Chapter 2

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*Sally Blofis*

Nine months later.

" Push!" The doctor yelled, and I pushed and pushed, squeezing Paul's hand. Almost popping it off, I think.

After 19 hours there was finally a baby out of me. A girl. We decided to name her Elsea. But gods I was tired now. So Paul took Elsea, and I feel asleep.

*Paul Blofis*

I took Elsea from Sally, and Sally feel asleep almost instantly. 

We still kept in contact with Percy's dad, talked to him time to time. But not Percy. No. We haven't heard from him, about him, or seen him since they took him away. We try to message him. Send him letters. But we never get replies. It's even harder with Sally. She was with him his whole life when he wasn't missing. Poseidon wasn't physically. But he was always there.

When Sally woke up I told her I was going to run home for the day since I had to teach tomorrow, and she was okay with that, so I headed out.

When I got home everything was in place like it was before, I ate some lunch, and turned on the news.

At first it was all the usual. The weather, sports, etc. .  Then came the real news.

" Over 30 teenage boy and girls from New York," Kraig said on the TV," We're all put in a mental hospitals in one day for the same cause. That has never happened in the history of America before. It's been proven that one of them holds powers that unhumane with ice, snow, and wind, one with lightning, and the sky, one with the dead, actually, and one, the strongest out of all 37 put in the metal hospitals, who could control water.:"

I wonder who those people were. I mean, suriously. That's pretty awesome.

I went through the mail. Mostly bills. A few congradualations from the family. Other that, nothing really.


Okay, I know I wasn't crazy before this place.

I think I'm starting to go crazy now because of this place. You have nothing to do but talk and eat and sit there and walk. And that's a hard for an ADHD Demigod.

According to the schedules, it was day 10 when something happened.

Since there was no where else to sit at lunch, I sat down at a table that only had a man there I'm guessing about my mom's age.

" HI," the man said after a few silent minutes," You must be new here. I'm Aaron."

" Percy Jackson," I told Aaron, and he froze for a moment.

" Jackson?" He asked me," Who are your parents?"

" Sally Jackson and I'm not allowed to say my father's name," I told Aaron," Why?"

Aaron smiled. First smile I've seen since I got here.

" I knew Sally," Aaron told me," She was my sister, then when our parents died, I was taken here and Sally went to the unkle. Haven't seen her since. How's she donig?"

" Pretty good," I told Aaron," I didn't really get to see her much before I was shipped here. She seems pretty happy last I saw her. I was knocked out cold when I was brought here. Another kid on the way. So yeah."

" Well half the people here were either in crashes, wrecks, stabbed, or shot." Aaron told me," Not crazy. Society just doesn't really want you, so they throw you here. What about you?"

" Shot," I told Aaron," I made a good deal of enemies."

 A woman sat down next to Aaron. My aunt.

Wow, I guess they really do make you act like these people never existed, and knock them off the radar forever.

Aaron told my aunt, Leah who I was, and she was happier than ever to meet me.

She asked me, jsut because Ihad been shot why they put me in here.

" I know this truth people just don't want to believe is true or except," I told them," Simple as that."

That night it was "crazy night" since the staff had Christmas until the second off. We got to reveal why we were put in here. I went last since I was the new one.

There was a series of numbers. There was magictionos here, sorccerers, wizards, a fawn/satyr, and then mortals.. I was the only new one here. It took about 45 minutes before it was my turn.

" I pretty much knew a little more than people wanted anyone to know," I told them," I hold powers that they don't want exposed at all and apparently I was just to powerful for the Government."

They ask you who your immediate family would be.

" Mother," I told them' Sally Jackson/Blofis, Step-dad, Paul Blofis, brother, Tyson."

When you have powers, they ask to see them, and I saw Riptide behind a bowl.

: Throw me that pen," I told Aaron, and he did, I turned it into a sword, and the Mist covered it, took the glass of water, cut myself, turned it back into a pen, and put in my pocket.

" Wha-?" Leah said," Why did you cut yourself?"

" One minute," I said, and stuck my hand in the water, and it cured the cut in all, and as I raised my finger, a strip of water went up with it, and I turned it into ice.

Yes, appartently I can also make ice, snow, basically make winter when I want.

Iturned it back to water, and handed it to a girl about my age named Hailey in the front row,

" Can you heal anything with water?" Aaron asked me.

" Not everything," I told Aaron," The biggest thing would be a dislocated bone. Once it hiys a broken bone and further, I'm useless. So far that hasn't happened to me. . so."

Now they very stupidly don't have cameras here, and I wasn't stayed here. Everyone wanted out, nobody was really crazy here. I'd talked to them all, heard all the stories. The Government just threw them in here.

I had a plan by the next day.

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