New kid and meeting the future bf that ruins your whole fucking life scene

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-ok so with my past experience with fanfics and shit I'm going to make a whole story with the most common topics used with stories okaykay later my lil internetopians-




chapter 1-being the new kid

it was Shane's first day of his new school, he did not want to go to school because of his paranoia from his last highschool. His mom could see his fear so she went up to him and hugged him "don't worry Shane, i'm sure this will be different" he rolled his eyes because of his moms cheesy shit

"thanks mom" he said. later it was time to go and he left praying for a difference.


by the time he got to school some girl went up to him "hey you must be the new guy! I am Hayley Williams and i am in your biology class" "oh uhm I'm Shane Lee yaw'' Hayley took him to meet her friends "hey guys this is Shane, Shane this is frank, Gerard, Felix, that damn neighbor, kalel, fruit lupe, brendon, billie jean,  and the man you are destined to have a gay teen rebellious romance that are little girls OTP's and will be created into a fan fiction, joey" They stare at each other for a long time and then Joey smiles and says "Hey Shane, you wanna tour around the school" Shane was so lost in joeys eyes that he forgot to answer. Joey nervously laughed and Shane suddenly answered "uhm no, yes, uhm I mean lets go" Joey took Shanes hand and they ran off. Fruit Lupe went up to Felix and said "uhm what the hell was that" Felix replied "This is where Shane gets to know Joey more and have deep connections to loving each other. Duh its in every story, its like you have never been to the internet" Fruit Lupe nodded and said "seems legit" then the group strutted off to somewhere loser like


After the boys were done "touring the school" it was finally time for class and they had to leave each other "I guess i will see you in lunch, later Shane" Joey waved bye and left for some class that the author does not care about. Shane headed for the other class that the author does not care about  el-o-el, he took a seat in the back and started reading fifty shades of gray bc its Shane. Until 4 men gathered around him and one of them slapped Shane "excuse me fag, but you are in my seat" Shane rubbed his face and asked "uhm...who are you" the boys laughed and the tiny guy replied "i am Jaime, that is Mike, Vic, and Tony. The guys that the author brought in (el-o-el pierce the veil forever w o t  w o t) to be the popular obnoxious bullies, bc every fan fiction needs those bullies that are famous and punch people in the feels bc we are bullies (please don't tell me i am the only one who cringes when famous people are the bully) and yeah" Shane shook his head and said "what" Mike put down his Jack Daniels and took out a paper "its in our contract that we have to accept whatever shit happens with fame, for example here right now when the author is typing us explaining to you the concept of whats happening" Shane nodded in response and Jaime returned to his topic "Anyways, this is my seat bitch get out or i will beat your faggot ass up" Shane nodded, took his books and ran to the front  of the room next to a blonde girl. "Don't mind those Mexicans" The girl said "They are just annoying popular dudes, i'm Lisa" Shane took out his hand to shake Lisa's "Shane, where is the teacher class started 12 minutes ago"  Lisa replied "Oh you are definitely new, he always gets drunk before he teaches us" the teacher came out from the back and said "fuck everything go do shit bc fangirls don't give a shit about what happens in school they just want to hear Shane getting raped by the principal" Shane had his eyes wide "WAIT WHAT!?" (hue hue hue Shane gets raped but not by the principal ;3 hue hue hue) "never mind child" He goes back to teaching stuff no one cares about. Shane stares at the clock hoping the class would end so he could be a step closer to being with Joey "SHANE YOU LIL SHIT"

Shane flinches towards the teacher "Yes Mr. (oh shit what shall his name be... Mr. Hitler tit's) Hitler tit's?" he slammed his vodka in Shanes desk "YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR ASS DID, YOU DID NOT PAY ATTENTION TO MY STORY ABOUT NUDES. DETENTION FOR YOU BASTARD" Shane moaned not sexually you dirty sluts, while Jaime was snickering. Then Mr. Hitler tit's pointed his vodka at Jaime "DETENTION FOR YOU TOO SIR PRECIADO" Jaime was shocked and yelled "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?!" Mr. Hitler tit's replied "NOTHING ITS PART OF THE FANFIC BC THAT IS THE PART WHERE SHANE'S DESTINED FUTURE BF THAT GIRLS SHIP HIM WITH COMES IN TO SAVE HIM FROM YOUR RUDE TACO ANUS" Jaime nodded in anger. The 2 men were pouting and Jaime made a threatening look at Shane. Oh s h i t


It was finally lunch and Shane took his food to the loser table, he even invited Lisa to join them. Everyone was eating except Shane, he was looking for Joey and when joey came Shane cleared a seat for him "hey Joey" " hey Shane" they said, Joey began chewing his sandwich and asked "so how was your first day in (i did not think this shit through did i. uhm lets call it...... cocaine queer dildo suburbia highschool -C.Q.D.S- how about that lil shits) C.Q.D.S?". Shane replied, "Not good so far, Mr. Hitler tit's sent me to detention bc of the authors plot for this parody of fanfic" Joey patted Shanes back and said "don't worry Shane, i have t-" Shane got up to leave, "sorry Joey, i have to go bc of leaving readers wondering what will happen even though its fucking obvious" Joey said "oh yeah right...well later Shane" he waves and Shane waved back. leaving lunch even though those dumb fucks are supposed to be learning.


School ended and it was time for Shanes detention oh dear, Shane sat on the benches crying "what will i do about my dad" Shane thought. He will beat the shit out of Shane bc the fanfics are so abusive such sad many hurt wow. Shane dried his tears and went to the hell house called detention. Being alone with Jaime...He is FUCKED.




-lolsies first chapter huehuehue hoped you liked my shitty shit :3 okie NEXT CHAPTER AND IF YOU FOLLOW ME ON IG. Hi fgts go throw cactus bras at your enemies l8r 5eva go cut some sluts my internetopians and pige fuckers-

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