Catch up

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Kiara fell asleep in front of me. I laughed a little to myself, wondering how someone who had slept for so long could fall asleep so soon. I stood up and strode over to a table on the far side of the room. There was my file, waiting to explain to Kiara how I was still alive. It turned out that I was something called a mutant. My genes where different from others and they allowed me to survive almost anything.

So I had survived the fall from the train and I was found by HYDRA. I was asleep for the most part, I only hear snippets of what they said about me.

"The girl, come quick, she isn't human."

I escaped during the early fifties. Dyed my hair, mostly because the blonde just reminded me of Steve. Also partly because HYDRA was on my trail. I went by Katie, instead of Kate. Steve also used to call me that when we were alone. I'd call him Stevie. I changed my last name from Gotus to Smith.

I changed every aspect about myself, I could barely recognise myself in the mirror, I wasn't Kate Gotus anymore.

I met some people like me, mutants, I mean. I was in a bar one day when two gentlemen approached me. Their names were Charles and Erik. They told me they were mutants so I told them to get the hell away from me. They obliged, leaving me be, and went over to another man at the bar. They barely got a word out when he told them to go fuck themselves.

I laughed and the two of us started talking and I realised that me and the man, who's and was revealed to be Logan Howlett, were not so different from each other.

However, I had a feeling that still, after all these years, HYDRA was still following me. So we parted ways and never heard from him again... until the year 2000. Forty eight years after my escape and I still hadn't aged a day. Since my encounter with Logan, I had found one of the two men, Charles. He ran a school for mutants, he helped them control their powers. It seemed like a nice place so I decided to stay and help out.

Logan was brought to the school in 2000 and that was one of the most complicated weeks of my life.

After that week, I left the school in search for something new and I found SHIELD. An organisation run by a man named Nicholas Fury. I trained to become a spy and became close friends with a man named Clint Barton and a woman named Natasha Romanoff. The three of us have been close ever since.

And I've been working at SHIELF ever since. When they told me that they had found the bodies of Captain America and Kiara Barnes, I basically ran to the rooms they were being thawed in. The only person who got there faster than me was a spy called Phil Coulson who was a Captain America super fan. He would always ask me questions about what he was like, was he as awesome in real life as he was portrayed during the war? Short answer, yes.

I closed the file and set it down next to Kiara's bed. Not knowing whether or not to wake her up, I left the room. As I did, I saw a wall burst. Out came Steve Rogers, looked confused like a lost puppy. He hadn't seen me. He ran in the opposite direction while many guards followed in pursuit.

"Gotus!" I heard a man shout. "Rogers is out, you need to get him."

Steve must have been terrified. Waking up on a brand new world. Anyone would be scared. So I ran after him, allowing my long legs to carry me as fast as possible. I ran outside and saw Steve staring in a mix of awe and confusion up at the buildings of New York. I ran up to him.

"Steve?" I said to him. He remained distracted by the 21st century.

"Yeah, Kate?" He asked, distantly. He suddenly turned and stared at me. "Kate?" He asked louder as if only realising me now. I hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck and shoulders. I felt his do the same.

"At ease soldier," said Nick Fury. I let go of Steve and turned to face my boss. Steve stared between Fury and I. "Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there. But we thought it best to break it to you slowly."

"Break what?" Steve demanded, he seemed angry.

"Steve," I broke in, making him look down at me. "You've been a sleep." I took a breath. "For almost seventy years."

A sudden realisation flooded his thoughts. He looked back at the building of New York. He stared at the screens, the people with cell phones. He stared at all the modern technology he saw in front of him.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Asked Fury.

"Yeah, it's just..." He paused for a moment. "She was gonna teach me how to dance."

Born 1921 (Steve rogers X OCWhere stories live. Discover now