The Showdown...

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After getting there, you saw him practicing with his mugen. He corner eyed you, che's and then again started to do his training. You shrugged and started to practice as well. Two crystal swords piercing through your palm, Kanda's eyes went up in interest though he didn't let anyone see that. You started to move. Each of your move were like a dance step. Your swords swiftly cut through the air. Your legs were  in a stance kd dancing legs. Kanda noted that.

You stopped and saw Kanda still practicing. You walked up to him, "Kanda... Can we practice together?" said you shyly. "Che... Okay onna (woman)" he said with a scowl on. You jerked your hands to break the crystals in pieces and a new pair of swords appeared. "Ready?" You asked and Kanda nodded.

Kanda jumped forward and tried to slash you but you stopped his attack with your sword. The moment went slow now. You smirked and attacked him with another sword in your hand. Kanda saw that and somersaults upwards so that his mugen was still at your sword, blocking it. Your move was futile...

Kanda landed behind and without a second, he lashed at your back. You within a fraction of second turned around and stopped his move. "Good moves... But now I know your fighting pattern" Kanda smirked as he said that. "Huh?" You asked clueless with still swords clashing with each other. "Che... That your fighting style is like dancing..." He said irritated. "Wow so fast... But no one has ever predict my notes of dancing" you smirked. With another slash you said "cause they are random!" Kanda frowned "Che..."

"Now let the fight begin..." You said with confidence building up inside. "Dance of the 7  white crystal Lotus" and with that you rushed at your top speed towards Kanda as a result he couldn't see you. You went face to face to him and smirked. Your swords striked 7 times from different angles. Some were able to cut him slightly but most of them couldn't. "Good... But now my turn" he smirked as you panted a little. "Ripping Flash Claw" and with that Kanda unleashes 7 sharp energy beams. You dodged 6 of them but the last hit you at the shoulder. You winced in pain. You couldn't move that hand now.

You panted. "Good moves as well" "But I'm not finished !" You yelled. "Dance of the 16 Black Lotus!!". In your view, you could see 2 darkest black Lotus outlines. The petals, everything. And in real, behind the Lotus outlines, stood Kanda.  The outlines of Lotus, outlined Kanda's vital parts. You went to him, your speed drastically fastes from before. Kanda by now has also yelled "Hakka Tourou (Eight flower mantis) his and your slashes matches with each other as your outlines and his were alike. But... His outlines wedd of only 1 Lotus whereas you have 2 so when he stopped, you with your last eight strikes which resembles the 2nd lotus, defeated him though he bleed but not to his death. You panted , Kanda lying on the floor. Your swords broke.

Kanda slowly tried to sit up but couldn't. And another thing you saw was some wounds were already healed but some were not as those wounds were more fatal and also had some crystal dust dissolved in them. You went to him and knelt beside him, took his head in your lap. Your face expression was calm, a smile adoring them. Kanda scowled and said "My wounds are healing onna... You don't have to he-" you hushed hin bh indicating some wounds were not healing. He looked at them and kept quiet. You began "My crystal swords have a speciality... Some times crystals gets dissolved with my blood, that is when I spell 'Dance of the  16 black Lotus' and can't be healed until I myslef heal them..." Kanda heard tour words one by one. By now you have started to treat him. Some crystal powders which came from your swords and some more bkiid of tours with Kanda's blood. You mixed them and poured it in each of his wounds. Kanda's blood was important for him to be healed so you used his blood too.

The wounds rapidly healed and Kanda stood up, though his knees buckled a little. "Well... I'm going in your room." You said, waving af him and left the hall. Back there, Kanda looked at the florr and saw a piece of crystal, maybe a part of your sword. He took it and stared at it for a while. 'Huh... Another pathetic lotus' he thought to himself bitterly more like telling to the crystal piece. Back at you, 'Wow... I'm impressed. He is way more strong than I am' you thought to yourself and smiled.

A/N : Yo ! Minna. I'm so sorry for the late update but seriously I'm not getting time for this. Btw any mistake found in story, please write it in the comment. Don't forget to vote, comment and like.

Stay tuned and love you all...

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