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Gathering courage and strength I remember the Latin proverb I had read once 'Transit umbra, lux permanet' it means shadow passes,light remains. I hope that my people will travel this tunnel filled with shadows and see the light of victory waiting for them at the end,and fight.Fight along side me.It appears that my world is standing on this fragile ground made of hope.With a calm and composed face I begin addressing my people.

"Good afternoon to all present and watching this event.I hope, that you and your loved ones are in good health.I assure you that your rulers and protectors are thriving.
Today we are all gathered here to witness the historical remembrance of the day out forefathers presented us with the right to shaped our own destiny.
We all are aware of the fact that we pay for the sins we commit.And alas the time to pay has arrived at our door step.

I as your Queen ask you to maintain your calm and keep a open mind for what I am about to tell you."I look at the crowds.My people have indeed composed themselves and appear to be ready to hear what I have to say. But the Royal Family are a completely different story.They are staring at me with a bored expression but a few of them are wearing a look of interest.I catch my cousin brother Hugo's smirk from the corner of my eye and it invokes this burning rage inside me.Usually I am the calm and rational one during tense situations but this.....Its almost like I can hear his thoughts.She is going to announce that she is gay and people are going to march with burning sticks and give her the witch treatment.He is such a bellend sometimes that I am tempted to strangle him. I am usually able to avoid him but nothing is above public image.

Seeing his face reminds of the time I revealed to my family that I'm bisexual(and not gay).Everyone was horrified and didn't quite know what to say to me except giving me the advice to keep my mouth firmly shut.Apparently everything about the Royal Family was a facade.(also fun fact:their style of thinking matched to those cavemen living in the 15th century)Also public reputation is everything.Well at least that part worked in my favor.Hugo has been trying to"expose"me to the media ever since because he believes that people won't want to be ruled by a 'person like me' and only stopped because the family threatened to disown him.I am tempted to prove him wrong and in fact if the Royal Family knew what I was about to announce then they would definitely prefer this scandal. But we don't always get what we want,do we.
I realize that some time has passed while I was having my internal monologue and my people are getting restless. Returning my attention to the situation at hand I continue. "A few months ago, while the original Constitution was been studied we made a very shocking discovery." A very shocking discovery indeed.So shocking that the after effects will completely shatter the world as we know it.Now the Royal family are sitting at the edge of their seats like dogs who know something is amiss.I smile secretly.Well they had definitely earned what was coming for them.
"The original makers of the Constitution feared that a time may come when greed , hunger for money and need for power will overpower our goals to serve our people to the best of our ability. They came up with a solution of course.And I'm afraid to inform you that those drastic plans have to be set in motion."
I look around me.People are wearing various expressions from surprise to shock to denial and disbelief.Some are even confused.I take a deep breath and continue."To put it in simple words, the House of Mercia finds itself in a position to be unfit to rule the Seven Isles as it should be.Therefore the drastic plans are henceforth being put into action as legalized by the Crown and the Constitution."I stop because by this point the outrage of my people makes me no longer audible.The scene that greets me is a horrifying one but an expected one,only slightly more worst.
Well worst in the sense that the outrage of The said Royal Family rivals the reaction of when the citizens of USA found out about 'the Pact '.I am second guessing my decision about not telling them before hand but I guess it's too late now, what's done is done. I catch my PA Martha motioning for me to end my announcement and get back to safety of my special quarters.
The security has managed to control the outrage to some extent.

"I as the Queen of Seven Isles hereby announce the beginning of the quest for the search and election of the new Monarch of the Seven Isles."By this point chaos has taken a firm hold of the situation and things have completely gotten out of hand. I have to make a hasty exit leaving the havoc behind temporarily.

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