we meet forgiveness project

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Mackinze pov

We were all coming in the class room I sat down and jackson (boyfriend)sat down behind me.

Mr.anderson siad "all threw history contry go to war that's what we normaly study in here but today were gonna Talk about peace and forgiveness  and how we get there every once And a while i come up with a good idea".

Cameron siad "what could it posible be if i already thought of".mr.anderson siad "cameron i forgive you".

Cameron siad "what did i do".Bobby siad "i forgive you too".cameron siad "what did i do". Jackson siad "you know what you do".

Mr.anderson siad "i feel better that i forgiven you how do you feel".Cameron siad "am sorry for every time i hurt you what did i do".

Mr.anderson siad "ladies and Gentleman today were gonna begin the forgiveness project our history isnt just about what we've done how we Grow comes from the riepara of what we Done and how we forgive was down to us  ".

Romona siad "were in what do we do".Mr.anderson siad "everyone take out a piece of  paper so this isnt your Laptop or your cell phone you'er got unlimited characters  here as many words as you want them impact will last longer than siad secondes and I garentue it's never gonna disaper so pick up a pensar express your feelings this is one of the Most important things your ever gonna do your about to forgive someone ".

I siad "hey what dose this gotta do with history Anderson".He siad "it gives you a chance to Change it".

Lola and romona siad "like when i forgive auggie/max biting the face of barey the bear Bear /snow flake the Bear ".

He siad "that wasnt forgiveness romona and honey".they siad "why not".

Mr.anderson siad "becuase you two havent gottan Over it".romona and lola take out there bitten bear and siad "this is the first thing i see everyday".

Mr.anderson siad "so is there any one in your life you would like to forgive Change your history go".

They all began writing and I just sat there i have nobody exapt no I cant forgive him.

Mr.anderson looks at me and siad "mackinze no one in your life you wanna forgive".I siad "no".

Jackson siad "dont you thing now would be a good time".I look behind him.

Lola siad "you and your mom are in a good place".romona siad "your strong mackinze dont you wanna forgive him one day why not now".

I go and write on my piece of paper and Herd romona.

After i was Done i gave them both a paper.

They took it and read it at the Same time they siad "romona/lola butt out am serouis but your but out we forgive you".

Later (still at school)

We were coming out of mr.anderson class room.

Cameron siad "romona,mackinze,lola movie with me".romona siad "are you crazy".

I siad "never again " lola siad "she dies".romona siad "he blows up".lola siad "He's the killer".

I siad "nobody gets out of monkey town".romona and lola siad "are you crazy". I siad "hurt you".

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