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Earlier that day....
I stand facing the eastern sky.The sun is about to rise and so are we.The sky is streaked with the faintest hint of orange and the birds are stirring in their nests.A million thoughts are crowding in my head, telling me that the odds of a bright future are bleak. But odds are meant to be defied. I watch as the sky turns crimson and sun begins to rise. A bird suddenly shoots across the sky and at that moment I feel like I'm that bird, who is full of hope. A bird who is ready to face the unknown with all that it has. A bird who will survive either by strength or by deceit. Today is the day to begin the journey to change and never look back.

Today is 1st May, the said 'independence' day.The celebrations are a compulsion to participate in. I really don't see a point in forcing people to smile fake smiles and generating sham festivities. But alas we all are puppets controlled by the puppeteer. Well the puppeteer is quite talented indeed seeing as she sits her Royal ass on the faraway throne and still controls us perfectly as if we were merely inanimated, lifeless chess pieces.

All the people from my community are gathering in a pathetic excuse for an arena to watch Her Bitchness Majesty, Queen Cleo's address to her lovely people and then to continue celebrations. Well here at Enclave celebrations means free food so at least that's something to look forward to, after all food tastes the best when it's free.

But this year seams to be some how different.For one there is more security than I have ever seen before and also instead of the stench of façade, anxiousness is buzzing in the air. I find a place to stand next to one of the old fashioned speakers. The bitch Queen is about to begin her address and I'm ready to zone out and eager for this day to be over so that some real action can start. But suddenly something her Royal Highness says nags my attention."...I as your Queen ask you to maintain your calm and keep a open mind for what I am about to tell you....". Yea bitch we can all tell you are gay don't need to make a royal degree about it. I smirk, not that I have any problem with people choice of interest but I hate this person and all the things about her with every cell of my body.
After an over dramatic too long pause her evilness continues..."A few months ago, while the original Constitution was been studied we made a very shocking discovery." That The Concur was the biggest mistake in the history of humankind....too late you are going to pay for it.

"To put it in simple words, the House of Mercia finds itself in a position to be unfit to rule the Seven Isles as it should be.Therefore the drastic plans are henceforth being put into action as legalized by the Crown and the Constitution." Wait what just happened. Did these stupid piece of shit speakers just malfunctioned or something. But then suddenly everything starts to make sense the extra security....."....the beginning of the quest for the search and election of the new Monarch of the Seven Isles..."
I feel numb. I can not comprehend what just happened. Has that woman gone out of her mind. Well she has just bestowed us with the best thing she could. I am suddenly shaken out of my daze with the commotion around me. As the announcement sinks in people around me go into a frenzy and suddenly everywhere I look chaos reigns. The good is always followed by the bad and I hope the repercussions are bearable for the greater good.

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