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No one's P.O.V.

It's been two month, the king and queen came back early.

Taehyung spend most of his time with Jin. Jungkook and Namjoon hung out with each other, pretty much everyday.


Me and Namjoon laughed as we sat down. Namjoon: "You know I still love you."

My laugher died and I turned to him. Before I could say anything, he pressed his lips onto mines.

I blushed with my eyes wide opened, but soon closed them as I kissed back.

We parted away from each other. Namjoon: "You still love me too, right?".

I looked away and blushed. Um..what do I say? Jungkook: "Um, yes."

He let out a chuckle. Namjoon: "Jungkook. Look at me." He said  getting closer.

I looked at him. Namjoon: "I love you, and I will never ever leave you again."

Tears of joy felled onto the ground. Jungkook: "I love you too."

We leaned in and kissed again.


Me and Taehyung walked along the beach. Jin: "Today is a beautiful day."

Taehyung: "Yeah. It is." We lay out the blanket on the sand. We sat down.

Taehyung: "Wait. Are you hungry?". Jin: "A little." He stand up all the sudden.

Taehyung: "Wait here. I'll go get some food." He started running.

I smiled and looked at the sky. Today, Taehyung didn't have to work, which made me happy.

Just then, I heard some rustling. I looked behind me nothing. Maybe I was just imagining things.

As I turned back, my mouth was cover with a cloth, and every thing went black.

???: "Shhh. Careful. You might wake him up." Someone whispered.

Suddenly, my back is hitting a cold wall. ???: "We got him, boss." ???: "Good. Leave some food out. I don't want a dead body."

That voice. I heard it before. But I can't remember who.

As I hear the door closed. I opened my eyes. I was in great danger.

The wall was old and burnt, the bed feel like is was gonna break any moment, everything else was rusty. I was back in my old room in my old castle.

I touched my hand, nervous, but as I did I realized my ring is gone.

I looked down at my hand. It might felled off, probably lying on the blanket at the beach.


Taehyung: "Time to eat!" I said as I ran to the carpet, only to find no one.

Taehyung: "Jin?". I dropped the basket filled of food onto the sandy beach.

Taehyung: "Jin?! Jin!". I said running around the beach.

Taehyung: "Ow." I said as I step on something. I looked down. Jin's ring. I picked it up. It stills feel warm.

He's not that far away. He's still probably around here. I looked around for more evidence.

Just then something black caught my eyes. I looked at it again. There was a piece of black cloth hanging onto a tree.

I ran to it and picked it up. I smelled it. Jin's smell and some sleeping powder.

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