Chapter 1

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Sangs Pov💗

"Sang get your stupid whore ass down here right now and bring our bags to the car!" my stepmothers screeching voice travels up through the empty house and into my now vacant bedroom. "Don't think we won't leave you behind if you don't hurry up!" follows shortly after.

I groan in frustration at her words as I finish packing my one small bag of items and make my way downstairs. If I don't hurry I know I am going to be punished but either way, it is inevitable to avoid her punishments.

Looking back one final time at the room that I once called a bedroom I gather my belongings and walk the distance down the hallway to the short staircase that once separated me and my sister's rooms. It should probably be weird walking through the now deserted house but over time I have gotten used to the emptiness that seems to be left behind every time we have moved to a new location. This has already been our second time moving this year and the fifth time altogether. It's nothing new so I don't particularly worry about it. The only good thing that ever seems to come from all the moving is not having to worry about leaving friends behind since I have never been allowed to have them in the first place.

When I reach the living room my stepmother and stepsister Marie are standing next to a pile of what must be at least a dozen or so bags.

"What took you so long bitch." stepmother says as she shuffles out the door and into the waiting car outside with a smirking Marie following behind hot on her heels.

I try picking up the first bag but my whole body screams in agony and I nearly drop it. The beating I received a few days ago for breaking a plate was a cruel one and I am certain that I am going to be feeling it for the next few weeks.

Biting my lip so I don't cry out, I pick up a third of the pile and begin taking the first load of bags out to the car. Someone should probably be helping me but I know I won't get it because I don't deserve any help. Not even my own father would want to help me. He was currently outside talking with the moving guy about where to bring the furniture since we had no use for it anymore. Apparently wherever we are moving the place is fully furnished and so dad is now selling our old furniture for extra cash.

"Not that we need it," I mumble under my breath as I am putting them first haul of bags into the trunk of the car and turn back towards the house to fetch the second.

There is one thing for certain and that is the fact that we have money. Dad is a businessman from some large company and I know with all certainty that he makes a ton of money because of it. Just by looking at my stepmother and Marie you can see that we are really well off, but it is not like I've ever had the privileges of knowing what it's like to be rich.

There is one big difference between Marie and me. I don't have the expensive car, nice cellphone, or the heaps of clothing that she always seems to be buying. And I most certainly don't have the loving mother. I'm just the invisible daughter who considers it lucky when she gets more than one meal a day. I am more an unwanted slave than I will ever be a daughter in this family.

In all honesty, there was never actually a point in my life where I could say that I had a mother that truly loved me for not even my own mother did. She committed suicide the moment after I was born because she didn't want me either. Sometimes I wish I were never born. It would have been a lot easier on everyone. My stepmother is right. I ruin lives.

Snapping back to reality, I stop my conscience from heading down the dark path that it was just on because there is no way to change my past. There doesn't seem to be a way to change my future either.

After the third load of bags is loaded into the car I hop into the back passenger seat. Marie is texting away on her phone and her mother is pretty much doing the same. I am praying that this trip does not take long because I don't know how long I can take of their hateful comments which I know are coming. I flinch when the driver side door opens to reveal my father. He gets in, starts the car, and then we are off to the airport and onto wherever it is we are going.

Marie must read my mind because she asks, "So...exactly where are we going?" and I am kind of grateful she asked because if I would have I would have either been ignored or punished for opening my mouth.

"Well, we are actually moving out of the country" my father answers her and I am completely shocked. Out of the country? Of course, this trip was going to take longer than I hoped it to be. I never expected us to be moving out of the country when I was told a few days ago that we would be moving but things never usually went as I expected.

"We are moving to England because of my promotion and we are going to live in a place they sold to us." I am still astonished while Marie is bubbling with excitement.

"We're moving to England? Please tell me it's a mansion? I bet it's a mansion!" Marie says excitedly.

"Actually it's a castle." my father replies with little to no emotion. I can't even remember the last time I heard the emotion in his voice. Wait, did he just say castle? As in a king and queens castle? After hearing the word castle Marie is practically now screaming.

"OH. MY. GOD! I am going to be living in a castle?! I always knew I was going to be a princess!" she is bouncing in her seat and its actually kind of funny watching her but the fear of what she would do to me if I laughed at her scares me enough to keep my mouth shut.

While all this is going on my stepmother remains quiet and sits silently looking at her phone. We have barely begun the journey and I am already bracing myself for what is assured to come. My body is rigid and tense and will probably stay this way until we reach our final destination and I am safely in my new room.

All I can think about as we make our way to the airport and onto our new house that will never be home is that this is going to be a long trip.

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