Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine – Sky Dropping:

Harrys Point of View:

‘HARRY STOP IT NOW!’ Louis yelled, causing me to slip ‘FUCK’ I yelled as I found hitting my head on the corner of the window and falling back into the room. ‘HARRY’ Louis yelled, as he ran over to me, I was on my back, my head pounding as I bought my hand to my head it was pulsing with blood. ‘Ow Fuck Louis’ I snapped at him, and sat up, my body tingled as I was over whelmed with a wave of nausea and had to lye back down. Louis shh’d me and started to phone for an ambulance, by this time I heard footsteps in the flat. I was embarrassed, and in a lot of pain. I wasn’t going to kill myself, god no – just in a sleepy and drugged state I wanted fresh air, Louis had just shocked me that’s all. I turned my head away from the door, Hannah appeared and chatted to Louis about hospital and things, Louis said I would be fine, I was just grumpy and that he had it under control. Hannah sighed and turned to face me, my head was now bandaged and I was washing my hands;

 ‘Harry what the fuck do you think you were doing?’ Hannah said coming to give me a hug, holding me tight into a hug, but my mind was blank – what was I supposed to say to her. ‘I-I-I-..’ I muttered, ‘Leave it Hannah’ a stern voice said from behind the door, Blue was standing on the other side of the room, arms folded and her eyes red and puffy. I stared at her an overwhelming sadness sweeping over me, she wiped the tears off her cheeks, and beckoned to Hannah to come to her, Hannah obediently kissed my cheek, and then Louis and walked over to her. I hadn’t even noticed Blue was in the flat, the fact she hadn’t come and seen me hurt, a lot.  ‘See you tomorrow, you talk to him Louis’ – Hannah said sternly, but smiling at me, before blowing a kiss to Louis and walking out. I sat my back to Louis staring at the wall. Louis wasn’t happy – I could tell that, he was staring at my back; I knew a disapproving look would be on his face right now.  ‘What the fuck were you doing Harry?’ Louis voice, serious and less shaky now – ‘I wasn’t going to jump, I needed some air. You made me jump and I slipped.’ I replied, Louis sighed, and stood up, shutting my window, and pulling me up. ‘Don’t alright? – I know things look bad, but they will get better, trust me.’ I shrugged, and as I turned away I saw Louis wipe a tear from his eye; ‘I thought I was going to lose you Curly..’ He said, his voice quavering – I hugged him back tight, ‘I love you bro’ I whispered – I didn’t mean to hurt Louis.

Blues Point of View:

I sat back down on my bed, my body shaking, Hannah was exhausted and scared she had fallen asleep almost instantly.  I was sat here – replaying the image in my head, Harry dangling from the building, never had my heart beat faster, and my body shake – I Loved Harry, of course I cared what happened to him. Only, I was angry at him – for trying to kill himself, the reasons unknown, but why hadn’t he told someone, me or Louis – then I remembered id asked him to leave me alone. Surely that wasn’t the reason he had tried to kill himself? I shook that thought off, and slid into bed, in the darkness, all I could see was Harry pale face looking at me with sadness.

*5days later*

It was now the 10th of December, snow was a permanent feature on the streets of London as the weather continued to get colder, so did my heart. I was defiantly stronger, perhaps now ready to talk to Harry; I was going too soon, I had too – before Christmas I needed to tell him, I loved him.

 I pulled myself up from the sofa, and once again checked my make up in the mirror – ‘here goes’ Hannah said, as she opened the door and I walked out, I was going to see Harry now. She smiled and wished me good luck – it had been her idea anyway to talk to Harry and now I was going to actually do it. I trudged out across the road towards Harrys flat, Louis was at work, and now was the perfect time to talk to him, I smiled as he buzzed me in. ‘Hey Harry’ I said, giving him a hug, I thought it would be awkward but it wasn’t. yet. I moved away from him, his scent stinging my nostrils as I screamed in my head at how beautiful he was looking.  Harry’s eyes were blank, almost expressionless as he sat down on the sofa; I sat opposite him, and took a deep breath. ‘Harry I want to tell you something.. .’ I said, Harry look at me and smiled, ‘I want to tell you something first Blue’ Harry said, he rubbed his hands together and bit his lip; ‘go on then.. .’ I muttered, I was never going to be able to tell him. ‘I’m going on a date with Daisy Miller tonight.’ he said, his gaze averted from mine... ‘Oh.’ Was all I could manage, my throat was closing up – it felt dry and I felt hot and clammy. ‘I’m happy for you.’ I said bluntly and stood up, he look confused, ‘where are you going?’ he said, raising his eye brows, ‘I have to go.’ I spat at him, before running out of his flat and pounding down the stairs.  Hot tears ran down my face as I burst onto the street – I couldn’t face going home right now, he’d moved on THAT quickly? And with Daisy, she was my friend; I knew she didn’t know about me and Harry – but still… I felt the sobs shake my body as I ran down towards the tube; I needed to get out of here. I saw Sanne sitting on the bench outside the pub, and she beckoned me over – Sanne stood up, and showed off her big boobs, ‘Hi’ I said, sniffing. She smiled and looked at her nails; ‘I had sex with Harry two nights ago, man he is good’ she said, she flicked her hair and walked off, her bum swinging and her heels slapping the pavement. Had I really just heard that, she was such a bitch? It took a while to sink in and I just stood there, tears spilling out of my eyes as it hit me that Harry had really moved on in less than a week. I stood up, and walked with my head down in the direction of the tube.

‘Whooaaah’ a deep voice said as I crashed into something, I looked up – a tall nutty/blonde haired man was standing there, his eye brows raised and hands up. ‘You alright?’ he asked, I nodded and apologised for knocking into him. ‘Do you need a coffee miss?’ he asked again a genuine look of apologetic and sadness on his face. The fact that this stranger cared caused me to burst into even more tears, I wiped my nose and nodded, a coffee sounded perfect.  I sat down, the red leather seat of the café squeaked as the mystery man sat down, ‘I’m Liam, Liam Payne’ he said as he placed a mug of steaming coffee in front of me.  

After a few hours, I had vented all about mine and Harrys mixed up relationship – from when we were 16 to now, him going out with the beautiful Daisy, and then being hit with the Sanne bombshell. Liam said he knew Daisy, he thought she was beautiful; her eyes were amazing he added that he also knew Sanne and although he had been with her – it was a one night stand and she wasn’t anything to be remembered. This made me feel a little better, and deciding not talk about it anymore, I got to know Liam. The next thing I knew, Liam suggested I go on holiday with him and Niall – he suggested I bring Hannah, and we just go away for a week – 10days and come back in time for Louis party, and the lead up to Christmas. Though I only met the guy, Liam was easy to get on with; he listened and gave me advice about Harry. He knew I would never not love him, but getting away for a few days would help he seemed to think, I was more

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