Chapter 2

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I was shocked past beliefs.

" I have a twin?" Was the first thing Luke says. Probably seeing Octovain.

" What?" Octovain asked.

" No," I told both of them. " Octovain is son of Roman Apollo, Luke is son of Hermes."

Conner and Travis leave the room, so does Octovain, leaving just Luke and myself.

I had no clue what to say or do. Just stood there, staring at the son of Hermes. Luke seemed a little shyer now than usual.

I can see why.

After a few minutes Luke spoke because I just couldn't. I didn't know what to do or say or anyting like that really. I thought he was dead. I watched him kill himeslf 8 months ago.

" So Romans are back I hear," Luke told me," That where you, Nico, and Percy are?"

" Yeah," I told Luke," They're back, that's where we are."

I told Luke we should be back next week, and hung up.

A few more days went by in the usual schedule here, and before I knew it, it was time to go.

Percy didn't want to go.

" I don't know any of you," Percy told us, still that stupid memory loss. " Why should I come with?"

" Because," Nico told Percy," You do know some of us. How do you not remember!?"

He was frustrated about this, too.

" Because I just sort of don't," Percy told us," I haven't seen you guys before you came here. End of story. I'm not coming with."

And he marched off.

We had no time, we had to leave now.

Nico, Piper, Leo, and myself got on the ship, waved goodbye, and we were off to Camp Half-Blood.

We got there about 6 hours later. They did not like the fact Percy wasn't with. 

" We told him to come more than once," I told them.

" Tried to haul him," Nico told them.

" Kid's just to strong and stubborn," Leo said.

" No kidding," Piper said," He's convinced he's supposed to be there with the memory loss he doesn't know Nico or Annabeth or the name Camp Half-Blood or anyone here anymore."

That's when Luke walked into the room with his cabin.

We told them the same thing, and have dinner and campfire.

I'm going to be smart, and guess my relationship with Percy is over with now. So I'm single. Again.


The ship left with the gracias, thank gods. They were getting on my nerves so badly.

Octovain walks up behind me. He had become okay after a few days, I guess.

" You didn't go with them?" Octovain asked me.

" No," I told Octovain," WHy would I?"

" Well," Octovain told me," I was talking with Annabeth the first day. She was pretty pissed about your memory loss."

" I don't know her," I told Octovain, popping a grape into my mouth," Why would she be pissed about it?"

" Because," Octovain told me," She was telling the truth. You knew each other. Nico knew you, too. From what she said, you two were close back at where they're heading. Then she messaged these people from her camp, they knew you, too. Seemed pissed about the memory loss., too."

" What ever,' I told Octovain," I'm here now. I'm not gracias. I'm Roman."

Reyna hears the combersation, comes up to us, joins the combersation.

" Actually," Reyna said, scaring me just a little.

" What?" I asked, daring her to tell me.

" Let's just say we've met once before," Reyna told me.

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" Yeah," Reyna told me." We have. You were 13."

" Okay," I said," How?"

" Sea of Monsters," Reyna  told me," Or Burmuda, what ever. CC Spa and emporium. YOu were with Annabeth and another guy, your brother, Tyson. He's a cyclopes. You freed me and my sister from that place. Haven't you heard the rumors about you here yet?"

" What rumors?" I asked Reyna, now more confused.

" About your past life," Octovain told me," How you saved Olympous last summer, holding up the sky, surviving the Larybrinth, finding the Master Bolt in Mars custody, broke Mars' ankle, survived the Sea of Monsters, found the Golden Fleece, fought in war, everything you just don't remember, basically."

I didn't believe it one second.

" Let me just ask you something, Percy." Hazel told me later that night at dinner. " Do you remember the name Luke Castellan or Thalia Grace or Ethan Nakamura at all?"

I thought long and hard about it. They sounded familiar. I don't know why, but they diid.

" Familiar," I told Hazel," Don't know why, just familiar."

" How about Clarisse La Rue?" Frank asked me." Grover Underwood? Tyson? Chiron? Charles Beckondorf?"

" Nope."

That night I was lying in bed across from Reyna, and we were just talking, and she said this name, and it clicked. It was from long time ago. I was 13. In the Sea of Monsters with. . . oh gods no.

I didn't,

I decided to stay at the Roman camp Jupiter, instead of Camp Half-Blood.

" Ah, crap," I said, and everything slowly started coming back to me.

" What?" Octovain, Jason, Hazel, Reyna, and Frank asked me, and my mouth goes open agape.

" I think I remember, now."

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