"B" Is for Bully (Act II)

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"Sweet dreams my love~ I can't wait to be the first person you see when you wake up."

Your eyes shot wide open, a resurgence of anxiety as well as remnants of crushing pain on your windpipe caused you to cough uncontrollably. Your body squirmed and thrashed in self-defense, brain remembering the last memory you had before you blacked out being the red headed demon-like girl choking you unfathomably hard.

Once your conscious crash landed back into reality, you swiftly dart your head around to examine your surroundings. "Where am I...?" You mutter under your breath. You seemed to be in some sort of large, dimly-lit room. There were no windows, explaining the lack of light, as well as thick cement walls that seemed to be covered in a thick, soundproof fabric.

However the strangest part about the foreign space you were in was that there seemed to be an abundance of white bedsheets. They were all over the place, cloaking objects all over the musty area. Their appearance was quite ominous, the presence of the stark white fabrics making you incredibly hesitant as you silently wondered what was underneath. And...if you squinted hard enough...you could see splotches and splashes of blood staining these bedsheets, the sickly red color standing out amongst its white counterpart.

"Oh, you're awake already?" You snap your attention away from the covered objects towards an all too familiar voice. As you got up from the dusty floor of the spacious room you were in, soft, subtle clinking sounds could be heard following your movements. (E/C) eyes slowly trailing down to the source of the metallic noise, it was then you realized your ankle was bolted to a chain on the ground, your ankle constricted by a thick ring of stained silver metal.

Heart pounding against your ribcage as if it were a prisoner desperate to get out of jail, you crane your neck to the side in order to follow the source of echoing footsteps that had started to accompany the haunting voice.

Much to your petrified dismay, your (E/C) eyes stared directly into a pair of familiar blood red ones, followed by a high pitched giggle as Blair emerged from the shadows, holding her hands behind her back innocently.

"Hey, (F/N)...welcome to my humble abode~" The red headed girl twirled around, spreading her arms out wide in a grand gesture with her hiked uniform skirt fluttering behind her in an almost graceful manner. "Actually this is my basement, but...it's where you'll be living from now on so I guess you'll be calling this your humble abode~"

"Wh-What the hell?!" You exclaim in fear, mind spinning as the gravity of the situation slammed into you like a ton of bricks. "This...you're just harassing me...like you always do." Your face turns whiter than a sheet of paper, body trembling as if you were in the middle of negative zero degree weather. "A-And then once you've had your fun...you're going to let me go..." The more you tried to convince yourself that these words would be true, the less confident you felt about them. This was serious. She had done many things to humiliate you, but she has never taken you to her house before....

"Oh no, I'm not going to let you go. That would be like letting a mouse out of a trap. Like throwing a caught fish back into the sea after not eating for seven whole days." Blair chortled at her little analogies before bending down and lifting your chin up with two fingers. "I said I was going to keep you forever away from those filthy vermin that constantly surround themselves around you at school. They flock towards you like a damn moth to a flame. You're not a fucking magnet, STOP FUCKING ATTRACTING PEOPLE!" Blair roared, kicking an object beside her so hard that the poor defenseless thing flew directly into the rock hard pavement walls, shattering to bits.

You visibly flinch as Blair revealed her mentally unstable side, worrying that you would be the next thing she would punt to a wall instead of an inanimate object. "B-Blair please calm down, I'm sorry, I...I won't attract unwanted attention anymore--"

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