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I had finally been aloud to go home. It kind of sucked, because I didn't have my prosthetic made yet so I couldn't walk up the stairs. Thus I was just using crutches until today when I had what I had deemed the 'LIT' meeting.

The LIT meeting was composed of the three powerhouse companies that I had ties to and that had agreed to help create me a practically perfect left leg. These three companies were the Knight Research Institute, Palmer Technologies and Scientific and Technological Advanced Research Laboratories, or S.T.A.R. Labs. To nickname it the LIT meeting all I did was take the last word of each companies name and make an acronym out of them all.

L - star labs

I - knight research institute

T - palmer technologies (which Felicity refused to have changed to smoak technologies no matter how much it came up in meetings)

So of course the lit meeting was lit.

It started with Felicity Barry and I all standing at the front of a board room. The board room was pretty full, there were five representatives from each company including Barry Felicity and I.

S.T.A.R. Labs had brought Barry, Cisco, Caitlin HR Randolf, and Chris (at my request). Plamer Tech had brought Felicity, Curtis, Doug Miller, Ned Foster, and Oliver (also at my request)they had also invited Ray, the original ceo of Palmer Tech, but he had failed to show up. From the research institute I had brought myself, Jen, Cassidy, Lizzie and Chase.

Yeah, Chase was kind of an asshole the first time I met him, but he was a really smart guy and did a lot for the company.

"So." Barry started off. "I'm Barry Allen, I'm CEO of S.T.A.R. Labs." He paused "I brought Cisco Ramon; mechanical engineer, Caitlin Snow; biomedical engineer, HR Randolf; public relations, and Chris Kingsley; executive assistant." Everyone smiled and waved as Barry introduced them.

Felicity picked up "I'm Felicity Smoak, and I'm the chief executive officer or CEO of Palmer Tech." She said adjusting her glasses. "This is my team Curtis Holt; design innovation, Doug Miller; applied sciences, Ned Foster; chief operating officer and Oliver Queen, my husband and Palmer Tech shareholder."

"Which makes me Melissa Marks, current CEO of the Knight Research Institute." I said. "I brought with me Jen Barnett; executive assistant, Cassidy Pearce; public relations, Lizzie Caron; Physiology and Chase Terry." I paused. "I'm sorry, Chase what do you actually do?" I asked.

"Mircoengineering." the dark haired twenty something replied rolling his eyes. "And not to start a fight or anything but why do we need the publicity reps here? Or the assistants? And having a shareholder here doesn't serve any purpose."

"This is a public collaboration." Felicity explained. "Everyone here is crucial to the success of this project." She said.

"Anyway." Barry said. "This is what we have so far." He started up a power point that gave requirements that a prosthetic for me would have to meet. After the power point everyone got a printed copy of all the text.

"I made contact with Ray a few days ago, and he said S.T.A.R. Labs had done something similar to this in another timeline." Felicity said. "But that was also thirty years in the future."

"So you know the requirements." I said. "Work together build me a prosthetic leg so I can walk again. Felicity and Barry will be working with you guys, however my knowledge on this stuff is limited. And in case you're wondering you're all getting paid, and if you have questions feel free to come ask me."

Chris was the first to come up and confront me. He hugged me and I smiled back not being able to hug him while on crutches.

"I'll be right back." he said. "I left my jacket in the lobby." I nodded.

Chase stood up and approached me. "How much exactly are we getting paid for this." I rolled my eyes.

"Sit back down, Chase." I said. "Come back with an actual question."

Next it was Oliver who stood next to me at the front of the room. "Guess we're the outcasts now." I laughed.

"The nerds have taken over, we gotta stick together now." I smiled.

"We really missed you last week." Oliver said. "It was all quiet and lonely when I got back in the middle of the night."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh you don't think I don't know about how you watch friends in the middle of the night in the screening room?" He laughed.

"Caught me." I sighed looking down. It was weird to look down and just see one foot. I looked up and saw Chris re-entering the room.

"Is that a varsity jacket?" I asked really surprised. Chris nodded. "But you're a freshman? 

"I made the football team." Chris smiled. "The varsity and JV one's look pretty much the same." He pointed out the right sleeve that said JV instead of Varsity.

"Chris, still, that's great." I smiled. "I'm so proud of you!" I grinned my voice getting slightly squeaky. "Come here." I said leaning my crutches up against the wall and using Chris for support hugged him.

Chris hugged me back. "I'm sorry this happened to you." He said into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry you're blaming yourself for it." I replied. We broke the hug and Chris handed me my crutches.

"It is kind of my fault, I did challenge you to it." He replied.

"You said it yourself. It would be my fault if I got hurt because I accepted your challenge. And I agreed. Please don't blame yourself, Chris. You're an amazing guy and shouldn't have to deal with that kind of negativity." I told him.

"Okay. I'm just going to stay up here with you and Oliver, the nerds have out numbered the jocks now." Chris replied.

"We were just talking about that." I smiled. "I guess now that you're on the football team you can sit with us." I paused. "Now let's talk about your birthday party."

» hey guys!! Not much for this author note, I'm going to a music festival later today, and we're about to start decorating my christmas tree! So I'm excited. Shoot this chapter a vote or comment if you liked it (or do it anyways)!
»» much love, holly

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