Hot For Teacher

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   ''Fuck... Don't tell me I forgot my cold medicine...'' Edward recalled what his teacher said to himself as he looked through his desk during the group activities snapping out of it, looking down in his backpack at the small bottle of cold medicine that Lust had given him during Nutrition since he went over the nurses office to ask her for it, wondering why he went through so much trouble for it looking at the lesson on the board that Hawkeye had written. ''He was unreasonable with me for being late, yet I'm still worried about him?...'' Edward thought before jumping up when he felt a hand on his shoulder glancing behind him since Greed sat behind him, ''I heard from Ling about this morning with Musty...'' The twin said seeing his friend blush slightly, ''Shut it.'' He said staying quiet when Riza looked over to him. ''I heard he gave you a little one on one hands on lesson~'' Greed said teasingly backing up acting like nothing when the blonde turned to him, ''I said shut it!-'', ''Edward, Pay attention to the lesson.'' Riza said with a serious expression before turning her back on them again with Edward sighing, ''You two live for getting me in trouble don't you?...'' He mumbled under his breath still flushed from what he said. ''But I also heard he looked sick... I think he was, since he kept coughing almost the whole class bitching about losing his cold medicine during when we were in groups second period.'' Greed said in a serious whispered tone, ''No one told him to come back when he's sick like a dog.'' Edward said coldly, ''That tone says otherwise... You're worried about him aren't you, Midget?~". ''You wish.'' The blonde said before getting serious paying attention to the lesson, ''Envy's been acting strange...'', ''No shit.'' Greed said making a face at how slow the blonde was, ''I'm going to be fucking honest here... He likes you.'' Greed said simply said seeing Edward turn to him with an unamused expression, ''If this is your idea of a joke, it isn't funny.'', ''Okay... Don't say I didn't warn you.'' Greed huffed giving up with the bell going off dismissing them for lunch time.

  ''Let's go get lunch.'' Al said seeing his brother heave a sigh, ''I can't, Mustang gave me lunch detention for being tardy this morning. I'll see you at PE though, kay?'' He said seeing Al make a face but nodded, ''Alright... Just don't hassle him... Okay?'', ''Alright, Alright jeez... I promise.'' Edward said as he left for Roy's class. ''What a waste of lunch...'' Edward thought when walking in the class closing the door behind him seeing it was dark inside, ''...Why is it so damn dark in here?'', ''Because if I turn on the light, it'll bug me...'' He heard his teacher say figuring out he had gotten a migraine deciding not to give him trouble heading over to his desk. ''Edward, Where are you going?'', ''...My desk...'', ''Come over here.'', ''Why...'', ''Just come here.'' Roy said sitting up looking up at his student who just made a face but went over to him standing in front of him, ''Sit down.'' ''I thought this was detention for this morning?'' Edward questioned sitting on his teachers desk seeing he looked worse. ''Who said it was detention? This was bugging me.'' The raven haired teacher pulling out a small first aid box and pulling out a bandage, putting it on his student's bruised cheek seeing him wince, ''I don't understand how you can walk around with that on your face.'' Roy asked closing the box about to put it away. ''And I don't understand how you can come here teaching looking like that.'' Edward said back seeing his teacher make a face, ''I'm fine!'' The raven haired teacher said before covering his head when Edward jumped off his desk and turned on the lights, ''Uh huh... You sure about that?'' He said hearing Roy sneeze and groan.

"Here, I heard you bitching earlier and thought I'd ask the school nurse for this.'' Edward said placing the cold medicine on Roy's desk with a flustered expression when he looked up with a surprised look in his eyes that said watch your language but didn't say anything about it, ''Lust isn't supposed to do that...'', ''Do you want the damn medicine or not?'' Edward huffed. ''Of course....But you're actually concerned for me? That's new.'' Roy said grabbing an Aspirin from his desk and taking it before taking the small bottle and taking all of the cold medicine before making a face at the mixture sticking out his tongue in disgust, never noticing his student get flustered going over to the window near his desk and sitting on the wind sill letting the small breeze his blushed face. ''Edward.'', ''What is it now?-'', ''Thank you.'' Roy said standing in front of his student who looked surprised, ''...Whatever... You smell like medicine.'' The blonde huffed taken by surprise when his teacher sat in his desk holding out a white paper bag towards him, ''Wha...'', ''It's lunch. I owed you right? Take it.'' Roy said putting the bag in his student's hands, ''It's a burger and fries, you can eat it in here. Or not it's up to you.''. ''You didn't cough on it did you?'', ''No, why would I get my own student sick?'' Roy said giving up till Edward held a note towards him, ''What's this?'', ''It's from Lust. She gave it to me yesterday to give to you, but you weren't here so I had to hold on to it.'' Edward huffed seeing his teacher open it and read though it having a sigh when he finished crumpling the paper up, ''Of fucking course...''. ''Language....'', ''It's only you here, plus you're the same way.'' Roy said still looking sick, but smiled with a small laugh that made Edward's heart race more than it already was, ''Women... Of course you would know since you had some trouble yourself with Winry yesterday.'', ''You...'', ''Heard everything? Of course. I was young once too Edward.'' Roy said looking at his student with a kind look in his eyes.

