She is a....he?

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Kim Taehyung

Jimin: "Yah! Wake up!" He said hitting me with a pillow.

Taehyung: "What?" I said turning my head at him.

Jimin: "Your majesty, it is time for you to wake up now, the king is waiting for you."

He said fixing the pillows. Jimin: "Your clothes are on the chair. Finish breakfast and come downstairs."

He said closing the door. I sat up with a groan. I ate breakfast and went to the bathroom.


King: "Finally you're up." Queen: "Well he did went to sleep late because you told him to study."

My mother said to him with a angry face but smiled at me. Queen: "Good Morning Taehyung." Taehyung: "Good Morning, Mother."

I said with a smile. Queen: "Jimin, would you get us some tea?" Jimin: "Sure."

He said going to the kitchen. King: "How is your studying?" He said as Jimin pour in the tea.

Taehyung: "Good." I said sipping my tea. Jimin: "Would you like anything else, your majesty?" Queen: "No, you may go now, thanks Jimin."

Jimin bow and left. She the turn back to me.

Queen: "Taehyung, you still remember Kim Seokjin?" She said talking in a kind but serious voice.

Taehyung: "Yes. What about her?" My mother look at my father.

They both had worried look on their faces. King: "Um, son, we know we should've told you this, but Kim Seokjin is a he not a she."

Taehyung: "What?!?!" I said standing up. Taehyung: "Y-You mean....I've been engaged to a....m-man?"

Queen: "Yes, but we can undo the engagement when we find his parents. Which we are doing right now. Hoseok and Yoongi, will help."

Taehyung: "Excuse me." I must go to my room. I said bowing to my parents and then left. I laid down on my bed.

She is a he all this time?


Jin: "Here let me help, Jungkook." I said as I carried one of the bucket of water.

Jungkook: "But, hyung, you shouldn't be doing this you're a- " Jin: "I know that, Jungkook. But I want to help you." I said as we carried it back.

Me and Jungkook has been with each other for years now. Jungkook know what had happened to me, I still remember that day...


I was ruining for my life, my parents dead, I was alone, no one with me.

I came and stop at a small cottage. I looked around. Finally they're gone. ???: "Who are you?" I looked up at the voice.

Jin: "I'm Prince Seokjin. I come from the Kim's. My castle had been attack, and I'm the only one. Please will you let me stay here?"

He nodded his head and open the door wide for me. Jin: "Thank you." ???: "It's okay, your majesty. I have no one to live with either." He said sitting down.

???: "Anyways, I'm Jeon Jungkook." He said showing his teeth.

Jin: "Nice to meet you, Jungkook. Will you not tell anyone that I'm a prince? I believe I am in great danger right now."

Jungkook: "Sure, I promise to protect you, your majesty."

Flashback ends

Jungkook: "Jin, look." He said tugging my shirt. I turn to what he was pointing at. Jin: "That'"

No one's P.O.V.

Hoseok and Yoongi went around asking for the Kims, but got nothing so far.


Yoongi: "What if they're dead?" He said looking up at something. Hoseok: "What do you mean?" He said as he catch up to Yoongi.

As he did, he realize what Yoongi means. There stood a burnt castle.

Yoongi: "What now?" He said looking at Hoseok. Hoseok: "If they're dead, we must find Kim Seokjin."


Hours later, the two hung papers of Kim Seokjin. They went around searching for him.

Hoseok: "Hello?" He said knocking the door. The door soon opened.

???: "Yes, how may I help you?" Hoseok and Yoongi stare with disbelief.

There stood Kim Seokjin. It was impossible that they found him in one day.

Yoongi: "Excuse me, but are you Kim Seokjin?: ???: "Yes, I am, my castle had been attack, and I was the only one who survived. Who are you?"

Yoongi: "We come from the castle to bring you back for something important." Hoseok: "Would you come with us?"

Jin: "I can't...I have someone here that lives with me...if I leave him here he-" Jungkook: "Who are they, Jin hyung?"


Soon me and Jungkook was in a carriage, heading to a special palace.

Jungkook: "Why did you bring me with you, hyung?" I looked at him.

Jin: "I brought you with me because you've been with me since I was alone. You are a brother to me Jungkook."

He looked a me with big eyes.

Jungkook: "Thanks hyung." He said hugging me. I hugged him back.


???: "Welcome to the palace, I am Hoseok. This is Yoongi."

They both bow at us.

Jin: "Nice to meet you both, thank you for bringing us here."

I said as me and Jungkook picked up some of our things. Hoseok: "Wait. Let us carry it your majesty."

He said taking the things in our hands.

Jin: "Oh, um, thank you." I said with a smile.

Jungkook: "Um, hyung, I forgot our clothes." He said looking down.

Before I can react Hoseok interrupted. Hoseok: "Do not worry about that we will give you guys clothes."

We soon went to our rooms and changed. Jin: "Jungkook?" I said looking for him.

Jungkook: "H-hyung..." I looked at him. Jungkook was wearing a dress, his hair that was always in his face, pinned back.

Jin: "Awwww! My Jungkooookie! You looked so cute!" I said almost screaming.

Jungkook: "H-hyung! Don't you realize?! I'm wearing woman's clothing an you get to wear men's!" He said blushing.

Before I can say anything, I was interrupted, again.

Hoseok: "There you guys are." He said coming toward us. Jungkook, too shy to show himself, hid behind me.

Hoseok smile at me but then realize Jungkook.

Hoseok: "Ah, I see that your woman friend here is shy." I wanted to laugh when he said that, but I didn't.

Jin: "Um, my friend here is not a woman." Hoseok: "What do you mean? She is-ohhhhh." He said looking at Jungkook again.

Hoseok: "I'm truly sorry, your majesty! We''ll find another outfit for him, immediately!" As he said that a bunch of maids came and took Jungkook to a room, quickly.

Hoseok: "I must go now!" He said bowing to me then left.

I looked around the hallway. It was so quiet all the sudden. I opened the windows/doors and went onto the balcony.

It had a beautiful view, that it reminded me of my parents and the castle.

I smile, knowing that my parents would want me to be happy.

???: "What are you doing here, and who are you?"

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