Chapter 28

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Third POV

Its been a week since the incident, a week from coming in and out from the hospital, a week since they found out that she fell into a coma, a whole week without hearing her voice.

Everyone was relieved that she was brought back from the dead but that quickly vanished when she fell into a coma.

Jaiden wouldn't move from his mother side, he would sleep next to her and sing to her. He hoped that she'll wake up and help him finish the song but that didn't happened. He would cry on her chest telling her to wake up and that he loves her.

Austin was a wreck, apologizing for what he said and that he didn't mean it. He for sure regrets everything that he put her through and promised her and god to never hurt her and love her for the rest of his life.

Jake was stressed with the gang and Nicole. He would visit her everyday and talk to her telling her how much he means to her, how much he loves her, tell her about their childhood memories and cry for her to wake up.

Everyone did the same.


A beeping sound was heard, I groaned at the annoying beeping making my headache worst. I opened my eyes but instantly regret it from the bright light in the room.

I looked around the room to see that I was in a hospital, I had a breathing tube up my nose helping me breath

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I looked around the room to see that I was in a hospital, I had a breathing tube up my nose helping me breath. I put my hand over my head at the banging headache I have.

How long was I out for?

I was alone in the room, there was no one around to ask for something for this fucking headache. I turned my head to the door that was opening and came in a nurse, she was busy reading something from the clipboard to notice me awake.

I waited until she's finished and once she did her eyes widen before opening the door and yelling "She's awake"

I groaned holding my head, I heard footsteps running in the room. I looked up to see a man in a white coat, the doctor "How are you feeling Nicole?" He asked smiling

I was gonna answer but my throat burned "here" he said handing me a water bottle

I took a big gulp of the cold water going down my throat, I sighed in satisfaction. I never been this grateful for water.

"Better" the doctor asked, I nodded "I have a really bad headache" I said he nodded handing me two pills, I drank them with the rest of the water

"Do you remember anything?" He asked I shook my head

He nodded doing all these examinations with my eyes, feeling my head, asking me what was my name, etc.

"You've been out for a week" he said, I nodded to confused to say anything "You had a concussion and lost a lot of blood, you flat lined but luckily we saved you and your baby. Everything is okay" he smiled making me look at him confused "Baby?" I asked looking more confused

The door opened and the same nurse came in with a cart with food. I mentally cringed.

"You're four weeks pregnant, congratulations" he smiled before getting up from his stool

The only thing running through me head was 'I'm pregnant?!'

"Did you tell anyone else besides me?" I asked nervously "We didn't want to tell that information to anyone with out your word to tell" he said

"Can you not tell anyone?" I asked shyly "Sure, get some rest you need it" he said stepping out and shutting the door, I ate some of the food before covering it, I drank the orange juice and water before laying back down.

I slowly put my hand on my stomach and started rubbing it, I smiled looking out the window thinking about the little person inside me.

Slowly was drifting off to sleep with the thought of Noah, Jaiden and my new baby.

The sound of someone singing woke me up, peeked my eye opened to see Jaiden laying next to me playing with my hair.

He was singing 'We don't talk anymore' By Charlie Puth Featuring Selena Gomez, he's been obsessed with the song when it first came out and would always ask me to play it on my phone.

He huffed frustrated for forgetting the next line which was Selena's verse, I smiled and started singing it to him with my eyes still close

"Mommy?" He said softly, I felt him sitting up and putting his small hands on my cheeks

I slowly opened my eyes and saw only him in the room "Hi bebe" I smiled "Mommy!" He yelled wrapping his arms around neck "I missed you" he said kissing my lips "I missed you more" I said before attacking him with kisses

He was giggling so loud that we didn't hear the door open, we heard something crash to the floor causing us to stop and at the direction it came from, I saw Austin looking at us shocked "N-Nicole" he stuttered before rushing to me and pulling me into a hug

I just awkwardly sat there waiting for him to let go "Sorry" he said awkwardly pulling away "yea, do you know where's my phone?" I asked looking anywhere but at him

"Jaiden was using it and it died" I playfully glared at Jaiden causing him to giggle and cuddle to my stomach, my two babies. I smiled running my hand through his hair.

"You can use mine" Austin said handing me his phone, I mumbled a small thanks. He sat down on a couch by the window with his eyes on me

I quickly dialed the first number that popped in my head "What do you want? I'm outside with the girls" Ava answered with a bitchy attitude

"Well hello to you too" I chuckled, it was quiet from the other line "hello?" I said pulling away the phone to check if she hanged up "Ava" I sang

The door to the room was pushed opened and 6 heaving girls came in "You guys should really hit the gym" I smiled watching their eyes widen

They all stared at me with tears in their eyes "Are you just gonna stand there?" I asked confused

Ava was the first one to bring me into a hug "I missed you" she sobbed on my shoulder, tears were welling up my eyes looking at girls

They all came joined the hug making sure not to squeeze Jaiden who has fallen asleep on my stomach

We were all crying to busy to notice that Austin has left the room, closing the door "I'm so glad that you're okay" Val said wiping tears away

"We're okay" I smiled giving them a hint "We?" Ava asked confused along with all the other girls, I put a hand on my stomach

They all looked at my hand for a minute before their eyes widen when they realized what I was hinting

"I'm 4 weeks pregnant" I smiled


Leaving this chapter with a happy ending but don't think the drama is over yet


Broken Hearted Girl And Her Heartbreaker - Austin MahoneWhere stories live. Discover now