Broken Record

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''I said that I'm sorry,
You said that's a shame...''

''If I'm so happy... Why do I say all these things that linger, rot, and decay...'' The raven haired teacher thought deep in his thoughts, snapping out of it when feeling someone shake his shoulder to see his student staring at him with a confused expression, ''Aren't you paying attention?... I said I was done.'' Edward said handing him the notebook, with Roy grabbing it and looking down at it quietly. ''You're supposed to be tutoring me, yet here you are not even in your right mind...'' Edward said seeing his teacher sigh and fix his glasses in place, ''I apologize Edward.'', ''You've been out of it since yesterday with the kid.'' The blonde commented in his room sitting back on his bed, as his teacher sat at his small desk to correct his work, ''You do so well here, yet you slack off in my class.'' The raven haired teacher said as he corrected the notebook. ''Not like I do it on purpose... Who's the kid... They knew who I was.'' Edward asked seeing Roy pause and make a face, ''A friend of Elicia's...'', ''...You're telling me the truth right?...'' Edward asked seeing the other male look at him with a smile, ''Of course.'' Roy lied seeing his small student look at him making a face, but smile at him with a small blush on his face, ''Okay~'', ''By the looks of it you did well, now if only you could do that well in my class, we would both be on the same page...''. ''I will, I promise~'', ''Good.'' The raven haired male said with a smile, taking off his glasses and putting them down on the desk massaging his eyes, scrunching his face a bit heaving a sigh, ''Getting a migraine?....I can ask Aunt Pinako for an aspirin.'' Edward said with worried expression seeing his teacher nod, ''It is... I've been having it since yesterday.'', ''Since the kid right?'' Edward asked seeing the other stay quiet, ''For a while actually...''. ''It comes and goes, but for some reason lately it's been coming back worse.'' Roy answered with a smile, seeing Edward look at him quietly, and get up suddenly and open his door leaving and walk down the steps, with Den walking in Edward's room and jump on him, ''Aren't you just a big friendly dog~'' Roy said petting the dog who climbed on him too quickly, dropping him off the chair and onto his back on the floor with a surprised scream. ''Oh my god...'' Edward said with a sigh when hearing the commotion, ''That's a lot of Aspirin.'' Pinako commented when handing it to Edward who sighed, ''I know but... It's for Roy... He has a migraine.'', ''I see... He should take it easy on himself.'' She commented dropping the pills into Edward's hand, watching as he went to the fridge to grab a water and soda, ''We finished anyways, so he could call it a day if he wanted to.'' Edward commented closing the fridge about to walk off. ''You take real good of that teacher of yours don't you?'' Pinako said making Edward pause in his steps, ''...I try... But there's days where I feel like I'm not good enough...'', ''Izumi would say otherwise, with the way you make him smile... Don't doubt yourself boy.'' She said simply walking off smoking her pipe, with Edward thinking about what she said just now, ''I'm going out for a bit so you'll be here with just Roy and Den, since Winry and Alphonse left earlier with your friends. I trust, you can behave yourself while I'm gone?''. ''Or not, you're old enough to decide what you want. See you in a bit.'' Pinako said simply with a chuckle as she left out the door locking it, leaving the blonde heaving a sigh, with a blush on his face, ''Roy's too quiet...'' Edward said going back up the stairs, ''Are you alright? I brought you some Aspirin...'' He started but stopped when seeing his teacher had fallen asleep on the floor with his arms around the panting dog making a face. ''Den...'' Edward said sighing but smiling unable to help himself when seeing his sleeping teacher gesturing Den to leave, after putting the drinks and Aspirin down on his desk, kneeling in front of the sleeping raven haired male, ''Hey... If you want to sleep, sleep on my bed.'' Edward said shaking his teacher's shoulder, with Roy stirring at that moment and opening his dark eyes, ''I brought you Aspirin, so you can take that than sleep.'' Edward said. ''Sorry, Den was really warm and comfortable.'' The teacher apologized sitting up taking off his glasses, than rubbing his eye, ''What were you saying?'', ''I. Brought. You. Some. Aspirin.'' The blonde said making a face, ''Also Pinako left, so it's just the two of us and Den.'' Edward added handing the pills and drinks to his teacher, ''I see... Guess I'll continue tutoring you till someone comes back.'' Roy said taking the soda and the pills. ''How about try acting like my boyfriend, instead of my teacher for once?'' Edward asked making a face sitting in front of his teacher, ''I'm sorry.'', ''That's a shame... Forget it, I ask for too much.'' The blonde said with a an almost pained smile gasping when Roy suddenly embraced him suddenly and tightly against him, ''No, I'm sorry for not realizing you wanted attention...'' Roy said again. Edward felt bad since Izumi told him time and time again not to pressure or stress Roy, ''No... We can go back to tutoring...'', ''No... I think I have time to pay attention to you.'' The raven haired male said hugging his small student more against him, ''Besides, you finished the notebook... So... We can do whatever you want.'' Roy said feeling Edward grab his arm, ''First off... Stop apologizing so much... You sound like a broken record.''. ''It's wearing me out.'' The blonde said before Roy could apologize, ''Plus you kind of owe me, for teasing me yesterday, so...'', ''So you're saying you want me to favor you is that it, Edward Elric?~'' Roy asked pulling away and leaning his face towards Edward inches away from his face licking his lips seeing Edward blush, ''...I just wanted a kiss...'', ''Mmm... How about a kiss, and a little attention here after, sound fair?'' Roy cooed putting his hand over Edward's lap kissing his flustered student. ''I don't understand how you have so much self control.'' Edward said sitting on the couch later that afternoon with a flustered expression, watching as his teacher sipped at a cup of coffee looking over to him with smirk, ''Because I'm older than you, that's why~'' He said seeing the blonde make a face at him, ''Bullshit! If I tied your hands behind your back right now, and did what I did to you in the classroom, you would NOT being saying that!'' Edward said seeing Roy look at him in silence. ''...You're absolutely right there...'' Roy said with a nervous expression and smile, ''Yet... You still have a long way to impress me Edward Elric.'' He said getting serious again sticking out his tongue at his student, despite his flustered expression, ''Real mature...'' Edward said raising a brow at the older male, ''And just so you know, it'll take more than watching Porn to figure me out.'' Roy said seeing the blonde's golden eyes widen and blush more darker, ''I could figure you out, without it!''. ''I bet you couldn't~" Roy teased, ''I bet I could! Don't look down on me-!'' Edward said heated up, but stopped when he was kissed suddenly by his teacher who backed up with a small laugh, ''I'm not... I'm just teasing Edward.'' He said seeing the blonde pout, ''I would think you being with me, that you would get used to my teasing... Jeez, I didn't think your temper was shorter than you...'', ''WHAT WAS THAT USELESS OLD MAN!?''. ''You two sure argue about the smallest things don't you...'', ''WHO'S SMALL.'' Edward said turning to see Al and Winry with their group of friends who just glanced at one another, ''We didn't say anything...'', ''You finished tutoring Brother early?'' Al asked seeing their teacher nod, ''Of course, Besides I need to leave early for tomorrow.'', ''Right, for Elicia's little party at the park right?'' Edward said turning to Roy who looked at him nodding, ''Mhm... Its going to be all of you and most of us, along with a few others so I'll be seeing you all again tomorrow.''.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now