18. Dress Shopping

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A few days passed by. Harry, as always, took me on our regular dates. But I've been seeing him getting more nervous every time I come around him. I don't know why though. Have you ever gotten that feeling where you think they are hiding something from you? That's me at the current moment.

Two days ago, he took me to the restaurant again. Like the last time, the setting was similar but it felt a bit more romantic? Oh, and it was for dinner that he took me out for. The songs he sang to me also felt like a bit more emotional. Like I've said before, ever get that feeling?

Right now, I'm just with Alia in the garden. She's been sort of on edge ever since Prince Niall came. I ship it. I ship them.

"So when are you gonna go find a dress for the ball?" She asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts. Hmm, I haven't even thought about a dress until now.

"I don't really know. Can't I just wear one that I already have? It's not like I'm gonna get engaged." I say, chuckling at the end. It'd be funny if it actually happened.

"But you got to! I don't know about you, but the fashion at the ball is very special. A small heads up, they usually hold a small contest on which girl has the best dress of the night. Wouldn't want to miss that chance." She informs me while winking. The girliness in her. No wonder her and Niall are so compatible, hehe.

"Well, how about we go into town to look? There's bound to be something there." Especially at the shop Harry took me.

"Fine. But if you don't find something, you'll wear one of mine. No buts."

"Alright, alright. Calm down miss I don't wanna go shopping."

"I do want to go! Just not at this time. I'm tired."

"You always get tired now. Come on, you and me are going now."

Without thinking, I grab her by her wrist and start walking. She pretty much gave up and let me sort of drag her out of the castle. A few complaints, but I ignored them. She's coming with me. After all, she wants me to get a dress.

Once her and I are outside, I let go of her wrist, in which she rubs. Hehe, guess I slightly hurt her wrist. Oh well.

We start walking to the town and stopoing by a lot of shops. There were some that were eye catching, but not really my type. From purple, to orange, to yellow, to black. Call it a rainbow of dresses. But none caught my eye.

We just walked out of what seemed 20th store in town when I hear Alia complain. Again.

"I'm hungry Diana. Can't we at least get a snack? We've been from store to store for several hours now. And I need my food. You know how I am."

"Calm down. Fine then, we'll get a quick snack. But we're going to more shops afterwards." I agree and she smiles brightly. Other than Niall, she loves food the most.

So Alia and I made our way to a small bakery that was nearby. Upon entering, she rushes to the counter, eyeing every pastry there is on display. While she's trying to decide what she wants, I just get myself a cup of waterane took a seat. I drank it quicker than I thought. Guess I was thirsty. But at least by this time, Alia got what she wanted and sat across from me. Her and me just stay there in silence, as she eats her pastry.

Once she finishes. We head outside the bakery.

"What shop have we have not gone to yet?" I ask her. Because in reality, I don't really know how many shops are in the kingdom.

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