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Jin: "Ready or not, here I come!" Jin yelled as he entered the garden.

Jin: "Yah, where are they?" He said as he looked around after a few minutes.

Hansung (my sister came up with it) and Taehyung giggled behind a bush as Jin continues to look around.

Hansung: "Appa, is daddy gonna find us?" He whispered to Taehyung.

Taehyung shrugged and smiled.

Hansung smiled back, showing his familiar box smile as his appa's.

Hansung looked more like Taehyung, but he acted like Jin.

Jin: "Found you!" He said as he jumped on Taehyung, not wanting to crush his son.

Taehyung smiled as Jin landed in him, pecking his lips.

Hansung giggled and jumped on top of Taehyung and Jin.

Hansung: "Daddy, Appa, when am I'm going to see halmeoni and hal-abeoji, again?"

Jin: "Next week, Hansung. They've been really busy with work." He said stroking Hansung's hair.


Jin smiled at the sleeping Hansung, little snores coming form him.

He moved the small strands of hair away from his face.

Jin: "What is it?" He said as feel Taehyung strong arms wrapped around his waist.

Taehyung: "Nothing." He mumbled into Jin's back.

Jin smiled and turned to Taehyung, placing his lips onto his.

Taehyung smiled as he and Jin kissed.

They then parted away.

Jin: "Go to sleep, Taehyung. You have to go early tomorrow." He said placing a peck on Taehyung's cheek.

Taehyung: "What about you? I can't go to sleep without you," his arms tighten around Jin's waist. "Please, sleep with me tonight."

Jin nodded and followed Taehyung to their room.

Jin: "A-Ah....Taehyung..." He moaned as he feel Taehyung kissing his weak spot on his neck.

Taehyung smirked, he had never fail, and always know where Jin's weak spots are, and what he liked.

Taehyung then turned Jin around, pressing his lips onto Jin's.

Jin wrapped his arms around Taehyung, while Taehyung's was wrapped around his waist.

He then was pushed down on the bed.

Jin looked up at Taehyung, panting.

Taehyung: "Tonight," he said placing a kiss on Jin's inner thigh. "I won't let you sleep."

Jin: "B-But you have to-"

Taehyung: "Shhh. It doesn't matter." He said continuing.

Jin closed his eyes and didn't bother to care anymore.


Jin: "Taehyung," He said stopping Taehyung. "I'm.....pregnant."

Taehyung eyes widen, and he dropped the thing he was carrying on the ground.

Taehyung: "H-How?!" He said with excitement, hugging Jin after wards.

He then parted away, wiping a tear away.

Taehyung: "B-But...you're a boy.." he said trying to calm down.

Jin: "I-I don't know, but I checked with the doctor, and turns out my parents were right. I was a girl, but turned into a boy." He said looking down.

Jin: "My body is like a boy, but inside, I'm a girl."

He kept his head down.

Taehyung: "Jin." Taehyung said cupping his cheeks.

Taehyung: "You make me the happiest man. I wanted a child, and you gave it to me. I don't care that you were a girl before." He said looking into Jin's eyes.

Jin couldn't help but cry, Taehyung hugged him, and cry as well.

This day, was a day Taehyung thought that was the most happiest, but it wasn't.


Taehyung: "Hansung." He said looking up. "My ancestor had that name."

Jin smiled.

Taehyung kissed Hansung's forhead before handing him back to Jin.

Jin: "Hansung. It's a nice name." He said crying.

Taehyung smiled and wiped Jin's tears away.

Taehyung: "Today is the best day of my life, thanks to you." He said placing a kiss on Jin's lips.

It was a passionate kiss they shared.


Jin: "Taehyung, I can do this myself." He said as Taehyung walked Jin down the stairs.

Taehyung: "I don't want you to fall. You just gave birth." He said as they reach the bottom.

Jimin: "Good morning, your majesty." Jimin said bowing to Jin and Taehyung.

Jin: "Good morning, Jimin." He said as he walked over to the living room (?).

Jungkook had Hansung in his arms, while Namjoon sat next to him.

Jungkook then handed Hansung to Namjoon.

Namjoon: "He's really adorable." He said touching Hansung's forhead.

Jin smiled.

Namjoon then handed Hansung back to Jin.

Jin: "Thank you for taking care of him, while we were gone."

Jungkook and Namjoon smiled.

Jungkook: "Ah Jin, you're very lucky to have a children. I can't give birth to a child." He said a bit with sadness.

Taehyung: "It's okay, I'm sure you'll find one." He said with a smile.

End of Flashback

Jungkook: "Jae-hwa." He said as he was washing the clothes.

Jae-hwa: "Yes?" He said standing next to Jungkook.

Jungkook: "Go find your appa, tell him that food is ready." He said as he continue.

Jae-hwa nodded and ran into the house.

Jae-hwa: "Appa." He said waving his hands in front of Namjoon.

Jae-hwa: "Daddy said that food is ready."

Namjoon: "Ok." He said setting his book down.

He lift Jae-hwa up and walked outside.

As he entered the outside, Jungkook was already there sitting down.

He then smiled at Namjoon, standing up.

Namjoon smiled back, placing a peck on Jungkook's cheeks.

They've moved out of the palace, and found Jae-hwa, an orphan, in the woods.

He soon became their son.

Jungkook: "Let's eat."

The end.

Sorry for short chapter.

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