Chapter One

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It was a dark, cold night at 27 Dirdum Lane. Edd, Tom, Matt and Tord (who was staying for the week) were watching Return of the Zombie Pirates from Hell 3, again for the 5th time in a row. "Ugh! Can't we watch something else?" asked Edd as he slurped down his can of Coke, "Let's just watch some original TV." said Tom, who was bored out of his mind.

The others agreed and switched off the DVD player and began to flick through the Television. Suddenly they stopped at a channel that had a news report, "We now go to other breaking news." the reporter announced "an incredible rise of UFO sightings all over London this month, mostly in the Dirdum district. We wish all citizens of that area to; lock your doors, close your windows and keep yourself safe. That's all from us tonight, I'm Dick Pump, and you been watching BBZ News, Good night."

The four boys busted out laughing at the reporters name, not one bit worried about the announcement.

"OH MY GOD! That's the most funniest name I ever heard!" Tord shouted as he rolled on floor.

"STOP! I'm pissing myself!" said Matt, laughing hysterically.

"Who would give someone a name like Dick Pump!?" laughed Tom, his legs kicking frantically in the air.

"I know, right!" Cried Edd while he wiped away the tears in his eyes with his sleeve. 

Eventually they all calmed down and continued watching TV, Edd thought about the report for a while, then with a shock, he sprang up from his seat and said "Hey guys, shouldn't we be worried about that UFO thing?" the other three boys looked at him, "Edd, calm down. There's nothing to worry about." Said Tord, "Tord has a point, besides what's the worst that can happen anyway?" asked Tom, "Getting killed by aliens comes to mind!" Edd pointed out "What happens if those creatures shoot Matt in the face?" he added, "NOO! NOT THE FACE!" Screamed Matt, he jumped behind the sofa and began to whimper like a little Dog.

"So anyway, I think we should be prepared, just in case." Edd continued, ignoring Matt. Tom sighed "All right, but I'm telling ya Edd! Your overreacting." he got up and walked to Kitchen, shortly followed by Tord, Edd gave a tiny sigh, left the living room and walked into his own room     "I'm not overreacting." he whispered, then he went to bed . 

In the Kitchen, Tord was making black coffee, while Tom was pouring himself a tall glass of Smirnoff. He turned around and said "Hey Tord?"  

"Yeah?" answered Tord. 

"It's a little weird for Edd to worry this much, isn't it?" he asked.   

"I don't blame him, with all those crazy adventures we had, yeah you would be worried a lot actually." Tord responded back, stirring his coffee.

Tom began to think about the adventures that he, Edd, Matt and Tord had together. They nearly got there brains eaten by Zombeh's (expect Matt and Tord who were Zombehs), they nearly got their heads bitten off by Zanta Claws, and they nearly got killed in the tomb that's in their back garden.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but still that was ages ago, nothing barely happens to us now." said Tom as he jugged half of his Smirnoff down his throat.

"Well, let's hope it stays that way...." Tord managed to say before walking out of the room with his coffee, leaving Tom alone.

Soon Tom himself walked out of the Kitchen and into the sitting room to finish off his drink, Edd, Tord and Matt were not there, "Must've went to bed." he thought to himself, he sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV again, for a while Tom tried not to think about the news report, deep down he knew that he was worried like Edd was. He had to admit, he wasn't worried at all, he was SCARED, "This has got to do something about that weird dream I had." Tom said out loud.

He didn't remember most of it, but he remembered dreaming the sound of a humming noise, and that he sees an oval shape dome, hovering in the sky.

Tom snapped out of it, "It's probably nothing." he then continued to watch TV. The news came back on again, Dick Pump was on again and said "Ladies and Gentleman, we'd advise all of you to make sure all of your doors and windows are locked and secured, before it's too late. Thank you and sleep well."

After turning off the TV, Tom turned off the lights and went into his room, "I think Edd locked the doors before we watched the film" he thought as jumped into his bed and closed sockets, "Like I said Edd" he muttered "Were safe, what's the worst that can happen." and with that, Tom drifted off to sleep.             

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