Gold Old Fashioned Lover Boy

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  ''Edward, If I can ask a personal question.'' Izumi started when Edward had finished getting ready and sitting at the dinner table across from her dressed in a sleeveless zip up shirt, red winter coat with white trim, black pants, boots, and his hair in a ponytail holding surprising her since he rarely dressed nice, ''What did you want to ask...'' Edward said to his adopted mother with a flustered expression. ''You and Roy have had your ups and downs before actually getting together correct?'' She started seeing Edward look away nervous as if he knew where she was going, ''So let me ask you this adult to adult... Have you two had Sex?'' She asked simply not surprising Pinako who sat with Al and Winry in the living room making both Al and Winry spit out the beverage they were sipping at, at Den accidently. Edward's golden eyes looked surprised opening his mouth to say something, but couldn't find the words to speak feeling his cheeks burn up, ''Well?'', ''...No... No we haven't.'', ''But do you want to have Sex with him?'' Izumi questioned seeing Edward look down with a flustered embarrassed expression making her make a face and heave a sigh, ''Edward, please you can trust me.''. ''I'm asking as a mother, and as adults. It's natural to have needs and to have Sex Edward, That's just how the body works.'' Izumi said in a smile and reassuring tone seeing Edward finally look up to her with a shy flustered expression, ''...I do want to want to have Sex with him... I feel so needy when I'm constantly around him and it stresses me out, but he said not till he thinks it's the right time.'' He said making a face. ''He's right. It takes time and trust... Don't you see Edward? He wants you to understand that he respects you as a person, not just as an object.'' Izumi said with a smile looking over to Edward with a sudden grin, ''But my precious son has done things I haven't even done... I heard from Pinako about it~'' She teased seeing Edward about to get up off the chair but shooting him an almost frightening smile. ''Please, tell me exactly how you managed to get away with dropping your teacher's guard in his own classroom, and how you managed to sneak downstairs and come onto him the day he stayed drunk out of his mind?~'' She said seeing the blonde's face get redder, ''I didn't take you as the bold type, let alone in school!~'' She teased again embarrassing Edward more who looked over to Pinako who just sipped at her coffee. ''Edward, She has every right to know since she raised you and Al as her own. Stop being so shy.'' Pinako said simply with Al and Winry looking at one another than to Edward who looked like he wanted to dig a hole and die in it, ''Come on a little mother-son conversation won't hurt, before your date gets here~'' Izumi said with a grin, ''At least I know my precious son can shut his teacher up~'', ''Please stop...''. The sound of the doorbell made Izumi look up at the clock on the wall to see it was eight O' clock, ''I got it-'', ''No, I got this.'' Izumi said with a smile getting up and going over to open the door to see Roy dressed as he was usually dressed with a light grey collared shirt and tie, but had a black jacket over it along with a grey scarf around his neck, seeing his face was flustered from the cold. ''Roy, What a surprise to see you here.'' Izumi said casually seeing Edward's teacher look tired but smile at her, ''It's nice to see you too Mrs. Curtis, By any chance is Edward home?'' He asked seeing Edward's adoptive mother nod, ''Yes, what's the occasion?~'', ''A date.'' Roy admitted holding up a small bouquet of golden flowers up making Izumi smile and sigh. ''You look tired, yet you're still here?'' She asked opening the door, ''Well, I have time for Edward.'' He said walking inside with Izumi looking over to Edward with a simple smile closing the door, ''Al, Winry.'' Roy greeted looking over to Pinako who looked at him with a serious expression till Den ran over to him and jumped on him greeting the raven haired teacher. ''Ah, It's nice to see you too.'' Roy said with a smile petting the eager dog, ''So where are you two going?'', ''It's a surprise.'' Roy said, ''I see, well you two have fun.'' Pinako said walking off with Roy turning to Edward with a smile despite his slight exhaustion, ''Edward, These are for you.'' He said handing the flowers to the quiet flustered blonde, seeing his different dressing, ''You look nice.'' Roy commented. The simple comment made Edward blush but smile as he held the flowers looking up when he felt Izumi put her hand on his shoulder, ''Do me a favor yeah?'' Izumi asked looking over to Roy who nodded, ''I won't bring him late.'', ''No, No... I was going to say both of you have fun.'' Izumi said with a smile simply. ''Everyone seemed okay with you going out with me tonight.'' Roy commented when he and Edward left, ''Anything happened before I got there?'' He asked making Edward staying quiet not wanting to bring up his adoptive mother's small talk and teasing about him, ''Nothing happened.'' The blonde said casually looking down, ''Izumi was right about you looking tired... You didn't let Sheska help did you?''