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And I'm back folks!!! Sooo sorry for the long wait my lovelies but I assure you that you will not be disappointed. Btw I have made a few changes in the previous chapters(the present year is 2130 and not 2110) This is the longest chapter (1520 words) I have ever written. Needless to say I have kicked some writers block ass!! Yay to me!! I hope you enjoy the chapter!



I have been pacing to and fro for what seems like an eternity. The plane walls of the emergency safety room provides some short lived comfort to me.As expected everything thing has gone down the sh*t lane.I don't curse often being a queen and all that but situations like this can only be perfectly described using curse words. The announcement has blown back on my face and things are looking borderline war bad. But what's done is done and now we can only move forward. The buzzer buzzes for the millionth time snapping me out of my thoughts.

I am surprised to hear the voice that comes out of the speaker. "It's safe to come out now." Hugo's voice informs me in a montonous tone.

To say I am shocked would be a major understatement. Suddenly deathly silence prevails. I realize that everyone has stopped breathing and only a soft wheezing noise can be heard.

I'm shocked to discover those noises are coming from me.

"Cleo I have got your inhaler." Just by saying that simple sentence he has my complete uttermost attention. I glance at my P. A Martha. She shakes her head and hands me my inhaler. I take two shots of it and feel my wheezing calming down. I start feeling better a tad bit and can think more clearly.

"Cleo." Hugo's voice comes through the intercom again.I don't know what he is up to this time but I'm too smart to fall for his silly acts. Determined to give Hugo a piece of my mind I start towards the intercom but a hand on my shoulder stops me. I turn back to discover that the hand stopping me belongs to none other than my infamous strategist.
He simply says, " Keep your allies close and your enemies closer." My lips curve into a half smile and I nod. The time has come to put some plans into action.

I reach the intercom and press the button. Even though the wheezing has now become practically non-existent I decide to fake it.

"You....Have....My .... Inhaler?" I reply through the intercom between fake wheezing. Hugo replies immediately, "Yes, Cleo I have your inhaler. Please let me in. You need it before you end up hooked to the LSM adding fuel to the fire. The last thing we need right now is you ending on the death bed." I hear actual concerning his voice. Color me surprised.

I give a slight nod towards my security. He nods back and starts monitoring the corridors outside the emergency shelter room for any plausible threat.

I press my hand on the intercom button and reply." You're....Right....Safe??" I continue my dissemble act. "Yes, Cleo I'm alone. I have even managed to send every member of the Royal Family away too. You can trust me . Please let me in." Hugo replies with uttermost sincerity.

I look at my security and he give me the ensurence that Hugo is indeed telling the truth. I wheeze into the intercom, "K.... Opening." With that I nod towards the team of people surrounding me and they move towards the next room. I carefully open the door keeping up the the wheezing charade.

The emergency safety room door opens slightly to reveal a devilished looking Hugo with lines on concern eitched on his chiseled face. He manages to squeeze him self through the gap and the light near the top left corner of the door goes green indicating that he is not carrying any weapon. Well that's good.

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