Who Runs Around Naked In The Woods?!?

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Gizzy POV

My lungs burned, but I wouldn't give in. If I could just run long enough, far enough away, maybe I could forget that I was not at home with my family, in Italy, surrounded by our Pack; no, here, in Texas, with my great-grandparents, I was an outcast, a black sheep.

I'd been here for a week and had only spent one night in my bed; the rest of them, I'd snuck through the bedroom window to run away from my nightmares. I hadn't had a nightmare in awhile before I'd left Italy, and my family, but now I'd had them every night since. Each night the nightmare was different, but it wasn't really ever anything scary, just weird or crazy.

Needless to say, I hadn't done this much exercise in some time, and I was even beginning to feel my muscles grow; perks of being a Shifter, whether I had indeed actually Shifted yet or not, meant that I could feel it whenever my muscles began to grow or a set of abs begin to form. I couldn't wait to Shift!

But if I Shifted, would that mean that I could Mind Link with everyone, that I could actually 'talk'?!? Or that I could hear everyone talk back to me?!? Goddess, if that were true, I wanted to Shift right this very second...

But wait! Pausing midstep, I happy danced in place with an internal squeal. If I could communicate with my Wolf, and Mind Link with everyone else, didn't that mean I'd be able to Mind Link with my Mate?!? Oh, thank you goddess!

As scary of a thought as it was, now that I was actually thinking about it, I was actually kinda sorta maybe looking forward to finding my Mate. I'd always been scared or skeptical about the concept of Mates, what with my condition, but if I could indeed Mind Link with him, then surely I wouldn't have too much to be afraid of.

But what if, even if we could Mind Link, he didn't want me? What if he only wanted to take advantage of me because of my disabilities? What if I couldn't find the happily ever after that the rest of my family's had with their own Mates?


Where the hell was I?!? All I could see, even with my half-human, half-Shifter but not entirely Shifted eyes, was a bunch of trees. I couldn't really smell anything, either. Again, where the hell was I?!?

Still, my ears picked up on the low gurgle of water. If I could find the source of water, perhaps I could find my way back somewhere familiar. My ears practically pricked to attention as I walked slowly, eyes peeled. Who knew if I was the only one around at this time of night...?!?

As I continued walking, I sensed something behind me, a presence. Highly doubting it to be human, I kept walking, hoping whatever is was would just leave me alone. As I kept walking, I felt the presence follow after me, and then somehow split in two. Where there two somethings following me?!?

Finally finding the water - a steadily running stream - my head whipped around to see what was behind me - and what I saw made me slip and fall, tumbling into the water below. Gasping for air, I held my breath and popped right back up to the surface - just as two pairs of strong arms enclosed around me and pulled me up out of the water.

My eyes clenched closed as I was set back on my feet on solid ground. Their body heat surrounded me, instantly warming me up, as I stood between them fiddling with my fingers. Two boys - two men - had been following me around in the woods. Still, I knew they were more then men - they were Shifters.

A low rumbling chuckle vibrated against my right side, causing my face to whip around with wide eyes. I came face to, well, pec with the man; he was tall and buff, as if he could use me for lifting weights. His blue eyes were dark, almost stormy, practically pinning me in place from beneath a head of long but attractive dirty blonde hair. The five o'clock shadow that covered his cheeks made him seem all the more mature, and I wondered how old he was.

My fingers worked in a flurry, but judging by the look on the man's face, he didn't have a clue what I was doing. Scowling, I huffed and turned away from him, not paying either one of them any attention.

The one on my left side tapped my shoulder gently, baby blues kind and soft. 'Are you okay?!?' He was clean shaven, with dark, well kept hair, and a subtle six pack, not quite as ripped as the other man. He seemed to be my age, and I mutely wondered if I would see him in school.

My brow rose as I glanced between the two, face beet red, 'Of course I'm not! Y - you're naked!' Hiding my face in my hands, I opened my eyes and glanced through my fingers only when they both had cleared their throats. 'What?!?'

'Well, I wish we could say we had shorts or something, but we don't,' the one on my left side signed with a chuckle, glancing at the other man. 'At any rate, you're obviously lost, and I would hope that we would know our own territory, so let us take you home...?'

Should I trust them?!? I didn't know them from Adam, but they didn't seem threatening... Weighing my options, I peeked up at them through my lashes. Before I had too long to think about it, they grabbed my attention again.

'I'm Beau, and that idiot over there is Wesley.' They were obviously brothers, even with their differences. They were equally handsome, though, in their own ways, and I hoped I'd be able to get to know them.

Maybe I could trust them... After all, if they were going to hurt me, surely they would have already...?!? Nodding, I stiffened my back and walked forward, not liking the way their bodies felt pressed against mine.

Beau chuckled and gently grabbed my elbow, jerking his finger over his shoulder, back the way I had originally come, 'We're going this way, Kitten.'

Blushing, I turned back around, only to slam into Wesley's chest. Squeaking, I took a hasty step away, right against Beau. Was it hot in here or just me?!?

The two shared a look before backing off me, walking on either side of me. We'd been walking for what seemed like hours when a yawn parted my lips. Wordlessly, Wesley tugged me up onto his back in a piggyback as Beau's fingers twined with mine. Uhh....what!?!

Still, it felt so right everything else seemed wrong. It didn't take my eyes long to slip closed as Wesley held me, fingers tangled with Beau's. Who were these men, and why were they affecting me this way?!? And why were they running around naked in the woods in the middle of the night!?!

A/N: Guess who's back.....!?!?!? MEEEEEE!!!!!!! So so so so so sorry it's taken so long- I've had college stuff to deal with and tbh lost motivation to write, but I guess it's back, so yaaaayyyyyy!!!!!

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