Chapter 1

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I walk through the hallways of my new school. Today is the fist day of my junior year! I'm so excited but one thing... I am a white/ grey werewolf with blue eyes. My name is Marisa but people call me Mari. As a human I have brown hair, brown eyes and am 5'2. Weird right?! My mom is human but my dad is a grey werewolf. Now that you know something about me, let me go back to the story.

As I walk throughout the hallway, I take a look at my schedule. I have English first period. Yayy ( note to sarcasm)

I walk into the classroom just in time before the bell rings. I take my seat in the middle of the classroom. As everyone walks by me, I take a quick sniff at them. Maybe they are like me but so far no luck.

Class begins and I listen to the teacher as she explains the rules and what we will be learning during the school year. After a while I stopped listening to the teacher and began to think about how my day would be and turn out until the door suddenly opened. A boy with a Chicago bulls SnapBack was at the door. There was a familiar smell in the air. It was the smell of another werewolf. I can't be. I automatically shot my head up and our eyes automatically met. I thought to myself.... Is he like me?

The teacher turns her head to the boy and says

Hello... My name is Mrs.Davis. Please take your seat next to Marisa.

The mystery boy then begins to walk towards me.

He turns his head to me and begins to speak.

Hi my name is Austin. What's your name? He says in his deep voice

My name is Marisa but you can call me Mari. I reply

We'll Mari, I would love to get to know you better. He says

Same here I say will a small smile

The bell rings and wait for him to walk out first so I can take a sniff at him. Then I walk to my next class.


Walking into the lunchroom and take a seat in the back

I unzipped my book bag and take out my lunch

While eating.. The same boy from my English class came and sat across from me. I didn't realize he was there until he began to speak.

Hey he said

Hey I say giving a small smile

I know you are new here and that we just met but I know what you are. He says

I scrunch my eyebrows and begin growl enough for only me to know

I'll see you in your dreams cupcake he says and leaves

After he left... He made me wonder. What did he me by that "I'll see you in your dreams"?


Hey guys!! This is my second fan- fic!! I hope you enjoyed it!! Byeeeee💕


My Werewolf//Austin Mahone Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now