''...'', ''Don't worry, she'll come around when she feels better.'' Roy said seeing his student look down flustered with a bothered expression, ''Edward?...'', ''You know you shouldn't flirt with the school nurse...'', ''?... She's the one that... Does that bother you?'' Roy questioned a bit slow from the medicine and aspirin he took at once that was finally kicking in, ''Why did you do that in class this morning?'' Edward asked referring to when he stood behind him and took his hand to help with the CPR demonstration. ''?... You seemed nervous, so I thought I would help you out.'' The raven haired teacher explained fixing his glasses back in place, ''To be honest, you seemed more relaxed when I helped you out like that, so that made me happy.'' He admitted making Edward's heart skip a beat, ''Am I really getting the hots for my own teacher... I am...'' The blonde thought painfully when seeing Roy take off his glasses and clean them seeing how much better good looking he was without them. ''Edward, why did Lust give you the note? She could of just given it to me personally...'' The teacher questioned seeing his student shrug and he opened the paper bag and grabbed a fry, ''I don't know...'', ''...Guess I'll have to talk to her later on... There's no need to get a student involved in our personal affairs...'' The raven haired teacher said getting up before heading back to his desk. ''Being involved with school personnel? That isn't professional, don't you think?'' Edward asked as he ate away hearing his teacher let out a small cough as he turned off one of the lights, ''Who says I'm involved with Lust?'' Roy started but paused when realizing he was explaining himself to a student, ''I don't know why I'm explaining myself to a student.''. ''Because you're choosing to?'' Edward said in a witty almost bratty tone, ''You sound jealous.'' Roy said back making the small blonde choke on his piece of food turning to his teacher with a defensive flustered expression seeing him grin at him smugly, ''You're the worst teacher ever!'', ''And you're the worst student ever.''. ''You-!'', ''By the way Edward, were you in my class the other day after school?'' Roy asked getting serious seeing the other stay quiet for a long moment, ''No...'', ''Right... You probably forgot about coming back to talk afterward and left home... I should of known.'' The raven haired male said turning away triggering Edward more but stayed quiet, ''It must have been Hawkeyes than...'' He said with a mumble before sneezing. ''Speaking of which...'' Roy started walking over to his student after he finished eating and cleaning himself off, ''Edward.'' He started putting his hand over the blonde who jumped up surprised getting flustered feeling his chest ache again grabbing his hand to get it off his shoulder, ''You can tell me without touching me!" The blonde said in a huff. ''You missed me didn't you? I mean if you were so worried about me than you must of missed me.'' He said seeing his student look up at him with a defensive flustered expression before opening his mouth to speak, ''Huh?! No way! Get your hand off me, I'm not a damn stool!'' Edward said feeling his heart race more but felt a chill when his teacher spoke against his ear with a small laugh, ''I won't tell, don't worry.''. That was enough to make Edward get a chill quickly pushing his teacher away making a face, ''Get off me already!'' He huffed covering up his flustered attitude seeing his raven haired teacher smile at him, ''Actually... there was one thing I did want to talk to you about...'' Roy started making the student back up flustered, ''Okay...'', ''I-'' The raven haired teacher started but paused when the bell rang with the blonde shaking his head making a face. ''Thanks for wasting my lunch... Again.'' Edward said leaving Roy alone to heave a sigh, ''I swear, every fucking time-!'' Edward said but paused surprised when he bumped into Envy who just looked at him serious, ''For fucks sake Envy, give me a heart attack why don't you!'', ''I apologize Pipsqueak.'' Envy said walking off with Roy walking out the door only to see his other student look back at him with a bothered expression confusing Roy who just sneezed making a face baffled, ''Weird...''

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now