Chapter 4- The Question

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Matty's POV:


That annoying sound of the alarm; I despise it. Telling me it is another day that I would see his face and remembering what happened yesterday.

I lazily get off the bed and trudge to the restroom. Seriously, at the stage I'm at, I feel like the fucking Grudge or that girl from The Ring. Just dragging their lifeless body to kill people.

After my shower, I grab a white long sleeve shirt and high waisted light denim shorts with black sandals. I quickly change; I only have 20 minutes before Dan comes to pick me up. I get my curling iron and messily curl my hair.

"Maddy! Hurry Dan's here!" my mother yells.

"I'm going!" I say, walking down the stairs quickly,

I kiss my mom goodbye and say goodbye to Señora Isabel.

Dan lowers his black sunglasses to the tip of his nose, "Where's Maddy?" he playfully asks.

"Oh shut up Dan," I smile.

"I'm just kidding, Maddy. You look really nice," he smiles.

Dan and I have a close relationship. We can play around and goof off. But he's been more like an older brother to me that wish I had. Since we're so close, many mistaken us as a couple, but that won't happen. I don't want our friendship to become weird afterwards.

When Dan parks his car, I see Nathan get out of his car; a black BMW. Dan and I walk out of the car, as usual he puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk to our usual spot.

When he is doing that, I feel someone's stare burn through my skin. I slowly turn my head and see Mr. Sykes, staring at me and Dan with a slight frown. I just ignore it and start talking with my friends. Then the first bell rings, I'm still trying to remember where calculus is; I suddenly bump into someone.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry," I say.

"No it's fine," someone with a Bolton accent says.

I look up to see to see the person. It was a guy, he has brown hair and dark chocolate eyes. He gives me a genuine smile.

"Sorry. I'm new to town. The name's Tom," he says.

"Maddy," I smile, "so what class do you have first?"

"I think calculus?" he states, which almost sounds like a question.

"Well lucky you. I have that class as well."

"Really?" he smiles.

"Yea, well let's get going before the second bell rings," I say.

He nods.

As I touch the doorknob the second bell rings.

"Shit," Tom mumbles.

"Hey don't worry. It's the second day of school. He'll probably let us slide," I smile.

"Okay," he returns a smile.

I soon open the door and Mr. Sykes is staring at me and Tom.

"You're late Newman," he smirks, not noticing Tom next to me.

"Yea, I know. Mr. Obvious."

"Pass?" he asks.

"We don't have one," I say.

"Well I'll let this one slide, but next time I won't," he says.

Then he starts the class, Tom is sitting next to me and every five minutes, he will tell me a joke. I will laugh, sometimes it comes out loud, but its never my intention.

"Am I interrupting something Newman and..." he checks the class roster, "Parker."

"No sir," Tom says.

"Yes," Mr. Sykes looks at me, "maybe you should loosen up a bit, oh and try not wear suits. They make you seem old."

He groans and ignores my statement. By lunchtime, if things couldn't get any weirder, Dan takes me out of the circle of our friends.

"What's wrong Dan?" I ask.

"Nothing's wrong, it's just, something weird happened after calculus," he says.

"What happened?"

"Well Mr. Sykes told me to stay for a bit, that's why I was late to meet you guys, and then he asked me a question, that I didn't know how to answer."

"What was the question?" I ask.

"How are you and Maddy?" he says.

I look at him weird.

"Don't stare at me like that," he says.

"And what did you tell him?"

"I told him good, I guess," he shrugs, "What else was I suppose to do?"

"That's odd. Why would he ask you about us?" I ask.

"How am I suppose to know? But the even weirder part is, he looked a bit upset on how I answered it."

"Oh," I say.

"Maddy," he holds my hand, "What happened yesterday at your piano practice?"


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