"A" is for Alpha (Act III) 🍋

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"Shh (F/N)...I told you I'd get rid of anyone that gets in the way of our relationship..."

A sickening feeling stirred, bubbling toxically  inside of your stomach. It felt as though all molecules of oxygen had been snatched abruptly out of the air, your breaths thinning and shallow. If witnessing the gory horror of your dear friend's fate wasn't enough, you were now in the clutches of he boy who gruesomely severed his head.

Axel let out a deep, malicious chuckle, his arms wrapping around you in a hugging motion, his vice-like grip sending small aches down your body. "Well? Do you like your present?" He repeated before turning your body around so you would face him, his gaze locked dead onto yours.

"I...I HATE IT!" You shriek, trying to pull yourself off of Axel's tall, toned body. "Y-YOU KILLED HIM...!" Your voice increased in volume as well as your sobs, tears spilling down your cheeks as if your eyes were miniature waterfalls.

Axel tilted his head to the side before clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth, glancing over at Aiden's severed head in disgust. "What a grotesque bastard..." He mumbled, "Don't you see that I did this for us? To make our relationship perfect? Absolutely perfect...and I expect nothing less..." He murmured crazily, caressing the sides of your face with his strong hands.

You didn't even want to question how Axel figured out where you lived, or how he had gotten into your house. You just wanted to get him out before you would become his next victim. Taking your chance while he was distracting himself with his little rant, you lunged for the phone on your kitchen counter, attempting to contact the police.

However, you couldn't even manage to graze the phone's surface with your fingers, let alone dial 9-1-1. Picking you up by your waist easily as if you were made of styrofoam, he lifted you up and slung you over his shoulder before heading towards the staircase.

"Bad move, (F/N). You don't want to call the cops. I could easily pin this murder on you if you refuse to cooperate. I mean, why would anyone believe that someone as perfect as me murdered someone in cold blood~?" Axel sang darkly as he slowly marched up the stairs towards your room.

"Y-You're crazy..." You stammer, heart beating anxiously. Through all the haze and thick fog that swirled in your mind, you realized in a clear revelation that your parents had to be coming home soon. Letting out a soft gasp, you begin to thrash and squirm around like a cockroach that had been flipped on its back. "L-Let go...Let me GO!" You holler in a serious, stone cold tone as your body refused to give up its fight.

Axel acted as though your abrupt mannerisms were nothing that he couldn't handle. Being the muscular, strong boy that he was, he had no trouble keeping his tight grip around your waist, ignoring the punches your fists wailed onto his back, as if they were tiny little pellets of hail. "Ah, you must have realized that your parents are coming home soon, yes? I found out their work schedule and memorized it." Axel spoke, voice etched with insanity. "Don't worry, I won't let them ruin the plans that I have in store for us tonight~"

As if on cue, the front door could be heard opening and closing downstairs along with the melodious tone of two adults ringing in the empty kitchen. "Honey, we're home~" They exclaimed excitedly, "Where are you, we brought dinner!" Your oh so sweet mother called out innocently. "What's this, a package...?"

You squeeze your eyes shut, trembling at the sound of your parents' loud screams. They must've found Aiden's head lying out in the open, blood seeping through the quickly decaying and damp cardboard package and staining the floor crimson. Tears poured from your eyes and dripped silently onto the hardware floor, your fingers clutching onto the back of Axel's shirt as if you were afraid of the world spinning and tossing you around like crushed up fruit in a blender.

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