and plan my birthday party."

"Great, I'll text you the details, but for your birthday I need a budget and an approximate amount of people"

Chris was about to answer me as I saved my essay and Felicity yelled from the family room.

"Mel something smells!" She called. This meant the start of a ritual of starting the laundry, taking out the trash and running around the house spraying air freshener.

"I have to go, see ya soon." I told Chris, he waved and I ended the call.

» hey guys!! I'm back with book two!!!!!! I'm honestly so excited for this book it's a whole lot better than the first one in my opinion. Any who how are you guys, I feel like it's been a while since I've interacted with a reader so comment! Also go follow my fan account hollys.heroes on instagram! I'm currently celebrating pride month on there so I'm excited. Yeah, happy pride month too! Love y'all!

» holly

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