(Y!FxF) "B" Is for Bully (Act I)

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(IMPORTANT A/N): I have been really sick for the past few weeks which explains my slow updates. Also, please forgive the fact that this chapter is a tad bit messy and dysfunctional. I wrote this with a 101 degree fever >.< but I promise the content and plot will get better with the next two chapters! I will probably be making edits to this tomorrow to clean up this chapter a bit.

Also this story has another female reader POV, so this is a YURI

Nonetheless, please enjoy the first installment of the following yandere short story~

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Bully: A person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker

"(F/N)...come out come out wherever you are~"

The eerie voice echoed against your eardrums as it sang in a taunting melody, getting louder and louder as it reverberated noisily, rattling you intensely.

A sickeningly tight knot comprised of anxiety and fear twisted and pulled ruthlessly at your stomach, your heart pounding erratically as you desperately tried to steady your fast and ragged breathing. This feeling of dread was all too familiar to you. It was an emotion that had deeply rooted itself inside of you ever since you've experienced your first destructive encounter with the monster pursuing you.

"Someone help me..." You prayed silently, squeezing your eyes shut. You wince quietly at the cramped position your body was in, not daring to make any sudden audible noises. The perpetrator would definitely find you if you had made any.

Just a few minutes ago, you had squeezed yourself underneath a teacher's desk in an empty classroom. It was the quickest place you could think of hiding yourself that you could remotely call a "safe haven". Although your body was squeezed, cramped, and stuffed to a point where you felt like you couldn't breathe, you reminded yourself that comfort was not the objective. It was safety. You were currently on the run from Blair White, a classmate that was notorious for being especially cruel to the people she didn't like.

Oddly enough, it seemed that you, and only you were the one that Blair seemed to have a problem with. The red headed girl was actually considered to be quite the good samaritan, actively participating in charity events for cancer patients, raising money for the homeless, and even went so far as to adopt three puppies she rescued from a burning building. Some even considered Blair to be the kindest, most selfless girl to ever exist in the world.

Of course, those people who had made such claims hadn't witnessed all of the things she had done to you.

From physical violence to emotional abuse, this girl did it all. Once she had even dumped the contents of an entire trash can on you, stating that trash is what you were, and nothing more. She's threatened you, beaten you, called you names, and you've been forced to endure it for years and years.

What did you do to deserve such cruel punishments from a girl that feeds the homeless and visits nursing homes to read to the elderly every day? It took you a while to figure out a solid connection between the hundreds of punishments Blair had inflicted on (F/N) (L/N).

You affiliated yourself with other people.

Blair detested it. She despised your friends, your family, your acquaintances, all because they spoke with you. Looked at you. Touched you. Instead of targeting those unfortunate, innocent souls who would wave at you in the hallway, or those friends who had that enjoyed spending their time with you during lunch, she aimed all of her aggression on you in hopes it would never make you want to talk to anyone ever again. She tried to silence you, hoping that her excessive violence and aggression drew attention to her instead.

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