Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten – Ibiza:

Blues Point of View:

I had booked a flight to Ibiza two days after I met Liam, Hannah was coming, Louis was going to stay, and keep an eye on Harry. Fair enough I thought, as I rammed the last bikini and bottle of cream into my bag. It was early in the morning, the smell of coffee was lingering in the air, and Hannah was running around sleepily, filling her bags, we were leaving in an hour.  I ran through the check list in my head, checking I had everything I needed; I did, and looked at the clock, we had at least three quarters of an hour before the taxi came, so I stripped my bed – new sheets would be nice when I came home. I threw them into the washer, and made up my bed again, it looked so inviting right now, I was exhausted and it was like seven in the morning; but I went into the kitchen to avoid temptation. Hannah had done the same, and left a note for Louis to put the sheets in the tumble dryer when he came to get the books he had left here. Hannah was wearing a denim skirt and trench boots; I was in a hoodie and leggings, standard travel style for both of us. After what seemed like forever the taxi turned up, It was a big one – a dark jeep like the car Harry had – but bigger. I smiled at the driver and then at Liam in the passenger seat, he got out, introduced himself to Hannah and then helped us into the car.

We arrived in Ibiza just as it was getting dark, we went up to our room which we were sharing, Liam had been invited to stay in his friend’s house Andy, Andy wasn’t actually here – he was in L.A working, so we had his maids to help us around and cook for us, this was going to be luxury. Hannah and I had unpacked out bags and I was now lying on the bed giggling.

‘Oh My God Blue, have you seen the amount of hats this guy has?’ Hannah said gasping as she stood and opened the cupboard.

‘Wow.’ I muttered, Andy had a cupboard for his hats, a few all baseball dance hats, with different colours and patterns. I tried one on, and Hannah snapped a few photos giggling she put one on too, and we posed for a photo.

*knock knock*

We both jumped out of our skins and laughed, ‘come in..’ Hannah said putting the hats back, Liam walked in holding two cocktails.

One drink now and we will go out on the town in about an hour? How about it girls?’ Liam suggested raising his eye brows, we nodded and I sipped the cool liquid.

It stung my throat but I gulped it back quickly, I knew when I saw other men, with brown hair I would be reminded of Harry – and the more alcohol I could down would be better. Harry was still fresh in my mind his face, his smell, his eyes – I hadn’t had much time to think about him lately because I had been busy organising the trip. Now I was here, however I thought about him, tears pricked my eyes and I fought them back. Liam left us to get ready, and I rummaged in my bag for a dress, I picked out a tight white dress – Hannah pulled out a pink one. I busied myself putting make up on and choosing shoes, a constant image of Harry grinning at me was permanents in my mind.

Harrys Point of View:

I slid the razor gently over my stubbed cheeks, a smooth line where I had shaved visible as I pulled away. Satisfying I thought, and continued with the rest.  I washed my face, and dabbed some aftershave on, I looked at my reflection. I was the same Harry, but inside an emotional wreck. My feelings were scattered, and my heart broken, nothing anyone could say made me feel better – that’s why I was taking this into my own hands. I buttoned up my black shirt, and slid my blazer on top – I was almost ready for my date with Daisy. Blue had jetted off with Hannah and Liam (who worked at the bakery) to Ibiza, not that I minded, I just was as hell jealous of Liam spending time with Blue in a bikini drunk in Ibiza, when I knew that could have been me, had I sorted things out sooner. I brushed my hand through my hair, and felt the small cut on my head; it was heeling nicely but still very much there.  I took a swig of the brandy sitting on the side, cleared my throat and headed out to meet Daisy.

I was meeting Daisy at a club in Soho, a short drive there made my nerves perk up again – I was used to taking girls out on a date, but I was afraid I would hurt Daisy and mess her around, as much as I didn’t want too – I knew with my fucked up feelings, anything was possible.

Daisy’s Point of View:

I leant back against the bar grinned, Harry dark and mysterious wandered over to me, he had a sad air around him – nothing a couple of drinks wouldn’t cure, I thought. I slid my arms around his neck, and gave him a hello hug, ‘Hii’ I breathed and stepped back, my heels making me just a little bit smaller than Harry not much though. I was wearing a tight black dress, so tight I wasn’t wearing underwear – this might come in handy later I thought as I bit my lip and sipped my drink quietly as Harry ordered his. I liked Harry a lot, though Hannah had informed me of his and Blues past, had I known I wouldn’t have gone out with him, but seeing as I didn’t, I just didn’t want to miss the opportunity to go out with Harry Styles. Harry was by far the most intriguing man id been out with, his dark curls framing his face, screaming to be touched, his piercing green eyes, sparkling with excitement as he laughed and smiled, the dimples that I longed to kiss defined his cheeks. Harry was gorgeous and one hell of a man. I ran my hand down the cool surface of the bar, leaning a little closer to Harry, and his head almost touching mine as I laid my hand – softly on his thigh. He pursed his lips, and grinned, I leant in, our foreheads touched, then noses, then lips – a tingle escaped my body, as he pulled me closer, our lips pushed together, our tongues flicking against each other like there was a need to be together, although I could tell Harry’s heart wasn’t in it – clearly his mind somewhere else, I was too attracted to him and drunk to stop willingly. I moved my hand to the back of his neck, it was hot – and I pulled him in closer, my breath on his cheek as he kissed my neck. I moved away, and my stomach flipped, I was nervous, and feeling incredibly guilty, I knew Blue would find out about this, and I was so drunk I could blame it on that, Harry looked at me, his eyes dull and dark. I reached for my drink, and threw it down my neck, the sharp tangy liquid flooding my body as I bit hard on the lemon wedge. Harry stood up, and pulled me in to him, our bodies grinding to the pounding music, there was no need to speak just dance. I soon found Harrys lips, and his hands caressed my back, turning me on even more, I couldn’t help it – I pulled at his shirt, and then he winked and led me outside. Once outside we headed for his car, it was around the corner of a street – no one else was on it, and we were the only car for a few hundred feet. Harry pushed me onto the back seat, hitching my dress up, he climbed on top of me, his dick hard against my leg, Harrys kisses were hard, and forceful, his hands not taking the time to be gently, just roughly feeling me up.  I started to undo his shirt, kissing his chest, stroking his back, and fiddling with his little curl on the back of his head.

‘Stop Daisy..’ Harry said through a groan, he shook his head, and moved off me. I sat up, and pulled my dress down;

‘Sorry Harry, I thought.. .’ I muttered embarrassed and humiliated, I fixed my dress and hair, and climbed out the car, swinging on my heels as I did so.

‘I know what you thought, and I can’t do it, sorry sweetheart, ill drive you home though’ he said, half smiling, I knew this would happen, just thought it would have been after that’s all, I unwillingly climbed into the car – I had no other choice, id got a taxi here.

The car ride was awkward as hell, no one spoke, apart from the odd, see you soon, or I had a great time that we had both muttered. I climbed out the car, and fiddled with my keys.

Night’ he said, and kissed me on the cheek, I waved him off, and climbed the stairs, my feet heavy, and my eyes stinging with the tears I hadn’t been able to shed before when Harry had rejected me.

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