The Kidnap Revenge Pt.2

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I look over to Phoebe and strain my eyes at how much light was coming in.

Had we been in here for a full night? Because it looked light the sun was just setting. I smelled like the dew of morning.

"Give it up Phoebe. Where are we?" Mark asks forcefully

"You're at a dungeon. We can go from there." She said with a victorious smirk.

"Now come on. Get out before we slice you in half."

I roll my eyes and step out.

"You know if you were going to kidnap us you could have used a cleaner truck." I say. When I get out I stand there.

"Go." She orders.

"Um. You're in my way. Move peasant."

"You have three seconds to move or else we have people do it for you." A familiar voice said. It was really familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I had no time to think. I had to escape and I had to do it quick. But first I find Ryan.

"Where is Ryan?" I question.

"You'll find out. We took him in earlier. But don't worry. You guys are all roomies!" Phoebe said all cheerful. I just wanted to punch her in the face so many times.

We were escorted into a dark hall and this dude pushes us into the dungeon jail-like cell and locks us in.

I start my immediate search for Ryan in the huge room.

"Ryan?" I whisper. I hear a chair move and muffled noises. He was in here alright. But I had no idea where.

"Tap your foot!" I yell. Nothing.

"But I heard....

More muffling.

"Okay. Ryan I know you're in here. Just keep making that sound." Mark says. Harris strains his ears beside me. I was holding onto his hand in fear.

More sounds. We slowly followed the sound and I touched around until I felt a body. And then a chair and ropes.

"Poor thing." I say. I untie him and pull the gag from out his mouth.

Ryan takes a deal breath.

"Thanks. Finally I'm free." He said. That voice didn't sound like Ryan. Wait a minute.

"Hey. I know that voice." I say.

"Leo!" We all yell.

"In the flesh." He whispers.

"I can't believe that I'm meeting the creator of Mech X-4. I have so many questions." Harris gushes. 

"Not the time." I say in a mocking tone. I hear Harris stomp his foot in frustration.

"It's nice to finally meet you Leo. But where is Ryan?" I ask getting more worried.

"You guys better hurry. He could be dead. They took him to another room." Leo explained.

"Oh my gosh." I gasp. I rush to the bars and band on them.

"Let me out!" I scream.

"Let me out." I repeat about six times before Mark pulls me away.

"Its okay. We can't do anything. We're locked in here. I guess we didn't do good enough." He said. I leaned on his shoulder crying. Ryan was dead.

"Hey. No crying. I have an idea." Leo said walking up behind me.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some dangling jingly things.

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