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He did it, the punk actually did it. He jumped across and Bucky and I caught an arm each. We pulled him over the rail and decided it was a good time to get the hell out of there. We found an exit and ran for our bloody lives. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a large group of men just standing there in the clearing. I searched the crowd and saw Dugan, Jacques, Gabe and monty.

"Run!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. The building behind was going to explode. The men glanced around before running as fast as their legs would carry them. Steve had Kiara in his arms. Her wound was getting really bad, she could barely even walk.

The base exploded with the loudest noise I had ever heard and most people, including me, were flung forward, fated with hitting the ground and being annoyed. Kiara rolled out of Steve's arms as they both hit the floor. I crawled over to her, as did Bucky. She was unconscious but her pulse was still beating.

But nobody had died. Every last ally survived and for that, I couldn't be happier. Steve held out a hand and helped me to my feet.

"You got some explaining to do," I told him. He let out a laugh and took off his helmet.

"Yeah," he said. "I guess I do." I looked at his helmet and took it out of his hands.

"Is this a prop helmet?" I asked unsure.

"Well, um-"

"Oh my god, I can dent it with my thumbs. What - did the army run out of actual helmets?" He laughed before snatching it back.

"Shout it louder, how bout ya?" He said in a hushed voice. "If Bucky finds out he'll beat me to death with it."

"Aye, well at least it wouldn't dent your thick skull," I said, he chuckled. "So how did you get like that?" I gestures towards his body.

"Yeah, well, um...This guy, Dr Erskine, did an experiment on me that enhanced my physical features-"

"I can see that," I said, raising my eyebrows as I looked him up and down. He laughed at me to cover up his blush.

"Thanks," he said awkwardly, I suppose no one had really complimented him like that before. "The whole thing was about the SSR. They needed a front man for the war, they had me doing shows but after I heard that the 107th had been captured, I came running." I smiled at him. "But, um, I kinda wasn't supposed to. Howard stark and agent Carter snuck me in."

"Carter?" I said. Mostly to myself. It couldn't be Peggy, that would have been way too coincidental. "That wouldn't be Peggy Carter, would it?" He nodded.

"Yeah, why, d'you know her?" Before I could answer, I heard a loud amount of cheering behind me. It was the soldiers, they were celebrating and rightly so.

"Doll Gotus?" A voice called out. "And here we were thinking you were dead!" I turned and saw Gabe Jones walking towards Steve and I. I walked over to him and gave him a hug of celebration.

"Is everyone ok?" I asked him.

"Yep," he said. "How's Kiara?" I looked back at her. Bucky was holding her, both of them sitting on the ground. I couldn't help but think about what she had told me. Loki laufeyson, the Norse god of mischief. The fact that she had powers kind of scared me.

"She's..." I didn't really know what to tell him. "She's alive, I guess. How's the others?"

"Why don't you come and see," he said. I turned back to Steve and held up a finger signalling one minute.

I ran over to my gang of loud soldiers and I was greeted with many more hugs. Monty seemed especially wary around me.

"You alright?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Yeah..." He spluttered out. Gabe put a hand on my shoulder.

"I think that's the closest old Monty's ever been to a gal," he laughed. We all let out a laugh before i felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Dugan. He engulfed me in a bear hug. I didn't say anything, I just closed my eyes. I think out of my new friends, I liked Dugan the best.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright and all," he said as he took a step back. I smiled even brighter. He looked suspiciously at me.

"You were shot," he said loudly. A few heads turned at his booming voice. "There's not even a mark." I pulled my shirt back up as his hand slowly edged away. "Even I still have a mark from a stray bullet in 1918,"
He exclaimed. I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything.

"I guess these nazis were more advanced than we thought," said Monty.

"Yeah," said Gabe. "But hey, forget them for a little bit. We're alive, that's what matters." I let out a breathy laugh in agreement.

"Yeah," I said in a cool breathy voice. I turned around and saw Steve and Bucky looking over at me. They were smiling like I was their little sister who had just won something. They looked at me as if they had known me for years. Kiara was stirring, her face had a little more colour in it.

"So, how'd you feel about being one of the only gals in the army?" Said Dugan, bribing my attention back to them.

"Pretty good," I said smugly. Dugan smiled, taking off his hat and shoving it in Monty's arms.

"Let's see what you got," he said, putting his fists up. I raised my eyebrows and almost laughed at the guy.

"Alright then." I put my fists up to match him.

"Seeing as you're a lady, I'll let you have one," he said. Oh, I was gonna give him one. After that sexist question, I wasn't gonna go easy on him. I swung at him and my knuckles collided with his face. He fell back a few steps, clutching his face.

"Oh god!" He exclaimed. "They were not wrong about recruiting a gal like you, were they?" He put a hand against his eyes. "Shit, I can barely see." He was laughing in a surprised tone.

"No way," said Gabe. "Our little doll can't be that good." He raised his fists this time and swung at me. I dodged and socked him in the jaw, "woah," he said, dizzily. He leaned against Jacques to keep himself on his feet. We were all laughing now.

I once more glanced behind me to look at Steve and Bucky. They were still staring but they were laughing too. I told the guys that I'd be back in a second and jogged over to the two of them.

"Well, I guess they weren't fooling around when they let you join," said Bucky.

"Damn right, they weren't," I said, smiling. "Alright, Steve, more explaining, who the hell was that red guy?" Steves smile fell.

"That was Johann shmidt," he said. "Leader of a group called hydra. They were the ones that captured the 107th." I nodded. I wanted to ask more but I didn't think Steve knew the answers. So I steered the conversation away from experimenting nazis.

"So, captain America?" I asked humorously.  He laughed.

"Yeah, um, not my idea, trust me," he said.

"I dunno," I said. "I kinda like it."

Born 1921 (Steve rogers X OCWhere stories live. Discover now