A Marriage

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It was nightime. Maid: "Have a good night your majesty." Jin: "You too."

I said as I walk to my room. As I opened the door, I was expecting that Taehyung would be asleep.

But he wasn't on the bed. Jin: "Taehyung?". I asked as I walked in.
Maybe I should look for him. I went out of the room and started looking around the castle.

Jimin: "What are you doing out of your bed, your majesty?". Jin: "Taehyung is not in bed. I think he is somewhere around the castle."

Jungkook: "Jin hyung? I thought you were already asleep?". He said rubbing his eyes.

Jin: "Jungkook? You know you should be asleep." I said turning to Jungkook.


So far I got nothing. Jin: "Did you find him?". I said as I saw Jimin. We both were panting.

Jimin: "I have search almost everywhere, but couldn't find him." Jungkook: "Maybe we should keep looking. I'm sure he has to be around in the castle."

We split up again and continued looking.

Jin: "Taehyung?". I said in a voice not so loud or queit. I looked around the garden. ???: "You should be asleep." A familiar voice said.

I turned to the voice. There stood Taehyung. Jin: "You know there's people who are worried about you?". I said as I walked closer to him.

Jin: "We should get going. I'll tell Jimin and Jungkook that you're fine, and they could go back to sleep." I said as I walked back to our room, Taehyung, following behind me.

Jimin: "It's good that he's okay. I must go now, your majesty. Have a good night." Jin: "You, too."

I turned back and went into my room. Taehyung was on the bed.

Jin: "Are you gonna change?". I said as I went to the closet taking off my shirt.


Jin: "Are you gonna change?". He asked as he got in.

I turned to him, about to say something, but stop when I saw that his naked back was facing me.

For a moment, I didn't say anything. Jin then turned to me. Jin: "What?".

I didn't even notice that there was blush on my cheeks. Jin: "Are you okay?," he said coming to me, making blushed even more.

Jin: "You're face is red." He said touching my cheeks. He looked at my face, but soon his eyes were staring right into my eyes.

We looked into each other eyes, his hand still on my cheeks. My hand, slowly went up to touch his.

We soon slowly leaned in. Our lips, a few cm apart from each other, about to touch.

But the moment was ruined when we heard a noise coming from the door.

We both turned our head at the noise. Hoseok: "Hehe. Just came to check." He said with a smile.

He looked at Jimin and Suga, and pushed them away. He smiled one more time and closed the door.

We both had our head looking at the door way. We both turned away from the door and realize the position we were in.

My hand touching his hand that was still on my right cheek. Our lips a now one inch apart.

Jin: "Um, sorry." He said as he moved his hand away from my cheek and stand up.

We both looked away with blushed on our face. We looked at each other again but looked away.

Jin went back into the closet and changed. After he did, I went in and did the same.

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