Lost ( A Percy Jackson Story )

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The ship kept getting closer and closer to Camp Jupiter, and it looked like a battle sgip, which wasn't good. We just sort of got out of battle.

If I knew that ship or who was on it, I would say. But I don't.

I stood next to Reyna in front of the camp as someone came to the front of the ship, and half the camp called truce because that Jason Grace guy, who ever he was, was on there. SO they let them all come down.

Octovain did not look happy about that.

" They're gracius,"  Octovain told us," Not Jason, but the others. I swear they are!"

" Octovain," I said," YOu said I was gracias, too. But I'm not."

" Oh, you can't say crap, Jackson," Octovain told me," You don't remember crap."

" Still."

Apparantly the blond headed girl knew Nico Di Angelo. How, I don't know what so ever.

" Hazel!" I heard Nico yell," Get over here!"

Frank, Hazel, and myself went over to the son of Pluto, the blond headed girl, and who was all with her.

Reyna was there, too. Talking with the blond.

" Yeah Nico?" Hazel asked Nico.

" Please," Nico said," Explain to Annabeth here," Nico motioned to the blond as she stopped talking to Reyna," Percy's memory loss and how he got here."

" Why not just have Percy explain it?" Hazel asked Nico.

" She won't frikkin believe him.." Nico explained. " Not me, either."

So Hazel has to explain to this Annabeth chick about my memory loss and all that crap. 

After that, ANnabeth asked Reyna something, Reyna spoke back, and Annabeth left.

The others that were with her, even Jason were acting so akward about that. I don't know why. I mean, it's not like I know her or anything.


Hazel, Nico's sister explains this whole thing to me, I asked Reyna if there was anywhere in this camp I could just relax for a minute, she told me a place, and I went there.

There was basically one thing running in my mind as I walked over there alone.

I had lost Percy completly. He doesn't know me, remember me, nothing.

Where Reyna told me to go there was only one other person. A guy that very scarily reminded me of Luke.

Luke, gods. It's been, what, 8 months since he died?

He noticed me when I sat down. It was like a church main room. But empty except the guy that reminded me of Luke.

" Hi," the guy said," Not many people come here anymore. I'm Octovain."

" Annabeth," I todl Octovain," And why not?"

" Well," Octovain said, and sat across from me," I don't really know. New kid Percy's always happy and excited, Reyna is always the hopeful one, Jason was the same, the others I just don't know. Usually it's just me here."

" Sounds like Percy," I told Octovain.

" You just got here," Octovain told me," How would you know that?"

" I sort of knew him before he lost his memory and left," I told Octovain," He's at the wrong camp, and nobody is telling him."

" I knew he was Greek," Octovain said," Nobody believes me anymore."

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