Chapter 7

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I checked the time and saw that it was almost 7. My parents are going to kill me. I was supposed to be home right after school. Shoot!!

I got up and ran home. I ran home. I was there in 2 minutes. Usually it takes me 10 minutes but this was a new record.

When I reached my house, I opened the door and screamed out "I'm home." There was no answer. I went to the kitchen and there was a note.


Your father and I will be home late. Im working a late shift tonight and your father has a meeting cross town. If you are hungry, there is food in the microwave. Love you!

Mom and Dad

I guess I have the house to myself.

I crumbled the letter and heated up the food. For some reason, I was starving. Oh well. When the food finished heating up, I grabbed a fork and some Dr. Pepper and headed to the couch. I put the TV on and watched Good Luck Charlie. Even though I'm like 16, I still love Disney Channel.

I are my food so fast, you would think I didn't eat in forever.

I got off the couch and headed to the kitchen and put my plate in the sink. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my left arm. I yelled in pain. I plopped myself to the ground and lifted up my sleeve seeing a huge bite mark. It was red. Did I get this from that dog? It didn't even bite me. I didn't even feel it.

I got up off the floor and headed to the bathroom. I grabbed the first aid kit, patched it up and headed to my room flopping down on my bed. After a few minutes, my eyes became heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.

Let's see how tomorrow goes, I thought to myself before I fell asleep.

Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please like and comment for an update!!


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