Under My Skin

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A/N: y'all know me, kinda sorta lol, so I gotta switch up the POVs every once in awhile. So, here goes, the first Beau chapter! Hope y'all enjoy it!

Beau POV

The bell rang, signalling the end of fifth period, which meant it was now time for lunch. Gathering my things and stuffing them in my bag, I glanced over at the girl to see her doing the same. Giselle.

She was a short little thing with soft curves, big innocent doe eyes, and a heart as big as Texas. She was hot, in an elegant, sophisticated kind of way. I was drawn to her, wanted to protect and keep her safe, even though we had a week ago. And she was the newest member of our Pack.

I glanced at her as she finished loading up her bag. 'Are you ready? It's lunchtime now. You're more than welcome to eat with me, and what few Pack members are still in school with us.' It being her first day I knew she wouldn't have a clique or anything yet, so of course I would offer her to sit with us.

She nodded and immediately held out her little hand for mine. It was cute, if I was being honest, that she wanted to be as close to me as I did her.

As usual, the crowd practically parted for me as I led the way to the cafeteria, fingers still locked with hers. As easy and right as it felt, we were still missing Wes. That's all we needed to be complete. Me, my brother, and Giselle.

Realizing how much I missed my brother, I took a second to Mind Link with him. 'Miss you, man. How are things at the Pack House?' It was true, I missed my brother. I hated leaving him, but it was what it was. I couldn't wait to get back home to him, and one day to bring her with me.

He was probably busy with Pack business, but he answered instantly anyway. 'I miss you too, brother. Things are good, just catching up on some paperwork. How's Princess?'

I smiled softly at his cute little nickname for her as we went through the food line, picking up burgers, fries, and chips. Maybe he was a softie after all... 'She's most excellent. This morning was rough on her, but we made it through. She misses you almost as much as I do.'

I could practically see the grin on his face as he answered back, 'If anyone gives her, or you, any trouble, don't hesitate to kick some ass.'

I chuckled softly with a fond roll of my eyes. 'You do remember 95% of this place is human, right?!? I'd land them all in the hospital.'

He shrugged nonchalantly; that's how well I knew him, even as I sat in the school building 20 minutes from home. 'And...? If they give you cause, they obviously deserve it...'

Maybe he had a point, after all. 'Yeah, okay. I'll keep that in mind. Listen, it's lunch time and I'm trying to feed our girl. I'll see you later.'

Then it struck me, what I had just said: Our girl. With as easy and right as it felt between us, all of us, why shouldn't I call her ours?!?

I briefly wondered if she felt it, too - if she knew how right and easy this felt between us, all three of us. And even if she did, what then? A hook-up? No, she was better than that. She had a Mate out there somewhere, just like we did.

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair. What were we gonna do? What could we do?!? Hell, we haven't even introduced her to the Pack yet, and I was already wrapped around her finger - and I knew so was Wes.


The cafeteria was as hectic as usual, and you could easily pick out the different cliques. Easily finding our table, I chuckled as Giselle practically clung to my side and gently tugged her down beside me into a seat. Time for introduction, I guess...

"Guys, this is Gizzy. She's got a few disabilities, so be gentle. She'll be joining our Pack. I expect y'all to welcome her with open arms and to treat her as y'all would any other Pack member, because that's what she is - a Pack member.

She's originally from Italy, but for the foreseeable future, she'll be living here in town with her great grandparents, Garrett and Erin; yes, the same Garrett and Erin we all know and love. We'll throw a welcoming party in the near future, as well, so please try to attend once we get it scheduled."

Her name was Giselle, I knew that, as much as I knew I wanted to be the only one calling her that, me and Wes. Everyone else could call her Gizzy. Speaking of everyone else... The seven other people around the table nodded and agreed, smiling and introducing themselves. I knew it was a lot to take in, as much as I knew she could handle it.

"I'm Rachael." The pretty blonde smiled and stood, hugging Giselle quickly before sitting back down. She was a good friend of ours, and a loyal Pack member. She was usually so quiet and introverted, so I was glad to see her putting herself out there. "If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask."

Giselle smiled and nodded, signing her thanks as I spoke it aloud. She turned to me with the same smile, signing her own thanks to me for translating.

'Of course, Kitten. Not only is it my job, but my privilege and joy to help you.' I smiled and squeezed her hand, 'I told you I wasn't going anywhere, beautiful, and I meant it.' I almost wanted to kiss her, right there in the cafeteria...

Clearing my throat, I flashed another smile and turned to my burger, in desperate need of a distraction. Man, this girl was really getting to me.

'Make sure she eats, brother.' Wes' voice was soft yet persistent through my head as he Mind Linked me.

As if I would let her starve... Signing his sentiment, I was glad to see her pick up her burger. 'You feed yourself, man, I'll take care of our girl here.'

As if he was sitting next to me and witnesses her eating with his own eyes, he smiled and spoke up again. 'Good girl. I'm glad she's eating.' His chuckle reverberated through my head and I knew he was shaking his own head. 'You have it bad, dude, real bad...'

I rolled my eyes and watched her for a second, realizing he was right. I  gulped and shook my head to clear it. 'I don't know, man. She's hitting me pretty hard, and I don't know why, or what to do about it... And hearing you call her "Good girl" didn't fucking help.'

I could barely contain the soft growl that threatened to leave my chest. But no, it wasn't a growl of anger or even jealousy - it was a growl of sexual frustration, because I wanted her.

He chuckled again, 'You act like it's so easy for me, man... What kind of hold does she have over us?!? We don't know her from Adam. Who knows how long she'll be down here before she goes back to Italy. And she has a Mate out there somewhere - and so do we.'

It was my turn to roll my eyes as I shook my head. 'That thought has crossed my mind too, Captain Obvious. So what the hell are we supposed to do in the meantime?!?'

'We make our newest Pack member feel welcome, and don't let her under our skin.'

A/N: GUYS!!! This story is at a whopping #23 in #three!!!! Ahhhh!!! Thank y'all so so so much!!!

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