Chapter 9

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I turned around and noticed everyone was starring at me, even the boys. They were shocked yet happy. Why? I don't know! These boys are just weird.

Doing a clockwise full turn once again, searching for the car that was just about to hit me, I just realized, I just jumped over a car. Great, I'm the new talk of the school for this week.

My first intention was to run. I was so shocked that I just jumped over that car. Thank goodness I didn't flip the car or anything. The question that keeps on going through my head is, how did I hump over that car. That's what was going through my head the whole time I was running.

When I was familiar with the area, I realized I was close to home and the woods. The place I go to think. I run into the woods breathing heavily. Deciding to sit in my usual spot, I begin to cry, placing my face in the palms of my hands. When I'm confused, scared or angry, I cry. I don't know why, I'm just weird.

Crying for what seems like hours which is really minutes, I feel something warm on me. When I look up, I see those beautiful hazel eyes. Without hesitation, I wrap my small arms around the wolfs neck. It felt so right. The wolf just whimpered softly as I continued to cry. Right now, I needed comfort, and I'm glad I had the creature of my dreams to help me.

After minutes of more crying, I unwrap my arms from the wolf and pull away.

"Who are you?" I ask

It looked taken back at first but didn't respond. All I got was a blank stare.

"I see you in my dreams and you're always there for me when I need comfort. Who are you? I would like to at least know." I say while rubbing its head softly

The wolf whimpers and steps back

Before realizing what the wolf is doing, I realize that the wolf is no longer a wolf. He is a human. A human I didn't expect to be.



Hey guys!! Did you guys expect Marisa to jump over that car? Did you expect Austin to be the werewolf? Comment and vote!!

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