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   ''Hey Roy, What aren't you telling Edward?'' Sheska asked after the last class left for the day seeing Roy glance over to her with a serious expression with the classwork in his hands, ''Whatever are you talking about Ms. Sheska?'' He asked clearly avoiding the topic making the mousy brunette frown immediately at the raven haired teachers sudden secretive attitude. ''Don't play that with me Mister, we both know you had something to say during lunch time about the morning regarding you being late.'' She said getting to the point, ''What did Bradley tell you.'', ''As smart, quiet, and pretty as you are, you sure have your bite don't you Sheska?'' Roy asked with a sigh. ''He brought up Edward...'' Roy started with a long worried pause, ''What about Edward?...'', ''He just commented on how Edward and I have been really close lately that's all... But the tone in the way he said it concerned me... Like he knows something...'' He said with a worried expression. ''I may be wrong but... My job is on the line if he does find out about me dating one of my own students... Of course I'm willing to lose my job for Edward but... I just don't know how Edward will take it.'' Roy said with a pained smile, ''Promise you won't mention any of this to Edward or anyone else.'' He said looking over to Sheska who looked hesitant, ''...I promise...'', ''Good, thank you Sheska.''. ''I want Edward to be worry free, when I take him out tonight.'' Roy said with his usual smile concerning the mousy brunette, ''Hey Mustang, I was wondering if-?'' Edward said poking his head inside the class pausing when feeling the odd atmosphere, ''Um... never mind...'' The small student started. ''I think I came by at a wrong time... I'll just go-!?'' The small student said, but was cut off by a sudden hug by his teacher surprising him, making him blush wide eyed, surprising Sheska as well, ''T-Teacher... What's gotten into you...'' Edward said despite his heavy blush. ''I just feel like hugging you...'' Roy said still hugging his student tightly against him with the friends getting to the door, ''Hey Ed, we're going ahead of you okay-?!'' Winry said but stopped when seeing the situation, surprising the friends, with Roy letting go getting a grip of himself, ''Sorry about that.''. ''You were wondering about what now?'' He asked casually, ''...I was wondering about my grade in this class...'' Edward asked in a bashful mumble, ''I still haven't graded the assignments and tests yet. I actually have to do that tonight...'' Roy said but paused when seeing Edward's expression change. ''Shit... I can't grade them tonight, unless I do that right now, and I should probably finish before later on...'' The raven haired teacher said to himself with Edward looking down for a moment, ''I can grade them!'' Sheska cut in, ''I'm really good with memorizing what I read, so I can grade the tests and everything without the books and in little time!'' She added. ''You should have been a Librarian...'' Roy commented looking over to the mousy brunette, ''You don't have to do that... It's my fault for holding it off till last minute.'' He said, ''But I am your aid, so let me help you.'' Sheska said simply, ''Besides by the sound and look of it, you have a date tonight, so I'll let you have your date worry free.''. That was enough to make Edward blush and put his hands to his face making the raven haired teacher sigh crossing his arms with a flustered blush, ''...'', ''Oh and about that Librarian comment... I was a Librarian.'' The mousy brunette said with a satisfied smile at how she kept the teacher and student quiet. ''I used to be the school librarian here.'' She added casually, ''So it doesn't offend me.'', ''I apologize for that, I didn't mean to offend you in anyway Sheska.'' Roy said looking over to Edward who just looked up at him, ''Yes?'', ''So, I won't see you later?...'' The small student questioned before stopping himself. ''Hold on, before you run off and get the wrong idea.'' The raven haired teacher said grabbing his student's wrist before he had the chance to run off pulling him inches from his face, ''Yes, I will see you later. I just have some work to do before I can have fun.'' He said simply ruffling his student's hair making Edward blush. ''No hard feelings?'' Roy asked seeing Edward nod, ''Good, now go home you're holding everyone up here.'' He said with a laugh referring to his friends who were waiting for him impatiently arms crossed, ''Oh right sorry!'', ''Sorry?! Sorry doesn't give us back the time you took for your date plans!'' Envy nagged as the group left, ''Ah, to be young again...'' Roy said with a laugh looking over to Sheska who just smiled. Roy never let his mousy assistant do his work sitting back with a pain in his back and neck, heaving a sigh when he finished a few hours later after school hours glancing over to the clock to see it was almost six forty-five, ''I'm so tired... But I have to get back home to get freshened up and ready to take Edward out.'' Roy mumbled. ''I promised I was going to take him out, I can't let him down...'' The raven haired teacher said to himself looking over to the new grades making a face seeing Edward's grade had gone down to a low D, ''He really let his grade go during the time we were having problems... Personal tutoring it is again.'' He thought to himself. ''The boy seems happier than usual.'' Pinako commented to Al and Winry referring to Edward's happy self making Izumi raise a brow at that as well, ''That's true... What's got Edward in a good mood?'', ''Love.'' Al and Winry both commented simply throwing Pinako and Izumi off, since they didn't know about Roy and Edward being together now. ''Love?'' Both questioned and immediately making Izumi react, ''EDWARD FUCKING ELRIC, GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW.'' The long braided female said seeing the blonde run out his room panicked and trip down the stairs on his boot, falling face first making Izumi flinch, ''Oops... Sorry about that.'' She said noticing Edward blush heavily. ''Edward, what is this about love? This doesn't have to do anything with that teacher of yours does it?'' She questioned when the blonde lifted himself off the ground lightly bruised, ''You two had to throw me under the bus didn't you?'' Edward questioned making Winry and Al look away nervously. ''Edward.... Talk now.'' Izumi demanded, ''Yes. It has to do with him. We're together now.'' He admitted surprising Pinako but Izumi mostly who looked really surprised, ''He confirmed it this morning.'' Edward said but paused when seeing Izumi get up and go over to him flinching, putting his hands over himself trying to protect himself. ''I'm sorry!'' He said quickly jumping up when Izumi grabbed his hands from him looking up to see her smiling at him almost motherly, ''That's it? To think I yelled at you for that... I apologize.'' She said ruffling Edward's hair, ''That's great to hear.'', ''You're not mad?...'' ''Not one bit, I'm really happy for you Edward.'' Izumi said simply.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now