. ''I couldn't let Sheska do my work, It's not fair.'' Roy said simply, ''It makes me look bad as a teacher.'', ''But she's your assistant...'', ''I'm aware, But I believe Sheska has a life too.'' Roy said sensing Edward's shyness looking over to see the blonde with a flustered expression getting an idea to loosen him up, The blonde walked in awkward silence till he felt Roy's hand grab his and give it a squeeze. ''Mustang?...'' The blonde started looking up to see a satisfied expression on his teacher's face seeing his ears were red as well as his face, bringing a smile to the blonde's own flustered face, ''I'm taking you somewhere nice Edward.'' Roy said simply warming the blonde's heart more feeling a warm atmosphere around them, despite the cold, ''I can't wait.'' Edward replied back with a smile. ''Woah, this place looks fancy!'' Edward said in surprise when they stopped in front of a restaurant, ''It looks expensive for your salary as a teacher...'' He mumbled with a unsure expression hearing Roy laugh, ''You keep forgetting I was in the military.'' He said with a smile, ''But, I don't want you to worry about that Edward...I just want you to enjoy yourself.'' Roy said looking down at Edward before taking him inside. ''Ah, I can't eat another bite...'' The blonde said with a full expression on his face when they left making Roy laugh, ''You didn't even get any dessert.'', ''I don't think I have room for dessert...'' Edward said putting his hand over his stomach, ''Mmm... Too bad. I was going to take you to get this really good Crepe just over there.'' Roy said pointing to a small nearby Crepe stand making Edward rethink his decision. ''...Maybe I have room for one Crepe...'' The blonde said smelling at how good they smelled seeing Roy smile, ''Great.'', The couple sat at a small table near the stand with a Crepe in their hands, ''Not going to lie. I've never actually tried a Crepe before...'' Edward admitted looking at the pastry smelling it surprising Roy, ''Really now?...'' Roy said making Edward look up embarrassed. ''I know you want to laugh...'', ''Not one bit.'' the raven haired male said shaking his head, ''Because it was the same with Mae's daughter who was three at the time, when I first brought her here.'' Roy said taking a bite into the pastry, ''Maes?'', ''You probably know him better as Hughes.'' He said making Edward pause at the familiar name, making a face biting into the sweetened pastry. Edward's golden eyes widened at how good the Crepe was making Roy smile in content, ''So, what do you think Edward?'' He asked, ''It's so good!" The blonde said with a childlike smile eating more of the Crepe, ''You know the last time I came around here, I came here with Hughes and his family.'' The raven haired male said in thought making Edward pause from his eating. ''Roy.... You still miss him don't you...'', ''Always. There was so many things I never got to tell him.'' Roy said eating at the Crepe before finishing it, ''But I'm sure you would love his daughter, she was the world for him, along with his wife. They're really kind souls.'' He said with a smile looking over to Edward who had finished wiping his cheek, ''I hope you can meet them someday.''. ''It's getting late.'' Roy said after as they started walking through the park since it was the shortest way back home, ''Roy...'', ''Yes?'', ''What was Hughes like?'', ''Hmm... He was a great person and father. We were in the military together.'' Roy said as he held Edward's hand in his, ''But let me tell you, did he love to show off pictures of his daughter and wife all the time- Woah!'' He continued but paused suddenly. Edward jumped up when seeing a young girl that looked five to seven, hugging the raven haired teacher tightly and happily, ''What the... Elicia?'' Roy said looking down to see the young girl looking up with bright smile and happy look in her large green eyes, ''Yes, it's me!'' She said happily making Roy look up to see Gracia running over to her out of breath, ''Elicia... Why do you do this?''