Chapter 10

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Unknown Pov

Deep within the forest, a dark figure silently prowls hunting for release. He is enraged to the point of madness as he stalks through the night searching for something, anything to take his anger out upon.

His night has not gone the way he planned. Everything had almost been ruined all due to one small slip up. He failed. He never fails and if it weren't for Hendricks putting that stupid idea in his head he wouldn't have been here in the first place. But he never backs down from a challenge.

Earlier that same day, Hendricks had come to him with an offer that was hard to refuse. If he could find and bring back proof of the beasts that are said to roam within the forest of the castle, he would grant him anything he desired.

"Anything?" He had asked cautiously waiting for there to be a catch to such a bold offer.

"Anything," Hendricks said while leaning forward to clasp his hands on his desk. "Anything..... just as long as you find and bring me what I want."

"But what if there is nothing to find? He started thinking he was going to be sent on a wild goose chase. "How do you even know that those things exist? They're just a kingdom myth!" He had never personally believed in any of that shit, but he had heard many stories from people around town. Whatever the fuck those things were, they sure have scared many people.

Looking back at Hendricks, he hadn't seemed the least bit frightened by those so-called monsters. His face remained calm and there were no signs of distress or panic that shone in his eyes. He was completely blank.

Leaning back in his chair, Hendricks said to him with a smirk, "If you don't want to do it, I can always find someone better for the job. You know you're not the only hunter around here and I'm sure of some others who would be more than willing to do it."

After that comment, he had to stop himself from getting up and punching the older man. Everyone around here knew he was the best and there was no hunter out there that could possibly be better than him. Hendricks smirk only intensified when he saw how he had hit home.

"When would you want me to do it?" He gritted out.

"Tonight. And the people who just moved there shouldn't be a problem so you shouldn't get caught." Hendricks stood from his seat and reached a hand out to complete the deal. " So...are you willing?"

He also had stood along with the man, fists clenched at his sides and teeth grinding. "I think you already know the answer to that," were his last words he spoke before he shook his hand and stomped out the door.

Now, many hours later as he angrily marches through the woods having no clue as to where he intends to go, his fury steadily increases. He should have known this was a set up for failure. For hours, he had been walking through the forest but he still had not encountered any of the "beasts" that he was to find. At least, not the ones he was looking for.

"Blasted animals!" He whispers shouts angrily to himself. Those stupid oversized puppies had prevented him from completing his mission and claiming his reward. He still can't comprehend how they smelled him so quickly. He had worn a special scent that would make him undetectable to any creature in the forest but somehow they had sniffed him out and had alerted nearly every other creature there of his presence.

Thinking back to the wolves he had come across, something did seem very off about them. They looked bigger than normal and seemed almost too smart for animals.

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