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No ones P.O.V.

Jin turned around seeing Taehyung. Is he really a guy? Taehyung thought to himself.

He couldn't help it, but looked at Jin. His pink hair, his eyes, and especially his lips.

They stare into each other eyes, that they forgot about Taehyung's question.

Jimin: "Taehyung." Jimin said going to where Jin and Taehyung were.

Jimin: "Dinner is ready." He said to Taehyung. Taehyung nodd his head and left.

He realized Jin and looked at him with a smile. Jimin: "You must be new, huh?"

Jin nodd his head in response.

Jimin: "Welcome to the palace, I'm Jimin." He said holding his hand out.

Jin slowly took the hand in his. Jin: "I'm Seokjin. Jin for short." He said with a smile.

Jimin: "I must go now, it was nice meeting you. Go to the dining room and eat."

Jin watched as Jimin walked away. He's nice. Jin thought to himself.

Hoseok: "Oh, do you need to go to the dining room? I can show you the way."

Queen: "It's nice meeting you again. I'm very sorry about what had happened to your parents. I wish was there to help."

Jin: "It's okay. It wasn't your fault." He said with a kind smile.

Queen: "May I and the king speak with you, alone?" Jin: "Yes you may."

The queen looked at Taehyung. Taehyung, knows what she meant, left the room.

King: "Um, Jin, you know that your parents mistaken you as a girl when you born, right?"

Jin: "Yes."

Queen: "Well, after you were born, they engage you to my son, Taehyung."

What? Jin thought to himself. They never told me that, except for the girl thing.

King: "We can only undo this engagement, if your parents sign."
Jin then understand why they brought him to palace.

If his parents were gone, he'll still have to married Taehyung no matter what.

Queen: "Will you still do it? We have no body else that's perfect for Taehyung."

Jin didn't say anything for a moment. Jin: "Yes. I'll do it. If it is what my parents want, I'll do it."

The queen and king looked at each other, shocked. Queen: "Thank you." She said getting up, hugging Jin as her own child.

They continue hugging each other, not knowing that Taehyung was watching.

Wow, he so...responsible. Like my mom. Taehyung thought to himself. He soon went to his room.


Jimin: "Here is your room." He said opening the room.

The room was a light blue. It had a window that showed a nice view of the ocean.

There was a big bed in the middle of the room. There was a closet by the door.

Two robes hung on the closet door. Jin: "Why is there two robes?"

Jimin: "Taehyung, will move in here after your marrige. He want to stay in his room for a bit."

Jin: "Oh. I said looking away with blush on my face." Us, sleeping together, huh?

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