(Y!MxM) "C" is for Cannibal (Act I)

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Okay y'all, as you could probably guess from the title, there will be gore in this short story. Lots' o gore. Gore gore and lemons galore!


P.S. Sorry it's taking me frickin forever to update, and I apologize if this chapter sucks. It's because I have a severe back injury, and the pain distracts me from writing, so if I make any mistakes or if there's anything I need to work on on this chapter, please let me know!!

Ok, enjoy the latest installment in the ABCs of Yandere series, "C" is for Cannibal~

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Cannibal: A person who eats the flesh of other human beings

Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt!

Cain's heavy eyelids fluttered open at the obnoxious tone of his alarm clock, the buzzing of the chunky plastic machine echoing inside of his ear canal like a mosquito on steroids. The seventeen year old boy released a soft grunt before gradually sitting up and sliding out of the average-sized bed, landing on his two feet before stretching his arms over his head, extending the rippling muscles that aligned his perfect athletic body.

The mildly exhausted boy glanced at the irritating alarm clock which was still emitting its horribly annoying monotone buzzing before slamming his large hand over the snooze button, the noise having crossed his thin line of patience.

"Shit..." Cain ran his fingers through his messy, coffee colored hair before trudging out of his bedroom. "I need to hurry, or else he'll leave without me." The pale-skinned boy mumbled incoherently to himself as he continued to occasionally stretch his tired muscles. After tilting his head to the side to crack his neck, the tall teen's gaze floated towards a certain window that was located beside his bedroom door. Peering through the glasses that was slightly foggy from the brisk Winter air, his heart began to beat swiftly once his eyes fell upon a surfacing figure in the house next to him.

There you were in all of your glory, getting ready for another mundane day working part time in retail at a clothing store nearby. You were currently in the midst of running around your room, rushing to get all of the articles of fabric on your body in under two minutes. "He must have overslept..." Cain mumbled underneath his breath, reaching up to touch his fingertips against the icy window, the cold feeling branching off to his fingers the longer they remained on the glass.

After you had briskly tugged on a neat, clean pair of light blue jeans and slipped on a white button down shirt, you had suddenly turned to face a mirror which was positioned next to your window that Cain was currently peering into. "Oh fuck..." The eerie boy chewed on his lower lip slowly as his eyes trailed down to look at your exposed torso, silently admiring how your pants hung a little too low on your waist without a belt, revealing the indented "V" line. Oh if only your pants fell a little lower than that....

Cain's breathing slowed into heavy, shallow pants as he continued to peep at you silently from behind his own window, biting his lip so hard to a point where it had begun to bleed a bit. He wanted you so terribly bad. He wanted to tangle his fingers through your soft (H/C) hair and stare deeply into your (E/C) eyes as he fucked you senseless....

You had recently made the bold decision of purchasing a condo directly beside Cain's after your final year in high school. The community found it unusual for such a young man to be interested in settling down in a new home while juggling the responsibilities of paying bills without any reliance on family members, however you had gained some respect from your peers as well as family and friends for having a newfound reputation as the mature high school grad who made the decision to live by himself.

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