. ''My apologies Roy, Elicia just got really happy when seeing you.'' Gracia said with a tired breath, ''Well, Elicia sure has gotten big, and prettier, she's definitely taking after you.'' Roy commented with a laugh and smile, making the short haired green eyed woman look over to Edward curiously, ''Hmm? Who is this? A student?'' She asked with a kind smile making Edward open his mouth but felt someone grab his hand. The blonde looked down to see the young girl smiling at him, ''No, It's his Boyfriend. They were holding hands!'' Elicia said making Gracia look over to Roy, ''Elicia, don't say that.'', ''But it's true! Right?'' Elicia said looking over to Roy who nodded, ''You sure have become observant haven't you? Just like your daddy.'' He said making the young girl grin and Edward blush feeling shy all of a sudden. ''Really?'' Gracia said making Edward thinking she was judging them only to see her smile, ''Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Gracia Hughes, and this is my daughter Elicia Hughes.'', ''...I'm Edward... Edward Elric...'' The blonde said making Roy smile, ''How old are you now, The last time I see you, you were Three.'' The raven haired male started seeing the young girl get instantly attached to Edward. ''I'm Six now.'' Elicia said hugging the blonde's arm looking up at Edward smiling, ''How old are you?'', ''Ah... I just turned Eighteen.'' Edward said shyly, ''My dad married my mom when he was eighteen.'' The young girl commented happily making Edward blush more, ''We just started dating!'', ''Dating one of your own students Roy?'' Gracia asked looking over to Roy who smiled nervously, ''Fate is funny...''. ''Don't think I'm judging you Roy. Cause I'm not.'' Gracia said with her usual smile, ''It's just a surprise that's all. I'm sure Maes would say the same thing if he saw you right now.'' She commented before looking over to Elicia, ''She really took a liking to Edward, even though she barely just met him...'', ''He's a good kid that's why.'' Roy commented with a smile glancing over to his flustered boyfriend. ''Roy!'', ''What? Elicia likes you... Let her.'' The raven haired male commented with a laugh seeing the young girl tug at the blonde with a twinkle in her large green eyes, ''I'm going to call you Big Brother!'' Elicia said making Gracia laugh and smile, ''Come on Elicia, lets let them enjoy their date.'' She said making the young girl make a sound in disappointment and pout, ''But I want to play with Big Brother more...''. Roy cleared his throat hinting Edward that he wanted him to say something to comfort the young girl immediately looking down, ''If you want I can come over and play with you and introduce you to my little brother. After I finish my homework that is...'' Edward said with a smile and laugh making Elicia smile and jump up in joy, ''Mommy, can he come over? Can he! Can he! Can he!''. Gracia just laughed before nodding with a smile, ''Of course he can sweetie...'' She said looking over to Roy who just smiled, ''Well guess we'll have to plan a day for this Gracia.'', ''I can always bring her over here so she can play at the park.'' She said with Elicia tugging Edward over to them with a smile tugging Roy's sleeve making the raven haired male look down, ''Hmm? Yes Elicia?''. ''You know what I always wanted to be.'' Elicia started still holding Edward's arm, ''What did you always want to be?'' Roy asked seeing the young girl smile brightly, ''A flower girl.'' She said simply making Edward glance over to Roy who just stood quiet, ''Ah... You would make a great flower girl. Right Edward?'' Roy said casually. ''O-Of course.'' The blonde said making Elicia smile and Gracia laugh, ''Come on Elicia.'', ''Make me a promise.'' Elicia said looking at both Edward and Roy now, ''Promise me, you'll let me be your flower girl when you get married.'' She finished with a bright smile letting go of them both, and leaving with Gracia saying goodbye and mouthing an apology leaving both Roy and Edward in silence. ''Roy....'', ''I'm sorry, The last time I seen Elicia she was three... I didn't think she would be this talkative now...'' Roy said apologetically, ''No, I was just going to say that they really are nice people.'' Edward said simply with a smile, ''I can see why he would show them off so much now.'', ''...Well he would be proud to see how much his daughter has grown up.'' Roy said softly. ''But what she said was weird...'' Edward said with a confused expression making Roy look down and smile nervously, ''That was strange... But maybe she said it for a reason? Elicia has never been wrong when she says something.'' Roy said with a sigh making Edward look up at his boyfriend, ''Roy...'', ''Let's get you back home before Izumi kills me for keeping you out so late.'' Roy said simply taking Edward's hand in his.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now